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庄子对技术问题提出了个性化的理解,分析了技术的功能表现,认为技术伤害了人类本性,希望通过技术手段和超技术方式来解决技术影响.  相似文献   
泛读与精读之比较研究——内隐记忆的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹成刚 《心理科学》1997,20(6):541-545
内隐记忆是目前记忆研究的一个热点。本文通过62名被试对泛读与精读两种不同阅读方式进行了比较研究,结果表明:泛读更接近内隐记忆,精读更接近外显记忆,为两类记忆系统的划分提供了阅读方面的实验依据。同时也表明,泛该对学生阅读能力的培养起着更为重要的作用.整个测评研究结果,为指导阅读教学提供了心理学依据。  相似文献   
曹青云 《世界哲学》2015,(2):83-90,161
心灵哲学的功能主义者认为亚里士多德的灵魂学说是他们的理论先驱。他们指出亚里士多德既不赞同柏拉图的灵魂与身体的二元论,也不同意德谟克利特的物理主义,因而他的灵魂观与当代功能主义共享深层的理论预设。功能主义者在解释亚里士多德的灵魂观时涉及了三个主要观点:反物理还原论、心灵状态的"物理构成的可塑性",以及心灵与身体的"随附性"关系。本文从这三个方面出发试图主张亚里士多德的灵魂观与当代功能主义在根本上是不兼容的,并指出他的灵魂观应当称为"质料-形式主义的"。  相似文献   
Wu  Meng  Wang  Zhengyan  Cao  Cong  He  Qiong 《Journal of child and family studies》2021,30(11):2616-2626
Journal of Child and Family Studies - We examined hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal stress reactivity as an indicator of differential susceptibility in moderating the links between family...  相似文献   
曹宇  李恒 《心理科学》2021,(1):67-73
采用启动条件下的词汇判断任务,考察熟练手语使用者和无手语经验成年听人的跨模态语义启动效应。结果发现:1)在象似词条件下,两组被试判断汉语语义相关词的反应时均快于语义无关词,说明手语象似词和汉语词之间存在跨模态语义启动效应。2)在非象似词条件下,仅手语熟练被试判断汉语语义相关词的反应时快于语义无关词,无手语经验被试判断汉语语义相关词和无关词的速度没有差异。这是由于前者心理词库中的手语词和口语词共享语义表征,而后者主要依赖手语象似词的视觉模拟性。整个研究表明,中国手语和汉语间存在跨模态语义启动效应,但该效应受到手语词象似性和手语学习经历的调节。  相似文献   
We conducted two experimental studies with between-subjects and within-subjects designs to investigate the item response process for personality measures administered in high- versus low-stakes situations. Apart from assessing measurement validity of the item response process, we examined predictive validity; that is, whether or not different response models entail differential selection outcomes. We found that ideal point response models fit slightly better than dominance response models across high- versus low-stakes situations in both studies. Additionally, fitting ideal point models to the data led to fewer items displaying differential item functioning compared to fitting dominance models. We also identified several items that functioned as intermediate items in both the faking and honest conditions when ideal point models were fitted, suggesting that ideal point model is “theoretically” more suitable across these contexts for personality inventories. However, the use of different response models (dominance vs. ideal point) did not have any substantial impact on the validity of personality measures in high-stakes situations, or the effectiveness of selection decisions such as mean performance or percent of fakers selected. These findings are significant in that although prior research supports the importance and use of ideal point models for measuring personality, we find that in the case of personality faking, though ideal point models seem to have slightly better measurement validity, the use of dominance models may be adequate with no loss to predictive validity.  相似文献   
The present study explored the intrinsic event-related potential (ERP) features of the effects of acute psychological stress on the processing of motion-in-depth perception using a dual-task paradigm. After a mental arithmetic task was used to induce acute psychological stress, a collision task was used to evaluate motion-in-depth perception. The error value and average amplitude of late slow waves (SW) were significantly larger for the earlier colliding spheres’ than for the later colliding spheres. The P1 peak latency in the left occipital region was significantly shorter than that of the right occipital region in the motion-in-depth perception task. Compared to the control condition, the estimated value of residual time-to-collision and error value were significantly reduced, and the N1 peak amplitude and the SW averaged amplitude were significantly increased in the stress condition. Longer motion-in-depth time improved discrimination accuracy and decreased the investment of cognitive resources. Acute psychological stress increased behavioral performance and enhanced attention resources on the motion-in-depth perception task together with greater investment of cognitive resources.  相似文献   
Li  Xiaomin  Cao  Hongjian  Curran  Melissa A.  Fang  Xiaoyi  Zhou  Nan 《Sex roles》2020,82(9-10):622-632
Sex Roles - Dating initiation is a challenging phase of heterosexual romantic relationship development, with men and women often having different expectations and interpretations of communicative...  相似文献   
为更好地结合社群主义与儒家思想塑造现代权利观念,必须首先为儒家权利观念的存在辩护。当然,儒家权利观念有其独特之处,这主要体现在等级性与伦理性两个方面。虽然儒家权利观念有别于社群主义权利观所具有的平等性、普遍性和政治性,但却不能由此就对其加以否定。有鉴于社群主义与儒家思想之间既有契合之处,也有内在分歧,而且对当前社会所遇到的现代性危机而言,儒家学说有助于从本质上对其进行剖析和反思,所以权利观念的现代化构造不妨采取"儒家思想为体、社群主义为用"的基本模式,从而实现对社群主义与儒家思想的有效整合。  相似文献   
经民族学与宗教学双重比较研究发现,不像其他民族、宗教,汉族及其宗教都是很难说清的,即不仅汉族的族源问题与特征问题难以说清,而且汉族的宗教认同也远比其他民族宗教难以说清。在学界,很少有人把汉族与汉族宗教联系起来。但从民族与宗教的相互关系视角,能够更好探明二者的渊源。用宗教阐释汉族的渊源,能使人豁然开朗。汉族的族性与汉族的宗教性是互为因果的,汉族的先民创造了独特的多元宗教信仰,多元宗教反过来造就了后来汉族的多元文化属性,使其能够吸收更多周边民族的精华,变成更大更为多元的民族,这是汉族能够成为世界第一大民族的根本原因之一。汉族及其宗教根源在于早期汉族并未塑造创世说,造成上古时代创世说的空白,对汉族宗教产生和发展都产生了深远影响。为此,本文探讨的重点问题是汉族发生学意义上的宗教渊源。  相似文献   
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