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Economics, pressure for accountability and changing student needs are forcing counseling centers to evaluate their services and methods of delivery. This article illustrates how a developmental, proactive, outreach approach can be an alternative to the traditional medical model.  相似文献   
In this century both the literature and social programs devoted to adolescent pregnancy have focused almost exclusively on the female. This article presents a profile of teenage fathers by reviewing the scant literature that is available. The authors make specific recommendations for counselors on the basis of this review.  相似文献   
This paper illustrates a content-oriented procedure for personnel selection in a small business setting. The procedure focuses directly on criterion performance, inasmuch as it generates lists of tasks relevant to specific job objectives. Rank order correlations provide quantitative indices of agreement between members of the job analysis panel as to the relative importance of the job objectives. The importance of appropriate representation on the job analysis panel is emphasized.  相似文献   
Stand-up so closely resembles—and is meant to resemble—the styles and expectations of everyday speech that the idea of technique and technical mastery we typically associate with art is almost rendered invisible. Technique and technical mastery is as much about the understanding and development of audiences as collaborators as it is the generation of material. Doing so requires encountering audiences in places that by custom or design encourage ludic and vernacular talk—social spaces and third spaces such as bars, coffee houses, and clubs. Cultivating uncultivated speech and cultivating real audiences in found settings form the background of developing the stand-up comedian, neither of which lend themselves to the conservatory tradition we think of when we think of the development of artists. This article addresses two areas of the overall question of stand-up as art, starting with the ontological question of stand-up comedy: if it is an art where is it located, and what we may mean by “artworks” and “artworld” in stand-up comedy? Then I consider whether stand-up comedy as practiced can be reconciled with several recent definitions for art and note some of the special conditions and contexts for stand-up.  相似文献   
Empirical and biographical evidence reveals that the highly creative are more likely to experience mental health problems; most commonly depression and particularly within artistic fields. Cognitive theories of creative thinking suggest that artistic creativity may be associated with a divergent style of thinking, which is distinguished by specific differences with respect to logical appraisal skills. As similar patterns of appraisal are frequently found in those experiencing depression, it is suggested that appraisal may be a mediating feature between creativity and affect. This hypothesis is tested in the present study. Creativity, cognitive appraisal patterns and mood were measured in 104 undergraduate students (N = 36 art and 68 science) by standardised assessments. In keeping with predictions, art students were found to be more creative, experienced lower mood, and displayed greater degrees of distortion and bias in their appraisals.  相似文献   
This study examines the openings of British general-practice medical consultations. The authors use conversation analysis to analyze how doctors' and patients' practices of gaze and body orientation organize interaction such that doctors routinely initiate the sequence wherein patients disclose their chief complaint. Gaze and body orientation communicate levels of engagement with and disengagement from courses of action. As doctors and patients accomplish regular tasks preparatory to dealing with patients'chief complaints, doctors use gaze and body orientation to communicate that they are preparing but are not yet ready to deal with those compkints. In response, patients wait for their doctors to solicit their chief complaint. These findings have implications for research on nonverbal communication, interactional asymmetry, and power.  相似文献   
Work in the field of multiple criteria analysis has generally focused on evaluation procedures, taking as its starting point a well-defined problem with specified alternatives and criteria. However, in reality, problems are rarely so well-structured; hence, in order to usefully support decision making in practice, multiple criteria analysts need to address the issue of problem structuring. In this respect, much can be learned from the body of work stemming from operational research and systems in the U.K., known collectively as problem-structuring methods. In this paper we describe a study which sought to integrate one of these approaches, SODA (strategic options development and analysis), using the COPE software for cognitive mapping, with multiple criteria evaluation based on a multi-attribute value function using V·I·S·A. The study took the form of a 2 day action research workshop to explore the strategic direction of the Supplies and Commercial Services Department of a large U.K. NHS Hospital Trust and to develop an action plan consistent with the agreed direction. Even though the workshop was intended to be exploratory, from the point of view of both the facilitators and the participants, it enabled the group to make progress towards the definition of a strategic direction and led to an increased understanding and awareness of the issues. Drawing on this experience, we comment in general on the potential benefits arising from the integration of these two approaches and suggest fruitful areas for future research and development of the software tools and associated methodologies. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Multi-Crit. Decis. Anal. 6 : 115–130 (1997) No. of Figures: 9. No. of Tables: 0. No. of References: 37.  相似文献   
Within the strategic human resource management (SHRM) perspective, psychology‐based practices, especially empowerment, extensive training, and teamwork, are seen as vital to sustained competitive advantage. Other approaches, such as those of integrated manufacturing and lean production, place greater emphasis on operational initiatives such as total quality management, just‐in‐time, advanced manufacturing technology, and supply‐chain partnering as determinants of organizational performance. We investigated the relative merits of these practices through a study of the productivity of 308 companies over 22 years, during which time they implemented some or all of these 7 practices. Consistent with SHRM theory we found performance benefits from empowerment and extensive training, with the adoption of teamwork serving to enhance both. In contrast, none of the operational practices were directly related to productivity nor did they interact with other practices in ways fully consistent with the notions of integrated manufacturing or lean production.  相似文献   
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