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The present study explored the availability of flexible work arrangements (FWA) and their relationship with manager outcomes of job satisfaction, turnover intentions, and work‐to‐family conflict (WFC) across country clusters. We used individualism and collectivism to explain differences in FWA availability across Latin American, Anglo, and Asian clusters. Managers from the Anglo cluster were more likely to report working in organisations that offer FWA compared to managers from other clusters. For Anglo managers, flextime was the only FWA that had significant favorable relationships with the outcome variables. For Latin Americans, part‐time work negatively related with turnover intentions and strain‐based WFC. For Asians, flextime was unrelated to time‐based WFC, and telecommuting was positively associated with strain‐based WFC. The clusters did not moderate the compressed work week and outcome relationships. Implications for practitioners adopting FWA practices across cultures are discussed.  相似文献   
在当前检验医学日趋呈现"人文缺失"的背景下,提出加强检验人员人文素质教育的必要性及紧迫性,并重点阐明以患者需求为导向,提高检验科人性化服务的具体措施.  相似文献   
长期以来,探讨古希腊μιμησιζ概念之根源的学术研究,吸引了不少学者.迄今发现在色诺芬和柏拉图之前(即公元前5世纪),使用与μιμησιζ相关词语的残存文献约计63处.使用者包括埃斯库勒斯,品达,希罗多德,欧里庇得斯,德谟克利特和阿里斯托芬等人.  相似文献   
陈玲 《中国道教》2005,(6):33-36
一、道教学者:李淳风李淳风是唐朝著名的天文学家和数学家,他是道士之子,是中国古代著名的道教学者。他的父亲李播曾出家为道士,据《新唐书·列传第一百二十九方技》记载:“李淳风,岐州雍人。父播,仕隋高唐尉,弃官为道士,号黄冠子,以论撰自见”。这么说来,“李淳风出身于道士之  相似文献   
有两个问题常常被人们提及。第一个是为什么宗教可以持续至今?第二个是我们是否可以创造出世俗人文的替代品。对于为什么宗教可以一直延续这个问题,众说纷纭。  相似文献   
柴文袖  王承武 《心理学报》1988,21(2):105-113
在跳台上,用自制“全圆弹性跳台开关”和记时器对国家体操少年优秀选手17人和儿童体操初学者20人的复制跳跃腾时的准确性、左右转体的均称性、复制腾时的迁移与干扰、运动节奏、快转90°和慢转90°的腾时时距和角度误差进行测定,根据公式: 慢转体腾时-快转体腾时(即时距)×(1-角误均数/100)=时空指数,求得每位被试的“时空指数”。以探讨体操运动员自我时机控制能力的某些因素中,哪些是潜在的,哪些是习得的,二者又如何协同发展。明确它,以便帮助运动员养成与发展自我时机控制能力问题。  相似文献   
立体视觉的心理物理和VEP比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理物理试验是研究立体视觉的主要方法。70年代VEP开始用于体视研究,并取得许多结果。由于VEP信号复杂,这些结果不能令人满意。本文使用心理物理试验和VEP对比方法对体视加以研究。我们的结果是:VEP波形中第一个正峰与刺激图形的亮度有关;N_2峰和P_3峰的潜伏期对判断体视存在与否有重要价值;本试验确定N_2峰潜伏期在体视存在时约为240ms—280ms,无体视存在时约为290ms—310ms;P_3峰潜伏期在体视存在时约为280ms—310ms,无体视存在时约为340ms—360ms;体视存在时的VEP与无体视存在时的VEP的互相关系数小于0.1;有体视的VEP其功率谱密度在8Hz附近有一峰;心理物理试验中使用强制选择得到的结果从VEP波形比较中可以确认是可靠的;有体视的VEP其N_2和P_3的潜伏期随视差变化呈现规律性改变。  相似文献   
The role of women in the People's Republic of China has changed dramatically in the last 40 years. This study assesses what impact these changes have had on the attitudes of Chinese youth. The sample consisted of 164 subjects (77 men and 87 women) who completed the Bem Sex Role Inventory, the Objective Fear of Success Measure, a locus of control scale, and a personal goals questionnaire. They also evaluated a painting attributed to artists of different gender and status. The results indicate that the sex role orientations of Chinese students were similar to those of American students. On the Bem inventory, the direction of the sex differences on the sex role scales was the same for U.S. and Chinese students, but the latter had a sex role orientation that, in our culture, is regarded as more “traditional.” Chinese women were significantly more likely to endorse statements expressing fear of success than were Chinese men. On the locus of control measures, Chinese women were more likely than men to attribute their achievement successes to luck and failures to a lack of ability. The women students also attributed affiliation outcomes more to luck than did the men. The most important personal goal cited by both men and women was that of career success. Chinese men placed greater importance than women on achieving wealth, and their expectancy of actually becoming wealthy was higher. Finally, in an evaluation of a painting, Chinese men, but not the women, devalued a painting when it was supposedly the work of a female student artist.  相似文献   
关联负变化(CNV)与反应时的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验采用选择性叠加方法,研究了关联负变化(Contingent NegativVariation以下简称CNV)与反应时的关系。证明:最长、最短反应时差异显著时,相对应的CNV面积差异也显著。CNV的这种差异主要表现在CNV面积的后半部分。对形成这种现象的原因作了讨论。  相似文献   
非言语沟通的视觉信息在电视教学中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王二平 《心理学报》1986,19(4):104-111
本研究用社会心理学关于非言语沟通的观点分析电视教学,认为剥夺有关教师非言语沟通的视觉信息可能是影响电视教学质量的一个原因。通过模拟电视教学的实验验证这一假设。在三种条件下对被试进行同样内容的教学:条件Ⅰ为传统课堂教学;条件Ⅱ为呈现教师形象的电视教学;条件Ⅲ为无教师形象只呈现板书图示的电视教学。课后进行所学知识的测验和态度问卷。结果表明,在电视教学中增加有关教师非言语沟通的视觉信息对学习者知识的掌握及对教师、教学内容和教学形式的态度有积极作用。将剥夺互动中非言语沟通的视觉信息的消极影响命名为“屏风效应”。对提高电视教学质量提出了新的建议。  相似文献   
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