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Perception of global pitch motion was studied through psychoacoustic experiments with random chord sequences. Chords contained either six or eight (fixed) tone elements, being sinusoidal, sawtooth-like, or Shepard tones, which were either on or off according to a probability controlled by the experimenter. Sequences of 2, 4, 5, or 8 chords were used. Identification by subjects of the perceived direction of overall pitch motion (up or down) was found to be well accounted for by a model in which the ultimate pitch motion percept is given by a sum of contributions from selected element transitions--that is, transitions between adjoining tone elements in successive time frames only. In its simplest form, this dipole contribution model has only one free parameter, the perceptual noise for an element transition, which was estimated for various acoustic tone representations and chord arrangements. Results of two experiments, which were carried out independently in two different laboratories, are reported.  相似文献   
What is the meaning of saying that random variables {X(1), em leader, X(n)} (such as aptitude scores or hypothetical response time components), not necessarily stochastically independent, are selectively influenced respectively by subsets {Gamma(1), em leader, Gamma(n)} of a factor set Phi upon which the joint distribution of {X(1), em leader, X(n)} is known to depend? One possible meaning of this statement, termed conditionally selective influence, is completely characterized in Dzhafarov (1999, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 43, 123-157). The present paper focuses on another meaning, termed unconditionally selective influence. It occurs when two requirements are met. First, for i=1, em leader, n, the factor subset Gamma(i) is the set of all factors that effectively change the marginal distribution of X(i). Second, if {X(1), em leader, X(n)} are transformed so that all marginal distributions become the same (e.g., standard uniform or standard normal), the transformed variables are representable as well-behaved functions of the corresponding factor subsets {Gamma(1), em leader, Gamma(n)} and of some common set of sources of randomness whose distribution does not depend on any factors. Under the constraint that the factor subsets {Gamma(1), em leader, Gamma(n)} are disjoint, this paper establishes the necessary and sufficient structure of the joint distribution of {X(1), em leader, X(n)} under which they are unconditionally selectively influenced by {Gamma(1), em leader, Gamma(n)}. The unconditionally selective influence has two desirable properties, uniqueness and nestedness: {X(1), em leader, X(n)} cannot be influenced selectively by more than one partition {Gamma(1), em leader, Gamma(n)} of the factor set Phi, and the components of any subvector of {X(1), em leader, X(n)} are selectively influenced by the components of the corresponding subpartition of {Gamma(1), em leader, Gamma(n)}. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.  相似文献   
Consider two sets of objects, {alpha(1), em leader, alpha(n)} and {beta(1), em leader, beta(m), such as n subjects solving m tasks, or n stimuli presented first and m stimuli presented second in a pairwise comparison experiment. Let any pair (alpha(i), beta(j)) be associated with a real number a(ij), interpreted as the degree of dominance of alpha(i) over beta(j) (e.g., the probability of alpha(i) relating in a certain way to beta(j)). Intuitively, the problem addressed in this paper is how to conjointly, in a "naturally" coordinated fashion, characterize the alpha-objects and beta-objects in terms of their overall tendency to dominate or be dominated. The gist of the solution is as follows. Let A denote the nxm matrix of a(ij) values, and let there be a class of monotonic transformations straight phi with nonnegative codomains. For a given straight phi, a complementary matrix B is defined so that straight phi(a(ij))+straight phi(b(ij))=const, and one computes vectors D(alpha) and D(beta) (the dominance values for alpha-objects and beta-objects) by solving the equations straight phi(A) straight phi(D(beta))/Sigma;straight phi(D(beta))=straight phi(D(alpha)) and straight phi(B(T)) straight phi(D(alpha))/Sigmastraight phi(D(alpha))=straight phi(D(beta)), where (T) is transposition, Sigma is the sum of elements, and straight phi applies elementwise. One also computes vectors S(alpha) and S(beta) (the subdominance values for alpha-objects and beta-objects) by solving the equations straight phi(B) straight phi(S(beta))/Sigmastraight phi(S(beta))=straight phi(S(alpha)) and straight phi(A(T)) straight phi(S(alpha))/Sigmastraight phi(S(alpha))=straight phi(S(beta)). The relationship between S-vectors and D-vectors is complex: intuitively, D(alpha) characterizes the tendency of an alpha-object to dominate beta-objects with large dominance values, whereas S(alpha) characterizes the tendency of an alpha-objects to fail to dominate beta-objects with large subdominance values. For classes containing more than one straight phi-transformation, one can choose an optimal straight phi as the one maximizing some measure of discrimination between individual elements of vectors straight phi(D(alpha)), straight phi(D(beta)), straight phi(S(alpha)), and straight phi(S(beta)), such as the product or minimum of these vectors' variances. The proposed analysis of dominance matrices has only superficial similarities with the classical dual scaling (Nishisato, 1980). Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   
Given a set endowed with pairwise dissimilarities, the Dissimilarity Cumulation procedure computes the (quasi)distance between any two elements of the set as the infimum of the sums of dissimilarities across all finite chains of elements connecting the two elements. For finite sets, this procedure is known to be equivalent to recursive corrections for violations of the triangle inequality in any sequence of ordered triads of points which contains every triad a sufficient number of times. This paper extends this equivalence to infinite set.  相似文献   
