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繁殖群中婴幼川金丝猴社会关系发展的个案研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
使用瞬时取样法,对繁殖笼内出生的两只婴幼川金丝猴进行连续22个月的行为记录。结果表明,川金丝猴婴猴断乳大约在19—20月龄;断乳表现为母婴之间矛盾冲突的过程;群内其他雌性对初生婴儿表现出明显的抢婴、护婴和育婴行为;父亲对婴幼猴表现出接纳和容忍的态度;婴儿在断乳前是群内全体成员保护和爱护的对象,以后开始进入社会关系网,受到成年个体的责备,但很轻微;雌性幼猴在32月龄时尚未被记录到对群内成员表现威胁、蜷缩和匍伏等行为模式。  相似文献   
Hypnotic hallucination alters evoked potentials   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
场依存性与独立性认知方式对视动错觉的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨认知方式对视动性错觉的影响,对100名男性军校学员进行了棒框测验,15名高分者和15名低分者分别作为场依存组和场独立组。每名被试随机给予一系列视动阶跃刺激(5,10,15,20,30,40,60,80,100,120度/秒),每个刺激持续20秒。记录被试视动错觉出现的潜伏期和错觉模糊量。研究结果表明:1.场依存组被试的错觉潜伏期短于场独立组,它与刺激速度呈幂函数关系,而场独立组潜伏期随刺激速度的增加呈直线下降;2.在5—120度/秒的范围内,两组被试错觉量回归成两条直线,两直线回归系数无显著性差异,而截距差别十分显著。因此,场依存性/独立性认知方式是视动错觉个体差异性的一种重要影响因素,它对军事飞行员的心理学选拔和训练有着重要的意义。  相似文献   
比较短尾猴和恒河猴的社会行为模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
短尾猴和恒河猴同是猴科猕猴属中两个不同的物种。从习性学的观点看,它们的社会行为模式应是大同而小异的。作者通过对生活在自然栖息地和实验笼内短尾猴所观察到的行为模式,同文献中已公认的恒河猴的行为模式进行比较后发现,这两种动物的社会行为模式虽然在基本上是相似的,但也有明显的差异。有的是行为模式相同,社会含意不尽相同;有的是社会含意相同,模式不同;也有的模式只是短尾猴有,而恒河猴没有。本文把初步观察到的7种不同情况列出。  相似文献   
影响学习迁移的几个因素的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对前人较多地从学习材料本身的特点或学习者的心理特点出发去孤立地考察对学习迁移的影响这一现象 ,本研究试采用代数运算材料 ,系统地探讨了学习材料的相同要素和学习者概括化认知过程两者之间的内在关系 ,并将相同要素进一步区分为表述形式相似和内在原理相似。旨在对较为复杂的认知学习中迁移的影响因素做更深入的考察。结果表明 :①概括化和相同要素对学习迁移的影响依然存在 ,但需作具体分析。其中 ,前者应成为影响学习迁移的更重要因素。②在学习材料的相同要素中 ,实质上对迁移起作用的是内在原理相似性 ;而表述形式相似性不起主要作用。③概括化因素和内在原理相似性因素之间的交互作用对学习迁移影响极大。  相似文献   
An injection olfactometer for human psychophysical experiments is described. The olfactometer is capable of presenting, either mono- or birhinally, single odorants and binary mixtures. The pulse form of the olfactory stimulus at the exit of the olfactometer approaches a rectangular form, which makes the olfactometer well suited for olfactory reaction time measurements. Since stimulation periods are independent of the subject’s inhalation, time-intensity measurements over prolonged periods of time are possible as well. In the second part of this paper, a new technique is described for the measurement of the stimulus pulse form at the exit of the olfactometer.  相似文献   
When developing ordinal rating scales, we may include potentially unordered response options such as “Neither Agree nor Disagree,” “Neutral,” “Don’t Know,” “No Opinion,” or “Hard to Say.” To handle responses to a mixture of ordered and unordered options, Huggins-Manley et al. (2018) proposed a class of semi-ordered models under the unidimensional item response theory framework. This study extends the concept of semi-ordered models into the area of diagnostic classification models. Specifically, we propose a flexible framework of semi-ordered DCMs that accommodates most earlier DCMs and allows for analyzing the relationship between those potentially unordered responses and the measured traits. Results from an operational study and two simulation studies show that the proposed framework can incorporate both ordered and non-ordered responses into the estimation of the latent traits and thus provide useful information about both the items and the respondents.  相似文献   
Do individual differences in personality traits become more or less pronounced over childhood and adolescence? The present research examined age differences in the variance of a range of personality traits, using parent reports of two large samples of children from predominantly the USA and Russia, respectively. Results indicate (i) that individual differences in most traits tend to increase with age from early childhood into early adolescence and then plateau, (ii) that this general pattern of greater personality variance at older childhood age is consistent across the two countries, and (iii) that this pattern is not an artefact of age differences in means or floor/ceiling effects. These findings are consistent with several (noncontradictory) developmental mechanisms, including youths' expanding behavioural capacities and person–environment transactions (corresponsive principle). However, these mechanisms may predominantly characterize periods before adolescence, or they may be offset by countervailing processes, such as socialization pressure towards a mature personality profile, in late adolescence and adulthood. Finally, the findings also suggest that interpreting age trajectories in mean trait scores as pertaining to age differences in a typical person may sometimes be misleading. Investigating variance should become an integral part of studying personality development. Copyright © 2017 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   
领导-部属交换(LMX)的回顾与展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
领导-部属交换理论从领导和部属的对偶关系中考察领导行为及其对下属的绩效、组织承诺等结果变量的影响。文章回顾了领导-部属交换的文献,对于它的概念、理论基础、结构、测量工具等进行了综合介绍,对不同测量工具的各自的特点以及它们之间的关系做了分析,接着总结了影响领导-部属关系的影响因素和结果变量以及与变革型领导的关系,最后提出未来研究应该加强从领导部属交换的发展阶段以及从部属或领导的角度来分析领导-部属交换理论  相似文献   
大脑两半球功能不对称性与儿童学业成绩   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究调查了 3 1 8名小学一至三年级学生大脑两半球优势情况 ,然后对不同优势半球学生的语文和数学成绩进行了比较。结果发现优势半球为右半球的学生人数较少 ,只有 3 .8% ,明显少于优势半球为左半球的学生 (χ2 =2 3 9.83 0 ,p<0 .0 0 1 )。对不同优势半球学生的语文和数学成绩的比较 ,未发现两者有显著差异 (语文 :F=1 .1 3 0 ,p>0 .0 5 ;数学 :F=0 .5 75 ,p>0 .0 5 )。  相似文献   
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