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The current study was designed to examine the trend of depression among children affected by HIV (n = 1,221) in rural China over a period of 3 years and to explore baseline psychosocial factors that can predict depressive symptoms at 1- and 2-year follow-ups. Baseline depression score, trusting relationship with caregivers, perceived public stigma against children affected by HIV, and future expectation at baseline positively predicted the 1-year follow-up depression, while children’ self-report health status, self-esteem, and perceived social support negatively predicted depression at 1-year follow-up survey. Depression and self-report health status at baseline significantly predicted depression at the 2-year follow-up. The data in the current study suggested that depressive symptoms were chronic or recurring among some children affected by HIV/AIDS. The findings also underscore the importance of early identification, early intervention, and ongoing counseling for mental health problems among children affected by HIV/AIDS. Future psychological support programs need to target both mental health symptoms and resilient factors that will help these children to cope with adverse life events associated with HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   
Journal of Child and Family Studies - The present study aimed to examine the efficacy of the Child-Caregiver-Advocacy Resilience (ChildCARE) intervention, a multilevel resilience-based psychosocial...  相似文献   
基于认同驱动的营销关系视角, 系统地探讨了基于多元企业认同的企业身份构建及其张力调和机理。具体地, 通过定性和定量相结合的方法, 首先基于社会认同理论和身份理论, 探索多元企业认同的结构; 其次, 从社会心理学和文化创新的视角, 描绘多元企业认同形成及演化过程; 最后, 探究多元企业认同的身份构建以及身份张力调和机制。在理论上将消费者-企业认同扩展到多个利益相关者与企业的认同, 探索多元企业认同的身份构建及调和过程, 揭示其背后深层作用机理。实践上为企业与客户保持长期、和谐、多赢关系提供重要依据。  相似文献   
以唯物史观全面理解"以人为本"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人的问题是改革开放30年来马克思主义哲学研究中的重要问题.近年来,以人为本的科学发展观提出来之后,如何理解"以人为本"成为哲学界的一个热门话题,也出现了不少分歧和争论.有的学者与西方人本主义思想做比较,有的学者同中国古代的民本观做对照,有的学者结合现代管理学中的以人为本观念进行阐释,更多的人认为中国共产党人在当今条件下提出以人为本,尽管也是吸取以往的思想资源和合理因素的结果,但从根本上说,它是共产党为人民服务的宗旨在新形势下的发展和崭新表述,所以只能是以人民为本而不是以作为个体的人为本.也有学者提出,应该把作为"政治理论"的以人为本与作为"学术"的以人为本进行区分,前者就是以人民为本,后者则有着更丰富的内涵.  相似文献   
和谐社会研究中要注意的两个问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
构建和谐社会的理念甫一提出,便得到社会各阶层的广泛认同,也正成为理论界研究的一个热点问题。和谐的思想可谓源远流长,中外思想史上都有大量论述,对于我们具有相当的启发意义,但也一定要注意,我们今天说的和谐与古人所说的和谐有着很大的不同。综观中外思想史和当今的文献,虽然不少人从不同方面谈到和谐,但从总体的致思路向上讲,还是有着很大不同。概而言之,一种是形而上学的消极和谐观,一种是辩证法的积极和谐观。注意区分这两种和谐观的差别,注意讨论社会和谐时的浪漫主义倾向,这在理论和实践中都有重要意义。一可以从如下几个方面来看…  相似文献   
城镇职工医疗保险改革面临的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国政府已明确提出城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的改革目标,虽然改革已取得了一些进展,但距改革目标仍有相当差距。采用政治分析方法,分析了目前医改所面临的主要问题与原因,并在借鉴国际医疗保障制度改革启示的基础上,进一步探讨解决问题和推进改革进程的思路。  相似文献   
采用时距二分任务,探讨聋生在视觉通道的1s以下和1s以上时距知觉的特点。结果发现,在1s以下条件下,聋生时距判断准确性低于普通学生;聋生CNV峰值与LPCt波幅低于普通学生,CNV潜伏期短于普通学生,LPCt峰值潜伏期长于普通学生。在1s以上条件下,聋生时距判断准确性高于普通学生;聋生N1、P2、CNV与LPCt成分各项指标与普通学生均没有显著差异。这说明,听觉丧失损伤了聋生1s以下的时距记忆与决策过程,支持了普遍缺陷假设;但听觉丧失未对聋生1s以上时距加工产生显著影响,支持了感觉补偿机制。因此,时距长度在听觉丧失对视觉时距知觉的影响中具有调节作用,为时间认知的分段综合模型提供了新的支持证据。  相似文献   

With the rapid development of Internet techniques in China, more and more Chinese middle-aged and older adults have begun to use the Internet for their daily social interactions, and the resulting online social capital may affect their health. Using data from the Chinese General Social Survey of 2017 (n = 7733, aged 45–90 years old), this study investigated the influence of online social capital on the health of middle-aged and older adults in China, and the Heckman sample selection model was used to address potential sample selection bias in Internet use. The results show that number of online contacts significantly improved the physical health of middle-aged and older adults, while the level of depression was significantly reduced by online closeness of non-specific relationships, but more online interactions may slightly increase their depression. Furthermore, more online contacts were associated with elevated physical health among male, rural, less-educated and middle-aged adults, while more online closeness of non-specific relationships was associated with less depression in almost all subgroups. Online social capital can improve the health of middle-aged and older adults in China, so we should help increase older adults’ access to the Internet and improve their Internet skills to give full play to the positive health effect of online social capital. However, it should be alert to the negative health consequences caused by excessive Internet use.

已有关于材料相似性影响短时记忆的研究提示, 不相似材料组块相比于相似材料组块可能促进记忆。为验证该假设, 该研究采用学习-测查范式, 通过4个实验考察了学习材料组块方式对相似词长时记忆的影响及机制。结果发现:1)与相似词组块相比, 不相似词组块促进了相似词记忆; 2)不相似词组块的促进效应是通过增强相似词表共同词根的记忆而实现的; 3)不相似词组块的促进效应可能依赖于语音相似性。该结果说明不相似词组块可能是促进相似词汇记忆的有效途径之一。  相似文献   
一、宗教热的表现现代宗教热是指始于20世纪70年代,一直延续至今的一场全球性的宗教信仰狂潮。它主要表现  相似文献   
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