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手持大镰刃收获庄稼的农妇,昂然挺立,充满豪气,代表了法国人民的崇高和坚强。这幅画体现了画家的艺术主张:歌颂劳苦大众,既表现他们的高傲与尊严,又让人们看到他们内心的纯净美。  相似文献   
圣神降临了,圣教会从此开始了! 今年的圣神降临节是我一生中最难忘的一天,因为在它的前夕,我已把自己奉献于主并与主亲密地结合在一起了。这一天,圣神向袍的婢女播下了爱的种子,抛来了爱的绳索,我毫不犹豫地拾起丁这条绳索的一端,跟祂而去。但是我惊异地发现这爱的绳索并不是坚不可摧的,它是纤小的、细长的,前面的道路还长着呢,而且铺满了荆棘。想到这里,不免使我惶恐不安,战战兢兢……圣神啊!求祢用祢的圣爱把我紧紧地拴住吧!叫我永不离开祢,永远做祢的伴  相似文献   
阳光下休息的女孩沉浸在蒙眬的睡梦中.体态妩媚.脸孔秀丽.画面色彩豪华甜美.给人一种满足感.糅合世俗的欲望与诗的梦想.使整幅画充满独特的生命力与鲜活的气氛。  相似文献   
今年(指1955年——译者)我国和许多其他国家的科学团体都在庆祝米丘林的百年诞辰。米丘林的名字在自然科学史上和现代科学中占据着一个显著的地位——它同达尔文、巴斯德、季米里亚捷夫、巴甫洛夫等伟大的名字站在同一行列中。米丘林之所以赢得了这个荣誉的地位,首先由于他在科学发展中创立了一个独立的时代,他是最出色的学者之一。米丘林,一个为自然科学中的唯物主义路线而积极作斗争的战士,一生都在无情地揭露着唯心主义和形而上学在科学中的各种歪曲。米丘林从理论上深刻地概括了为他本人所积累的大量的实验材料,从而确定了植  相似文献   
从古代人开始著书描写人类生育(那怕是稍微涉及一点儿细节)之时起,人们总是不可避免地犯下这样或那样的错误。中世纪时期,其实晚近一些时候也一样,围绕着生育问题存在着许多神话传说和迷信思想。论  相似文献   
即便你不是一位天才,但只要认真探悉天才大师们的超常创造性思维策略并巧妙嫁接于已,你就极有可能大大激活自身创造性潜能而扬起你未来人生成功的希望风帆。人们可能对那些天才大师们是如何去进行创造性思维的具体过程颇感神秘,对悠悠历史长河中大师级巨匠爱因斯坦、爱迪生、达·芬奇、达尔文、毕加索、米开朗琪罗、伽利略、弗洛伊德、莫扎特等人的创造性思维策略都各有何不同特点、“蒙娜·丽莎”名画和“相对论”理论的创造大师们在思维运用上有何共性点、及我们可从中思悟学会些什么迫切希望得知一二,那就不妨看看一些专门研究这一课…  相似文献   
The Australian study investigated condom-specific assertiveness and condom use as a means of prevention infection from sexually transmitted diseases. 211 men participated including 83 homosexual men (aged 19-62 years) and 128 heterosexual men (aged 17-49) who completed a questionnaire that comprised demographic details such as age, monogamy, and sexual activity as well as attitudinal and assertiveness measures. General assertiveness was measured by the Rathus Assertiveness Schedule (RAS) which had been widely used across a wide range of social situations. Assertiveness relating specifically to situations involving condoms was measured by the Condom Assertiveness Scale (CAS). Intention to use condoms was positively related to favorable attitudes, which were related to condom-specific assertiveness for both groups. For the heterosexual men only, general social assertiveness was negatively related to attitudes toward condoms. For both groups, the condom-specific measure of assertiveness was positively correlated with attitudes toward condoms. Condom-specific assertiveness was positively related to general social assertiveness as measured by the Rathus Assertiveness Schedule for the homosexual, but not for the heterosexual men. The negative relationship between general assertiveness and attitude to condoms among the heterosexual men implies that the risk reducing behavior of condom use did not seem to accord with the perceptions of masculinity and social assertiveness among heterosexual men. Thus, female partners of such heterosexual men exhibiting negative attitudes toward condom use combined with assertiveness would have to overcome resistance to insist on the use of condoms. Recently some advertising campaigns have been directed at women. The promotion of condom use among heterosexual men has to deal with the perceptions of condom use as unmasculine behavior.  相似文献   
工作负载的测量和评定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期处于应激状态而又适应不良者可导致疾病。人类经常遇到的心理、社会性应激源除了生活事件以外,长期工作负载过重也是其中之一。本文通过对24名在监护病房工作的护士的工作负载的测量介绍了在西方国家常用的工作负载的测量和评定方法。  相似文献   
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