Stimuli presented pairwise for same-different judgments belong to two distinct observation areas (different time intervals and/or locations). To reflect this fact the underlying assumptions of multidimensional Fechnerian scaling (MDFS) have to be modified, the most important modification being the inclusion of the requirement that the discrimination probability functions possess regular minima. This means that the probability with which a fixed stimulus in one observation area (a reference) is discriminated from stimuli belonging to another observation area reaches its minimum when the two stimuli are identical (following, if necessary, an appropriate transformation of the stimulus measurements in one of the two observation areas). The remaining modifications of the underlying assumptions are rather straightforward, their main outcome being that each of the two observation areas has its own Fechnerian metric induced by a metric function obtained in accordance with the regular variation version of MDFS. It turns out that the regular minimality requirement, when combined with the empirical fact of nonconstant self-similarity (which means that the minimum level of the discrimination probability function for a fixed reference stimulus is generally different for different reference stimuli), imposes rigid constraints on the interdependence between discrimination probabilities and metric functions within each of the observation areas and on the interdependence between Fechnerian metrics and metric functions belonging to different observation areas. In particular, it turns out that the psychometric order of the stimulus space cannot exceed 1.  相似文献   
This paper continues the development of the Dissimilarity Cumulation theory and its main psychological application, Universal Fechnerian Scaling [Dzhafarov, E.N and Colonius, H. (2007). Dissimilarity Cumulation theory and subjective metrics. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 51, 290-304]. In arc-connected spaces the notion of a chain length (the sum of the dissimilarities between the chain’s successive elements) can be used to define the notion of a path length, as the limit inferior of the lengths of chains converging to the path in some well-defined sense. The class of converging chains is broader than that of converging inscribed chains. Most of the fundamental results of the metric-based path length theory (additivity, lower semicontinuity, etc.) turn out to hold in the general dissimilarity-based path length theory. This shows that the triangle inequality and symmetry are not essential for these results, provided one goes beyond the traditional scheme of approximating paths by inscribed chains. We introduce the notion of a space with intermediate points which generalizes (and specializes to when the dissimilarity is a metric) the notion of a convex space in the sense of Menger. A space is with intermediate points if for any distinct there is a different point such that (where D is dissimilarity). In such spaces the metric G induced by D is intrinsic: coincides with the infimum of lengths of all arcs connecting to In Universal Fechnerian Scaling D stands for either of the two canonical psychometric increments and (ψ denoting discrimination probability). The choice between the two makes no difference for the notions of arc-connectedness, convergence of chains and paths, intermediate points, and other notions of the Dissimilarity Cumulation theory.  相似文献   
Fechnerian scaling is a theory of how a certain (Fechnerian) metric can be computed in a continuous stimulus space of arbitrary dimensionality from the shapes of psychometric (discrimination probability) functions taken in small vicinities of stimuli at which these functions reach their minima. This theory is rigorously derived in this paper from three assumptions about psychometric functions: (1) that they are continuous and have single minima around which they increase in all directions; (2) that any two stimulus differences from these minimum points that correspond to equal rises in discrimination probabilities are comeasurable in the small (i.e., asymptotically proportional), with a continuous coefficient of proportionality; and (3) that oppositely directed stimulus differences from a minimum point that correspond to equal rises in discrimination probabilities are equal in the small. A Fechnerian metric derived from these assumptions is an internal (or generalized Finsler) metric whose indicatrices are asymptotically similar to the horizontal cross-sections of the psychometric functions made just above their minima. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.  相似文献   
We present a new mathematical notion, dissimilarity function, and based on it, a radical extension of Fechnerian Scaling, a theory dealing with the computation of subjective distances from pairwise discrimination probabilities. The new theory is applicable to all possible stimulus spaces subject to the following two assumptions: (A) that discrimination probabilities satisfy the Regular Minimality law and (B) that the canonical psychometric increments of the first and second kind are dissimilarity functions. A dissimilarity function Dab for pairs of stimuli in a canonical representation is defined by the following properties: (1) ab?Dab>0; (2) Daa=0; (3) If and , then ; and (4) for any sequence {anXnbn}nN, where Xn is a chain of stimuli, DanXnbn→0?Danbn→0. The expression DaXb refers to the dissimilarity value cumulated along successive links of the chain aXb. The subjective (Fechnerian) distance between a and b is defined as the infimum of DaXb+DbYa across all possible chains X and Y inserted between a and b.  相似文献   
Given a set of several inputs into a system (e.g., independent variables characterizing stimuli) and a set of several stochastically non-independent outputs (e.g., random variables describing different aspects of responses), how can one determine, for each of the outputs, which of the inputs it is influenced by? The problem has applications ranging from modeling pairwise comparisons to reconstructing mental processing architectures to conjoint testing. A necessary and sufficient condition for a given pattern of selective influences is provided by the Joint Distribution Criterion, according to which the problem of “what influences what” is equivalent to that of the existence of a joint distribution for a certain set of random variables. For inputs and outputs with finite sets of values this criterion translates into a test of consistency of a certain system of linear equations and inequalities (Linear Feasibility Test) which can be performed by means of linear programming. While new in the behavioral context, both this test and the Joint Distribution Criterion on which it is based have been previously proposed in quantum physics, in dealing with generalizations of Bell inequalities for the quantum entanglement problem. The parallels between this problem and that of selective influences in behavioral sciences are established by observing that noncommuting measurements in quantum physics are mutually exclusive and can therefore be treated as different levels of one and the same factor.  相似文献   
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