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The way consumers behave is fundamental to marketing. Journal of Consumer Behaviour (JCB) is an international journal dedicated to publishing the latest developments of consumer behaviour. To gain an understanding of the evolution and trends in consumer behaviour, this study presents a retrospective review of JCB using bibliometric analysis. Using bibliographic records of JCB from Scopus, this study finds that consumer behaviour research in JCB has grown substantially in terms of collaboration (co-authorships), global reach (countries), productivity (publications), and impact (citations). The major themes explored by consumer behaviour research in JCB include consumer information processing, consumption communities, consumption value, sustainable consumption, intergenerational consumer behaviour, consumer-brand relationship, consumer ethics, and conditional relationships in consumer behaviour. The most recent consumer behaviour research in JCB has considered externalities such as the COVID-19 pandemic and focused on themes such as consumer ethics and sustainable consumption in line with the global movement toward environmental social governance (ESG) and sustainable development goals (SDGs).  相似文献   
We attempt to replicate Roozenbeek and van der Linden's Western-based study in India by employing the Bad News Game, an online game, in which players take on the role of a misinformation tycoon. They are exposed to weakened doses of the strategies employed in conspiracy and fake news production with the aim to cognitively inoculate them against misinformation. The proliferation of inexpensive mobile connections coupled with a lack of digital literacy has resulted in a conspiratorial pandemic in developing countries like India. We test the game's impact on an Indian sample (n = 1002) using a within-subject design. We provide evidence of significant improvement in the ability of participants to identify the misinformation produced using Conspiracy, Impersonation, and to a lesser extent, the Discrediting technique, while observing greater truth discernment in correctly identifying true news. We also conduct sub-sample analyses. These findings have positive implications for methods that protect users from malignant online content.  相似文献   
A number of measurement techniques designed to assess cognitive and behavioral complexity are considered. While early measures limit their focus to interpersonal differentiation, later measures consider differentiation, integration, and, in one case, various other aspects of information processing structure. Objective paper-and-pencil measures, subjective response assessment, and simulation technology are briefly described.  相似文献   
The study traces out the adolescence experience of high and low achievers of an organization. The high achievers were those who had joined the organization as clerks and risen to senior managerial positions, whereas low achievers were those who joined with “highs” as clerks and remained clerks even after 15 years of service. A life history questionnaire method was used for the study, and 150 respondents (75 “highs” and 75 “lows”) were extensively interviewed about various aspects of their adolescence. The findings in this paper indicate that high achievers were encouraged to have their independent opinions and had achievement oriented future plans during their adolescence.  相似文献   
The construct and criterion-related validity of 11 High-Performance Competencies (H-PC) are explored through data collected by three highly reliable methods: work shadowing, assessment centres, and Strategic Management Simulation Technology. A large international managerial sample indicates that some H-PC are more highly developed than others. This suggests that managers may have a restricted capacity to co-operatively address the multidimensional issues that loom large today. Strategic Management Simulation Technology is discussed as a way of developing a more balanced leadership capability profile and enhancing desirable real-world outcomes.  相似文献   
In this study, the clinical profile of Hindi-speaking stroke patients with aphasia from northern India has been investigated. We examined the interactional effect between age and gender with aphasia type in 97 Hindi-speaking right-handed individuals, the majority of them with a confirmed diagnosis of a cerebrovascular accident. The subjects included in the study ranged from 3 weeks to two years post-onset with a diagnosis of a common classical aphasia (Broca's, Wernicke's, anomic, global, conduction, and transcortical) types involving both males and females. Also examined was the interaction between literacy and aphasia type since the subjects had varied exposures to education (total illiteracy to professional/university education). While the data reported here about Hindi-speaking aphasics are relatively in agreement with the age-aphasia type patterns discussed in western countries, nonetheless some differences were also observed. The mean age of Indian patients with aphasia was significantly lower. Also, in addition to some gender and literacy related differences, an outstanding difference was that many clinical symptoms that are known to co-occur with aphasia were not readily reported by subjects with stroke.  相似文献   
Using data collected in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom, this article examines the determinants of attitudes toward immigrants. In particular, we draw on the literature in social psychology to explore the role of locus of control in promoting more ethnocentric and restrictive attitudes towards immigration. We conceptualize control at three levels: (1) perceptions of individual locus of control (i.e., feeling that one can control one's own circumstances), (2) perceptions of societal control (i.e., feeling that one's country has control over immigration), and (3) perceptions of an outgroup's locus of control (i.e., feeling that an outgroup's social circumstances are attributable to dispositional rather than external factors). Results show that all three measures of control are important predictors of negative attitudes toward immigrants: Those who feel in control (personally or as a society) are less hostile towards immigrants, while those who attribute negative outcomes to immigrants' predispositions are also more hostile. Results also suggest that measures of control are related to, but distinct from, both partisanship and racial prejudice.  相似文献   
A few studies have shown that untreated seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever) may have unfavorable effects on performance. However, prior research has employed tasks of limited or moderate difficulty (e.g., verbal learning) or has focused on visual‐motor efforts (e.g., driving a vehicle). The present research compared performance in the absence (asymptomatic) versus presence (symptomatic) of rhinitis, using the validated strategic management simulation (SMS). Obtained data indicated that whenever task‐demands were contextual (e.g., cued by the environment), no differences between symptomatic and asymptomatic conditions were obtained. Whenever task‐demands were more difficult, untreated seasonal allergic rhinitis decreased effectiveness. To avoid loss of productivity and limit decrements in quality of life, treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis with medications without sedating effects appears of value.  相似文献   
Disputes by their nature involve contentious behavior. If one attributes such behavior to underlying personality traits, these attributions can be quite damning. The current research investigated negative trait attributions and their impact on dispute resolution decisions. We hypothesized that judging one's opponent to be low in agreeableness and high in emotionality (e.g. stubborn and volatile) shifts one's preference towards more formal procedures – formal in the sense that a third party judge controls the process and outcome. Drawing on the attribution literature, we hypothesized that two antecedents of these judgments (and consequent preferences) are the perceiver's level of prior information and the perceiver's cultural proclivity to explaining behavior in terms of personal dispositions. Results of an experiment measuring reactions to a hypothetical dispute found that prior information and culture (USA vs Hong Kong) increased trait attributions and preferences for formal procedures. Additionally, expectancy measures showed interaction effects suggesting that disputants dynamically construct expectancies in light of their personality impressions.  相似文献   
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