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Zusammenfassung Der Text zentriert sich um das Wiederaufleben des Narzissmus im psychoanalytischen Regressionsprozess, in dem sich der Analysand geborgen und vollst?ndig fühlt und ein „Zuhause sein“ erlebt. Diese Erlebensmatrixentstammt einer „pr?natalen Koen?sthesie“ (Grunberger), die wir aber wegen der darin enthaltenen biologischen Abh?ngigkeit zu verleugnen suchen. Im Wiederfinden dieses Erlebensimanalytischen Prozess etabliert sich eine monadische Beziehung, in der als gleichsam „extrojizierter Uterus“ (Grunberger) eine Wiedergutmachung und Vervollst?ndigung herbeigeführt werden kann. Der Analysand sucht den glückseligen Zustand in der Projektion dieser Vollst?ndigkeit auf den Analytiker best?tigt zu erleben und zu bewahren; die Annahme dieser Projektion l?sst Hoffnung und Vertrauen in das Selbstgefühl in ihm wachsen. Dieser regressiv-narzisstische Zustand kann mit einer übertragungsliebe verwechselt werden. Eine übertragungsdeutung, die auf der Getrenntheit des Analysanden vom Analytiker besteht, durchbricht den zu bewahrenden Reizschutz und wird als feindlich-verfolgend sowie kr?nkend erlebt. Damit aber wird die Projektion des Ichideals auf den Analytiker als Repr?sentanz der Hoffnung und die sich gleichsam „hinter dem Rücken des Analysanden“ herstellende Beziehung angegriffen, in der das Objekt sich schrittweise entwickelt und der übertragungsneurose Tür und Tor ?ffnet. Denn in der Monade, so Grunberger, wartet bereits das (Trieb-)Objekt. Es ist also diese narzisstische Regression, die die Triebkraft der Analyse darstellt, aus der der Analysand Kraft und Hoffnung sch?pft, die schmerzliche Analyse durchzuhalten und eine narzisstische Wiederherstellung seiner ersten (Trieb-)Objekte zu erleben.
“His Majesty the Baby” (S. Freud)—The psychoanalytic treatment in the field of tension between narcissism and the transference neurosis
Abstract The text centers on the reactivation of narcissismin the psychoanalytic process of regression in which the analysand feels safe and complete and experiences a state of “being at home”. This experiential matrix derives from a “prenatal coenaesthesia” (Grunberger) which we attempt to deny, however, because of the implicit biological dependence. A monadic relationship gets established as a consequence of the recovery of this experience within the analytic relationship in which—almost like an “extrojected womb“ (Grunberger)–reparationand completion can be achieved. In the projection of this completeness into the analyst, the analysand seeks to find confirmation of this blissful state and its preservation, and the acceptance of this projection generates hope and trust in the self-feeling. This regressive-narcissistic state can be mistaken for transference love. Atransference interpretation which insists on the separatedness of the analysand from the analyst breaks through the stimulus barrier—which has to be preserved—and will be experienced as hostile-persecutory and hurtful. In this way, the projection of the ego-ideal into the analyst as the representative of hope and the relationship which, as it were, develops “behind the back of the analysand” will get attacked, a relationship in which the object develops step by step and opens the door for the transference neurosis because, as Grunberger points out, within the monad the (drive-)object is already waiting. Thus it is this narcissistic regression which constitutes the driving force of the analysis and from which the analysand gathers strength and hope to endure the painful analysis and to experience a narcissistic restoration of his first (drive-)objects.
