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The free classification of two-dimensional analyzable and unanalyzable stimuli was investigated. Analyzable stimuli consist of dimensions which are distinct and phenomenally separable (e.g., colored geometric forms); unanalyzable stimuli consist of two dimensions which are not distinct, not phenomenally separable, and which are probably perceived as a unitary dimension (e.g., Munsell colors). In the first experiment, Ss judged the similarity between each stimulus pair for both types of stimuli. The results replicated previous work in showing that the city-block metric was appropriate for the analyzable stimuli and that the euclidean metric was appropriate for unanalyzable stimuli. In the second experiment, Ss classified sets of analyzable and unanalyzable stimuli into two or three groups in any way they wished. For analyzable stimuli, classification was based on the dimensional structure-stimuli which alter the dimensional structure by defining another dimension change classification. For unanalyzable stimuli, classification was based on the similarity structure-stimuli which alter the similarity structure change classification.  相似文献   
An experiment on similarity judgment was conducted in order to investigate how man processes information when a pair of configurations are presented for Ss to compare. Linear cyclic configurations made of binary symbols were used. Thirty-two Ss rated similarity of configuration pairs characterized by inter-configurational structures of several types. Our transformation model predicted that two configurations which could be made identical by two or more basic transformations would be judged more similar than those which could be made identical by only one basic transformation. The latter configurations in turn would be judged more similar than those which could be made identical only by successive application of more than one different basic transformation. Two configurations which could not be transformed would be the least similar. These predictions were supported by our experimental results. Therefore, we conclude that the transformational structure between the given pair of configurations should be the very important and effective determinant for their similarity. We also suggest that similarity cognition is a dynamic cognitive process involving cognitive transformations of given configurations.  相似文献   
The present study was conducted to examine the relationship between expertise in movement correction and rate of movement reprogramming within limited time periods, and to clarify the specific cognitive processes regarding superior reprogramming ability in experts. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded in baseball experts (n=7) and novices (n=7) while they completed a predictive task. The task was to manually press a button to coincide with the arrival of a moving target. The target moved at a constant velocity, and its velocity was suddenly decreased in some trials. Under changed velocity conditions, the baseball experts showed significantly smaller timing errors and a higher rate of timing reprogramming than the novices. Moreover, ERPs in baseball experts revealed faster central negative deflection and augmented frontal positive deflection at 200ms (N200) and 300ms (Pd300) after target deceleration, respectively. Following this, peak latency of the next positive component in the central region (P300b) was delayed. The negative deflection at 200ms, augmented frontal positive deflection, and late positive deflection at 300ms have been interpreted as reflecting stimulus detection, motor inhibition, and stimulus-response translation processes. Taken together, these findings suggest that the experts have developed movement reprogramming to avoid anticipation cost, and this is characterized by quick detection of target velocity change, stronger inhibition of the planned, incorrect response, and update of the stimulus-response relationship in the changed environment.  相似文献   
The present study investigated whether verbal aggression, argument approach, argument avoidance or assertiveness had any effect on how participants in three countries responded to criticism. Consistent with the first hypothesis, men were significantly more aggressive, assertive, less avoidant, and approached argument more than women. However, men did not respond more assertively to criticism. As predicted in the second hypothesis, US Americans responded more assertively to criticism than did Japanese and Chinese. The third hypothesis predicted that verbal aggression, argument approach, argument avoidance and assertiveness would be associated with a more assertive response to criticism. The data obtained were only partially consistent with the third hypothesis. While only a small number of participants in this study indicated that they would respond to criticism with silence, US Americans used silence to mean anger while for Chinese silence showed personal embarrassment. Very few Japanese selected silence as an option for responding to a neighbor's criticism. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   
The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effects of stimulus characteristics and numerical properties of sets of stimuli on classification. Sets contained12 stimuli which were all identical, had different categories defined by color, or had different categories defined by attributes of color and size. Number of categories and numerical distribution of stimuli in categories were varied. For each set S made a free classification and several restricted classifications in which the number of classes was specified. The results show: Sets of identical stimuli are classified into equal sized groups. Categorically defined stimuli are classified by category insofar as possible, but the tendency to numerical balance affects classificlltions with unbalanced numerical distributions or when the task restriction is incompatible with category classification. Stimuli defined by attributes are classified so as to maintain the attribute structure, although both category classification and numerical balance tendencies are evident with unbalanced numerical distributions and incompatible classification restrictions.  相似文献   
Indications of earlier research are that individuals exhibiting a consistent hand preference are better coordinated on selected motor tasks than peers with inconsistent hand preference. The present study examined eye-hand coordination via inter- and intramodal matching behavior by handedness groups for 55 5- and 6-yr.-olds using the Pinboard Test. Analysis indicated the Consistent group scored better, leading to the speculation that children with consistent laterality may possess an advantage in interhemispheric communication, especially when the task requires coordination of both limbs.  相似文献   
While some previous researchers have found that guilt encourages prosocial behaviour towards a victim at the expense of other people, others have found the opposite, that is, people allocate resources at the expense of themselves. The present research used a hypothetical scenario method to determine which of these patterns would be replicated in the collectivistic context of Japanese society. In addition, we separated the cause of feelings of guilt into having caused harm and being at fault, and examined in more detail the effect of guilt on prosocial behaviour. Our results show that, in line with the second set of previous researchers, participants who were induced to feel guilt for having caused harm were more likely to allocate their resources to their victim at the expense of themselves than were individuals in the no‐harm condition. This suggests that differences in social context influence the effect of guilt on prosocial behaviour in different ways.  相似文献   
We investigated whether feelings of guilt, which signal crises in interpersonal relationships (Baumeister, Stillwell, & Heatherton, 1994), are differently evoked by two types of individual differences in social rejection: rejection detection capability (Kawamoto, Nittono, & Ura, 2015) and rejection sensitivity (Downey & Feldman, 1996). Using the hypothetical scenario method, we found that in situations with a potential risk of being rejected as a consequence of causing another person harm (i.e., harm‐present condition), participants with higher rejection detection capability felt more guilt and engaged in more compensatory behavior towards the victims. In addition, guilt mediated the relationship between rejection detection capability and compensatory behavior. Conversely, in situations with no potential risk of being rejected (i.e., harm‐absent condition), participants with higher rejection sensitivity felt more guilt but did not engage in much compensatory behavior. These results suggest that individual differences in social rejection foster different responses to specific threats.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of four individual factors (shyness, self‐esteem, social skills, and defensive pessimism) on the formation of friendships among undergraduate students. Freshmen (N = 93) completed a questionnaire assessing their shyness, self‐esteem, social skills, and level of defensive pessimism. Then, they answered questions about interpersonal indices (number of friends, satisfaction with friendships, their willingness to continue relationships, and their feelings of interpersonal friction). After 3 months, they completed a questionnaire about their anxiety state and behavior when talking with the people they had met since university admission. Moreover, they discussed the interpersonal indices they used in a pre‐questionnaire. Path analysis indicated that shyness directly leads to having fewer friends, whereas social skills lead to having more friends through extroversive behavior. Moreover, self‐esteem was positively related to an increase in the willingness to continue relationships, and reflection and pessimistic thinking (which is one component of defensive pessimism) led to a feeling of being fatigued from the effort of considering and respecting the reactions of others.  相似文献   
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