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Skeptical worries about moral responsibility seem to be widely appreciated and deeply felt. To address these worries—if nothing else to show that they are mistaken—theories of moral responsibility need to relate to whatever concept of responsibility underlies the worries. Unfortunately, the nature of that concept has proved hard to pin down. Not only do philosophers have conflicting intuitions; numerous recent empirical studies have suggested that both prosaic responsibility judgments and incompatibilist intuitions among the folk are influenced by a number of surprising factors, sometimes prompting apparently contradictory judgments. In this paper, we show how an independently motivated hypothesis about responsibility judgments provides a unified explanation of the more important results from these studies. According to this ‘Explanation Hypothesis’, to take an agent to be morally responsible for an event is to take a relevant motivational structure of the agent to be part of a significant explanation of the event. We argue that because of how explanatory interests and perspectives affect what we take as significant explanations, this analysis accounts for the puzzling variety of empirical results. If this is correct, the Explanation Hypothesis also provides a new way of understanding debates about moral responsibility.  相似文献   
Researchers investigate relationships between well-being variables and the antecedents to well-being by examining statistical results from survey data. A common measurement approach in survey designs is to include measures of more specific aspects (i.e., facets) and more global assessments of well-being in the same survey. Research shows, however, that the sequence of specific and general measures within the survey affects the magnitude of relationships between specific and general measures. In the current study, we extend such general-specific sequence research by offering an alternative explanation for the occurrence of such sequence effects. Specifically, we propose that having the specific measure before the more general one can shift the mean-level of the specific measure toward the extremes, thereby yielding restricted variance and, ultimately, attenuated correlations between the two measures. We test our proposal on two separate samples examining job-related well-being. Our findings show that the general-specific measure relationship is stronger and the mean-level of satisfaction is lower when the general measure is read first. Our findings suggest important theoretical implications for the study and measurement of well-being. Most importantly, our study suggests that placing general measures before specific measures could avoid sequence-related bias.  相似文献   
Attention control is a core element of cognitive aging, but the specific mechanisms that differ with age are unclear. Here we used a novel auditory spatial attention task to evaluate stimulus processing at the level of early attention capture, later response selection, and the lingering effects of attention capture across trials in young and older adults. We found that the shapes of spatial attention capture gradients were remarkably similar in young and older adults, but only the older group had lingering effects of attention capture on the next trial. Response selection for stimulus-response incompatibilities took longer in older subjects, but primarily when attending to the midline location. The results suggest that the likelihood and spatial tuning of attention capture is comparable among groups, but once attention is captured, older subjects take longer to disengage. Age differences in response selection were supported, but may not be a general feature of cognitive aging.  相似文献   
Popular beliefs exaggerate the emotional rewards of caring for children. These beliefs may persist because they provide ideological legitimacy for policies that otherwise might appear to exploit parents' contributions to the public good. Studies 1a and 1b tested whether information suggesting that parents' labor is unjustly exploited by society motivates people to exaggerate the emotional rewards of parenthood. Study 2 manipulated participants' exposure to parenthood idealizing myths to test whether these myths reduce support for expanding government assistance to parents. Across these studies support was found for the hypothesis that exaggerating the emotional rewards of children functions to legitimize and maintain low public assistance to parents. Theoretical insights into system justifying ideologies and practical implications for social justice movements are discussed.  相似文献   
The impact of patient suffering on family caregivers is an understudied but important topic. This study of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and their caregivers examined the associations of two components of patient suffering: patient physical symptoms, and mental distress, as well as the patient's support for the caregiver, with caregiver well-being. The sample consisted of 52 patients with ALS and their caregivers. Patients and caregivers each completed a structured survey assessing multiple domains including demographics, health, and well-being. Specifically, patients rated their own physical symptoms and mental distress. Caregivers rated their own daily affect, and the extent to which they perceived the patient as supportive. Caregivers also reported whether or not they had found any benefit in dealing with the patient's illness. Regression analyses yielded significant associations of patient distress with caregiver negative affect; patient support was associated with greater caregiver positive affect, and patient symptoms and support were associated with greater likelihood of caregiver benefit finding. There was a significant two-way interaction of patient symptoms by support, namely, benefit finding was not only more likely with greater physical suffering and patient support, but it was also the case that caregivers who perceived the care recipient as unsupportive could only find benefit when this person experienced intense physical suffering. Support interventions for ALS patients and their caregivers should devote particular attention to how caregivers may be affected by witnessing their loved one's sufferings, as well as identify and address challenges in support exchanges between caregivers and patients.  相似文献   
The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) is the most widely used scale to assess a variety of symptoms in patients with schizophrenia and other psychoses. The factor structure of the PANSS has been examined with confirmatory factor analyses in several studies, but not in a well‐defined first‐episode psychosis sample. The aim of this paper is to examine the statistical fit of five different PANSS models in a first‐episode, non‐affective psychosis sample. Confirmatory factor analyses were performed on PANSS data (n = 588). A main criterion for best fit was defined as the Expected Cross Validation Index (ECVI). No tested model revealed an optimally satisfactory model fit index. The Wallwork/Fortgang five‐factor model demonstrated the most optimal psychometric properties. The corresponding subscales of all evaluated five‐factor models were strongly intercorrelated. The Wallwork/Fortgang five‐factor model was found to be statistically and clinically ideal among patients with first‐episode psychosis. Therefore, we recommend this model in forthcoming studies among patients with first‐episode psychosis. However, to prevent the loss of clinically valuable information on an item level, we do not recommend removing any items from the original form. Our study also implies that the specific choice of model will not have a substantial effect on outcome results in studies on the course and outcome in first‐episode psychosis.  相似文献   
Since parenting involves protecting children from various risks and dangers, tendencies towards increased risk perception, risk-averse decision-making, and distrust of strangers may come to be associated with the parental role. Consequently, parents may be more likely to exhibit each of these psychological tendencies when their parental role is situationally salient than when it is not salient. We tested this hypothesis in two studies that manipulated the salience of the parental role in samples of parents and nonparents and measured the effects on participants' risk perceptions, risk-aversion, and trust in strangers. As we hypothesized, parents perceived greater risk (Study 1), made more risk averse choices (Study 1), and trusted strangers less (Study 2) when their parental role was salient than when it was not salient. Implications for understanding psychological adaptations to social roles are discussed.  相似文献   
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