The relocation of my practice caused a lot of irritation and trouble, but triggered also psychic improvements in the analytic process with my patients, which is interpreted by referring to the theories of M. Balint and B. Grunberger. It is helpful to focus here on a narcissism concept which is not under instinctual control and to distinguish it from the transference rooted in drive theory. Especially useful proves to be the statement of both M. Balint and B. Grunberger that it is necessary to acknowledge and to affirm the wish of the analysand to establish and experience a pre-objectal “primary love” resp. an analytic monad. In case studies I try to show that the acceptance and affirmation of the projection of not drive-controlled narcissistic omnipotence feelings to the analyst are apt to secure and to preserve the narcissism of the analysand. Only this way can idealization and a stabilizing ego ideal initiate the integration of narcissistic exigencies and instinctual drives and organize the establishment of the reality principle.  相似文献   
这太可怕了,某人既是鹰又是普罗米修斯:集两者于一身,某人既撕裂自己又被人撕裂。——毕加索这不是偶然碰巧的,十九世纪声称在普罗米修斯身上多面地辨认出自己,但它以一种怪诞(grotesque)的变形来终结这个神话。安德雷·纪德(AndréGide)的《没有缚牢的普罗米修斯》(Prometheus misbound)于1899年凭空出世。借助一  相似文献   
The paper attempts to explore the choreography of this text which is central to psychoanalytic thinking and clinical practice. Especially the “Fort-da”-game of his grandson Ernst, in addition to the observation of traumatized people, lead Freud to question the assumptions of drive theory. How can the intrapsychic repetition of trauma and the pain of separation, in essence the repetition compulsion, be compatible with the pleasure principle? Freud’s considerations lead him to the assumption that there is a form of psychic functioning which pre-dates the pleasure principle, is independent from it and seems to have developed even prior to the intention of gaining pleasure and avoiding unpleasure — a state of “beyond the pleasure principle”. Thus the question arises how this can be compatible with drive theory which is centered around the pleasure principle. What is the meaning of Freud’s words when he speaks about a time which pre-dates the pleasure principle and where the difference between wish and wish fulfilment and (drive)conflicts, which characterize our life, do not yet exist? Freud’s reconsideration and correction of drive theory and the introduction of the death drive seem to us an epistemological circle in his reasoning and the assumption of the death drive to be unnecessary. The introduction of the death drive seems rather to have arisen from an inner conflict between drive theory and a narcissism which is not drive-determined and which is reflected in the repetition compulsion. It seems that Freud is not aware of or does not explicitly mention the perspective of a non-drive-determinated narcissism, although we find such a point of view in other Freudian texts. Bela Grunberger’s theory of narcissism enables one to reread this text with a new perspective which has important consequences for psychoanalytic practice. For example, the question as to what it is that enables the patient to get through the painful process of psychoanalysis appears in a new light. In addition we gain new insight and a re-evaluation concerning the meaning and use of a transference interpretation. A clinical case attempts to illustrate this perspective.  相似文献   
Two experiments provide evidence for a newly discovered influence tactic termed the expert snare. In the expert snare, alter—the target of influence—is cast into the role of “expert.” In that role, alter attempts to maintain status by putting on the trappings of expertise, avoiding embarrassing disclosures, and accepting absurd proposals deemed necessary to uphold the role. Surfers, Frisbee players, and recreational dancers were altercast as experts in their respective domains. Relative to controls, such “experts” were more likely to support absurd proposals within their domain of expertise such as requiring surfboard bellies to be painted yellow with purple polka dots and students to take an orientation course on the non-existent activities of Tanzimat Frisbee and root dancing.  相似文献   
Value-oriented instructional programs, such as anti-racism, may often face societal barriers. A case in point are peace education programs in conflictual contexts. Close analysis of peace education programs in regions of conflict and tension suggest that they face formidable barriers that would appear to prevent the attainment of their goals of mutual legitimization, changed attitudes and empathy. However, positive research findings suggest otherwise. A possible solution of this contradiction is the distinction between strongly held and not easily changeable attitudes and beliefs, called “convictions” (Abelson, American Psychologist 43: 267–275 1988) and more regular attitudes. Possibly, the barriers facing peace education may pertain to convictions while the positive impact of peace education may pertain to less strongly held attitudes and beliefs. The present study examined the possible differential changes in more or less central beliefs when Israeli Jewish and Israeli Palestinian youth participated in a year long, school-based peace education program. This study also examined the durability of the program’s effects on the 956 adolescent study participants divided into program and no-program controls. Findings showed that such a peace education program can effectively influence adolescents’ more peripheral beliefs but not the core beliefs that stand in the center of the groups’ collective narratives. However, peripheral beliefs that are more easily affected can as easily change back, apparently by the context of adverse social and political forces.  相似文献   
Abstract— Can the superiority of some countries and groups at certain activities be explained solely by the relative sizes of the participating populations? We focus on the expected highest achievement, max, as a function of the participating group's size For several relevant statistical distributions, max can be shown to be approximately log-linear in sample size, with a slope of about 0 7 SD units We use this relation (max is log-linear ∼0 7 MILL7) to examine differences in performance in chess by men and women and by different countries The expected differences under MILL7 are very close to the observed differences We also examine the implications of MILL7 for the interpretation of other group differences and discuss its limitations  相似文献   
The history of the Jewish community during the early years of Moroccan independence is a story of continuous and constant worries regarding an unclear future—as well as fears of possible impending disaster. During this period, the Jewish community was forced to deal with several critical questions, the answers to which would ultimately determine the future of Moroccan Jewry, as well as the future of individual Jews in the community. While the struggle for independence had been waged without much involvement on the part of the Jewish community, the removal of the yoke of colonialism presented each Moroccan Jew with various options, and the choice to be made between them was a fateful one—whether to seek personal and communal success within a democratic progressive country or to escape from the country out of fear of a possible disaster.  相似文献   
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