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1993年1月28日,《经济日报》第四版刊登了一篇文章,题目是《水真能变成油吗?》(下称《水文》),标题是设问式,但内容却是对王洪成与他的“发明”的肯定性宣传。这篇文章已被收入王洪成自己组织的鉴定会的鉴定文件中。可见王对这篇文章的重视和肯定。对于有全国影响的《经济日报》刊登这样的文章,对于该文所宣传的一系列观点,不能不引起人们严重的关注。我个人也是从读到这篇文章开始才感到过去不屑一顾的“水变油”传说,必须认真对待了。对于《水文》,确实有“十万个为什么”好问,这里想先就《水文》所涉及的几个观点,谈谈我的看法,和作者吴…  相似文献   
从友人处寄来《科技日报》8月6日的上述文章,阅后令人吃惊。多年来全国造船界和航运界公认的“周锦宇超浅水船”伪科学,变成了“开创……船舶运输新纪元”的大发明,一堆堆废铁变成了大成果。这里就该文所涉及的几件事的真相,提供社会各界参考。一、文中说:周锦宇“提出了流体分子量质与物体运动相对瞬变新理论成因这一大胆设想,……是对流体力学研究的重大突破,……其作用是无可估量的”。对于连文句都不通的,没有任何说明的,不知所云的“一句话”理论,怎样突破?何来作用?二、文中说:“30吨级超浅水船畅通闽江上游。”事实是,1987年初福建省…  相似文献   

This study aims to discuss the effect of ethnicity on child maltreatment trauma in China and to contribute to international knowledge on the quality of life of children. The data come from a survey of 1763 rural children (Mage = 12.34, 50.0% boys) in three multi-ethnic counties in western China that was conducted from November 2019 to January 2020 with the modified versions of the “Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire” Scale. There are three important findings of this study. First, child maltreatment is significantly related to child depression in China. The depression score and rate of severe depression symptoms (SDS) are 2.09 times and 3.82 times higher, respectively, for maltreated children than children without maltreatment. Second, the effects of maltreatment on child depression differ significantly among the ethnic groups. The negative effect of maltreatment is most influential among the Han population and least influential among the Zhuang population. Third, ethnic disparities are also found in the effects of the influencing factors on child depression. The effect of intergenerational relationships on child depression is significant only in the Han and Tibetan populations, while the negative effect of peer support is found only among Han, Tibetan, and Miao children. Based on the confirmation of ethnic disparities in trauma due to maltreatment, this study suggests that it is necessary to establish a high-quality psychological intervention system in China’s multi-ethnic counties.

某些主流媒体高调宣传《道德经》进大学课堂。这是什么样的大学的《道德经》“教材”呢多年来的事实告诉人们:伪学术、伪科学如果没有新闻媒体的鼓吹,特别是如果没有权威媒体、主流媒体的鼓吹,就形不成大气候,造不成大危害。因此,在反对伪学术、伪科学的同时,我们必须高度关注伪宣传和伪新闻问题。  相似文献   
一、关键是“崇尚”“崇尚科学”不等于“掌握科学”,不等于掌握了多少科学知识就光荣了,关键是“崇尚”二字。崇尚科学要求我们在努力掌握科学知识的同时还应当用科学思想、科学态度、科学方法、科学精神……来对待学习上的、工作上的、社会关系中的各种问题,甚至在执政能力建设中也强调要“科学执政”。崇尚科学就应当“解放思想,实事求是”,就应当“求真务实、开拓创新”,就应当“坚持真理、修正错误”。许多事实证明,有些掌握了科学知识的人,却缺乏科学态度和科学精神,不注意按科学思想、科学方法来办事,影响很坏。因此“崇尚科学”这一…  相似文献   
Older cities struggling with issues of survival focus on jobs and the economy, but competition requires all cities to pay attention to the quality of life that attracts residents. Creating such an inviting environment includes “third places” that foster community and communication among people outside of home and work, yet we have little empirical evidence that speaks to the subject, or their importance for a community’s quality of life. Here we report on a national U.S. survey that asked people to identify such places in their community, producing a wide variety of “third places” that ranged from the most popular community centers, coffee shops and restaurants to parks and malls. While a few relationships are found between population/diversity and the popularity of particular third places, the most important result confirms a hypothesized relationship between perceptions that third places are accessible in their community and the perceived quality of life.  相似文献   
红蝙蝠公寓的前身叫隆福公寓,坐落在县城中心的繁华地段,五幢十层高的楼群建筑依山傍水,熠熠生辉。主体楼房采取中西合璧,雕檐画栋,古色古香;欧式墙体,金碧辉煌。房地  相似文献   
去年11月15日,中国科学院自然科学史所研究员宋正海通过电子邮件发出倡议信,题目是《不要让"伪科学"一词成为灭亡传统文化的借口》,  相似文献   
Previous studies have indicated a potential association between trauma, such as physical violence, emotional violence and sexual violence, and high-risk sexual behavior. Female sex workers (FSWs) were interviewed to elicit history of traumatic events and sexual behaviors. Among 187 participants, 79 (42.2 %) inconsistently used condoms with clients in the past 30 days. Experiencing community violence (OR: 0.4; 95 % CI: 0.2, 0.8) was found to be significantly protective for inconsistent condom use. In this study, experiencing community violence was found to be protective for inconsistent condom use among FSWs, but none of the other trauma subgroups had significant associations with inconsistent condom use. Reasons for unprotected sex among FSW may be more related to economic or other contextual factors.  相似文献   
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