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Numerous studies on Western cultures have suggested a strong linkage between authenticity and mental health. However, little is known about whether such an association can be generalized to Eastern cultures. This study aimed to conduct a cross-cultural comparison on the association between three dimensions of authenticity (authentic living, self-alienation, and accepting external influence) and two factors of mental health (negative and positive) across Western and Eastern cultures. Measurement invariance tests were carried out and multigroup structural regression models developed on two college samples from the US (n = 392) and China (n = 281). Results suggested that the associations between authenticity and the negative factor of mental health were consistent across cultures, where both self-alienation and accepting external influence were positively associated with anxiety. However, the associations between authenticity and the positive factor of mental health were different in the US and Chinese samples. Specifically, both authentic living and accepting external influence were significantly associated with life satisfaction in the US sample but not in the Chinese sample. Findings stress that having a nondistorted perception of the true self is critically related to lower levels of anxiety across cultures and highlighted the need to identify culture-specific promotive factors for life satisfaction.  相似文献   
Emergent research identifies cultural tightness-looseness as an important factor for understanding cross-national outcome differences during the coronavirus pandemic. Because perceived tightness-looseness can be measured as an individual-level difference rather than a nation-level difference, and because tightness-looseness may shift during large-scale crises, we investigated whether such shifts occurred early in the coronavirus pandemic in both China (a relatively tight nation, n = 3642) and the U.S. (a relatively loose nation, n = 3583) across three cohorts. Tightness increased across cohorts in China and reduced across cohorts in the U.S. These changes transmitted corresponding indirect effects whereby compliance and institutional trust (scientific and government) about the pandemic were increased in China across cohorts, but decreased in the U.S. across cohorts. These patterns extend advice that national governments can increase compliance and trust via “tightening” by cautioning against norm-setters signaling the reverse (that norms about compliance are loose) given the outcomes observed in the U.S. samples.  相似文献   
不确定性问题解决策略研究及存在的问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对不确定性问题解决及认知策略方面颇有代表性的研究的回顾、分析了该领域的研究特点、现状及存在的问题。  相似文献   
飞行错觉是复杂气象飞行中每个飞行员都可能发生的一种心理生理现象。据我们观察,在飞行员发生的飞行错觉中,93%是一过性的,反应轻微;7%是严重的,反复发生,且难以克服,影响操作,伴有不适症状,甚至可能导致严重飞行事故。因此,开展严重飞行错觉医务鉴定的研究,对保证飞行安全具有实际意义。  相似文献   
文殊菩萨作为大乘佛教中最重要的菩萨之一,在石窟造像中不同时期有不同的变化,特别是北朝和隋唐两个时期变化很大。通过对北朝至隋唐的石窟造像中文殊菩萨式样变化的梳理,概括文殊菩萨形象的不同式样及其产生和演变过程。  相似文献   
研究采用问卷法,以安徽、天津的培训机构中的401名在职员工为研究对象,以组织支持感作为中介变量,以积极心理资本作为调节变量,从资源保存理论的视角探讨了职场排斥对员工建言行为的影响。研究结果表明:(1)职场排斥对员工的建言行为具有负向预测作用,职场排斥水平越高,其建言行为水平越低。(2)组织支持感在职场排斥与建言行为之间起中介作用,职场排斥通过组织支持感影响员工的建言行为。(3)组织支持感的中介作用受到积极心理资本的调节,积极心理资本会增强组织支持感的中介作用。  相似文献   
养育倦怠指的是由于父母角色和长期的养育压力而导致的一组负性症状,具体包括与父母角色相关的极度耗竭感、与子女的情感疏远和父母角色的低效能感。学者们采用风险-资源平衡模型来对养育倦怠进行解释,并围绕其测量、前因变量和后果变量开展了一系列的研究。未来的研究应当重点关注以下问题:澄清养育倦怠的概念内涵,发展科学的测量与评价工具;重视养育倦怠与后果变量之间的关系及其作用机制;充分关注文化因素在养育倦怠研究中的地位和作用。  相似文献   
员工在通勤时间里减少身心压力, 将身体和心理资源恢复到正常状态的活动称为“通勤恢复活动”。通勤恢复活动可能跨领域对人们的工作激情产生动态影响。通过日记研究法和潜在剖面分析法, 从短期和长期研究通勤恢复活动对工作激情的动态影响、内在机制和边界条件, 拟解决3个关键问题:第一, 通勤恢复活动如何影响员工的和谐型工作激情和强迫型工作激情及其内在机制是什么?第二, 不同自我调节模式的员工在通勤恢复活动影响工作激情的机制上如何发挥调节效应?第三, 通勤恢复活动各维度组合的不同剖面对工作激情有怎么样的影响?对这些问题的深入探讨, 不仅弥补通勤研究和恢复研究中被忽视却又十分重要的研究缺陷, 而且对人们开展通勤恢复活动提升通勤恢复活动以激发员工的工作激情, 同样有很强的现实意义。  相似文献   
韵律边界加工与言语理解紧密相关, 最近十几年来逐渐成为心理学和语言学的研究焦点。韵律系统包含若干由小到大的韵律单位, 不同单位的韵律成分其边界强度不同, 表现在音高、延宕和停顿三个声学线索上的参数也不同。句子的听力理解过程中, 听话人运用声学线索感知权重策略对韵律边界的声学线索进行加工。从神经层面上来看, 对于韵律边界的加工, 大脑显示出独立且特异性的神经机制。韵律边界的加工能力在婴儿出生后随年龄的增长而发展, 到了老年阶段则逐渐退化, 而且似乎能够对二语迁移。未来, 需要扩大对韵律边界声学表现的考查范围, 进一步明确韵律边界的加工过程, 进一步厘清韵律边界加工和句法加工之间的关系, 进一步关注二语者韵律边界加工能力的发展。  相似文献   
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