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一、社会的三个高度越来越多的人认识到,有些国家,首先是美国和其他西方国家,正处在具有重要意义的某种独特历史的叉路口。这一叉路口通常被说成是从工业社会到后工业社会的过渡阶段。其意义之重大可与先前发生的从前工业社会向工业社会的巨大社会变迁相比拟。尽管多数西方  相似文献   
即便你不是一位天才,但只要认真探悉天才大师们的超常创造性思维策略并巧妙嫁接于已,你就极有可能大大激活自身创造性潜能而扬起你未来人生成功的希望风帆。人们可能对那些天才大师们是如何去进行创造性思维的具体过程颇感神秘,对悠悠历史长河中大师级巨匠爱因斯坦、爱迪生、达·芬奇、达尔文、毕加索、米开朗琪罗、伽利略、弗洛伊德、莫扎特等人的创造性思维策略都各有何不同特点、“蒙娜·丽莎”名画和“相对论”理论的创造大师们在思维运用上有何共性点、及我们可从中思悟学会些什么迫切希望得知一二,那就不妨看看一些专门研究这一课…  相似文献   
近来有关同伴排斥行为基础的研究,强调把攻击性作为决定儿童在同伴团体中地位低下的一个因素.被排斥儿童有许多子群,除攻击性被研究过外,其它子群还没有得到研究.本文将讨论一个在中学进行的研究.它把被排斥的学生分成两组:一组为高攻击性组,另一组为易被驱使组.在研究中,我们使用了由Asher、Hymel和Renshaw(1984)发展起来的测量孤独和社会不满(Social dissatisfaction)的方法.  相似文献   
In the first experiment, 4 pigeons were each presented with a recurring sequence of four key colors followed by the delivery of grain (block clock). Once the rate of pecking had stabilized, three of the colors were replaced, during different series of sessions, by a darkening of the key. The rate of pecking was reduced within those segments of the interval between deliveries of food during which the key was dark; when the key was dark during the final portion of the interval, rates were reduced throughout the entire interval. In the second experiment, 3 new pigeons were exposed to a different sequence of colors, and the final stimulus was replaced in successive conditions by a novel color, a darkened key, and a restoration of the original color. The data indicated that darkening the key had a more severe, more extensive, and more persistent effect than did a mere change in color. These results suggest that it may be fruitful to conceptualize the autoshaping procedure as a special version of the block clock in which pecking is suppressed throughout the greater part of the interval by darkening the key. In the final condition, the same stimulus appeared in each of the last three portions of the interval. The rate of pecking was lower during the last two portions than when distinctive colors were presented, with the peak rate now appearing in the fifth of seven equal temporal components.  相似文献   
All patients referring themselves for HIV antibody testing must receive pre-test counselling and must give their informed consent before testing can proceed. All patients being referred by their doctors for HIV antibody testing must also receive pre-test counselling and must give their informed consent before testing can proceed, except in very unusual circumstances. This paper is written primarily for medical and nursing staff who are considering referring a patient for testing and it is particularly relevant to those staff working in the field of mental health. This paper draws on professional guidelines and suggests that staff use a two-part decision making process. In the first part die referrer decides whether there are substantial clinical grounds for needing the test result immediately. If there are, the referral is made for pre-test counselling and testing, for example at the local Genito-Urinary Medicine (GU) clinic. In the second part experienced AIDS counsellors try to enable the patient to decide whether or not to proceed. If the patient is not able to understand or make a decision the AIDS counsellors, in consultation with other staff, will decide whether to proceed. Whatever the decision, it should be respected by professional staff.  相似文献   
定义空间能力的方式多种多样,致使我们难以将其含义精确地归结为某一术语。有些学者广义地把空间能力描述为在那些非语言信息加工中的个体差异,而另一些学者则狭义地把它描述为在完成空间测验中的个体差异,由于用以研究空间能力的方法和测量的不同,定义问题变得更为复杂。本文将对空间能力的测量作一简要概述,尽管它类似于因素分析方法学的历史,但由于关系到空间能力的定义,因而,重点在于研究的结果而不在于因素分析方法学的历史本身。  相似文献   
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