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Time horizons in rats foraging for food in temporally separated patches   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An important tenet of optimal foraging theory is that foragers compare prey densities in alternative patches to determine an optimal distribution of foraging behavior over time. A critical question is over what time period (time horizon) this integration of information and behavior occurs. Recent research has indicated that rats do not compare food density in a depleting patch with that in a rich patch delayed by an hour or more (Timberlake, 1984). In the present research we attempted to specify over what time period a future rich patch would affect current foraging. The effect of future food was measured by early entry into the rich patch (anticipation) and by a decrease in food obtained in the depleting patch (suppression). The rats showed anticipation of a rich patch up to an hour distant, but suppressed current feeding only if the rich patch was 16 min distant or less. The suppression effect appeared mediated by competition for expression between anticipatory entries into the rich patch and continued foraging in the depleting patch. These results suggest that optimal foraging is based on a variety of specific mechanisms rather than a general optimizing algorithm with a single time horizon.  相似文献   
Advice is a common but potentially problematic way to respond to someone who is distressed. Politeness theory (Brown & Levinson, 1987) suggests advice threatens a hearer's face and predicts that the speaker‐hearer relationship and the use of politeness strategies can mitigate face threat and enhance the effectiveness of advice messages. Students (N=384) read 1 of 16 hypothetical situations that varied in speaker power and closeness of the speaker‐hearer relationship. Students then read 1 of 48 advice messages representing different politeness strategies and rated the message for regard shown for face and for effectiveness. However, neither speaker‐hearer relationship nor politeness strategies was consistently associated with perceived threat to face or perceived advice effectiveness. We suggest revisions to politeness theory and additional factors that may affect judgments of face sensitivity and advice effectiveness.  相似文献   
A series of studies examined the (Sprague-Dawley) rat's tendency to suppress intake of .15% saccharin when it was followed by a second food after 4-, 16-, or 32-min delays. The second foods examined were 32% sucrose, 64% sucrose, lab chow, a Nutrasweet solution, skim milk, and chocolate milk. Saccharin intake was influenced by both the delay and the specific food available. Subsequent analysis showed that saccharin intake before the 4-min delay was an inverse function of the caloric value of the second food. However, saccharin intake before the 16-min delay was better predicted as an inverse function of the hedonic value of the second food. The results suggest that the caloric and hedonic values of a food may influence food selection across different time courses, and that the effective time horizon for the sequential comparison of foods depends on the specific foods that are compared.  相似文献   
A small number of previous studies using convenience samples from outside Canada, and mostly for males, show positive relationships between physical height and holding a position of authority as a manager or supervisor. The present study employs Multiple Classification Analysis to assess the generality of these patterns to a representative sample of full-time Canadian workers (2,210 males and 1,815 females) using seven alternative measures of authority status. The results for male workers, after controls, generally show significant positive relationships between height and authority status. The controlled analyses for female workers, however, do not. Additional analyses for males show height to be a comparatively strong predictor relative to other social background predictors of authority status. Alternative interpretations of the patterns of findings are discussed.  相似文献   
The primary goal of this experiment was to determine whether the addition of an operant requirement for access to a less costly (continuous reinforcement) patch of future food increased the time horizon over which that future patch decreased intake in a currently available depleting (progressive-ratio) patch. Three groups of 4 rats were tested. Each member of the earned-time group was required to cumulate a fixed-time outside the progressive-ratio patch to obtain access to food in the less costly patch; the fixed-time requirement ranged from 2 to 64 min. Rats in the matched-time group received response-independent access to less costly food at the average delay shown by the earned-time group. Rats in the matched-time no-food group were removed from the chamber at the same average delay without receiving access to less costly food. Two of the earned-time rats showed an increased time horizon relative to that shown by the matched-time rats (approaching 40 min for 1 rat). The other 2 earned-time rats markedly increased instrumental responding but showed suppression of intake only when food was less than 20 min away. The matched-time group showed less suppression of intake over a similar range of delay intervals. Surprisingly, the matched-time no-food animals also showed suppression of intake concentrated at the end of the session, possibly reflecting the receipt of their entire daily ration 30 min after the session. The potential importance of time horizons to the foraging process is clear, but experimenters are still working out paradigms for investigation of these horizons.  相似文献   
Two experiments compared predictions of a molar-pattern model and a general molar behavior regulation model by requiring rats to wheel run for access to water. In both experiments schedule parameters constrained the baseline average burst length of drinking without constraining total drinking. Five levels of schedule constraint were imposed on time spent per drinking burst (Experiment 1) or the number of drinks per burst (Experiment 2). The results of both experiments supported the general molar behavior regulation view but not the molar-pattern model by showing no increase in total wheel running and no decrease in total drinking under schedule constraint. However, both experiments also showed local effects of drink burst constraint, including a direct relation between the degree of constraint and the local rate of drinking, and an approximation of the temporal distribution of baseline drinking under all degrees of schedule constraint. Most local changes support the view that rats defend the baseline temporal distribution of responding under schedule constraint, though some changes appear related to disruption of local response pattern characteristics.  相似文献   
This research examined the influence of negative political advertising frames on the thoughts and feelings people generate in response to campaign advertising. Preparing and conducting this investigation involved the use of a multiple‐method strategy. Content analysis identified two advertising frames (i.e., candidate theme and ad hoc issue advertisements) and two experiments separately induced political cynicism and politician accountability. Three hundred and sixty people participated in the experimental studies, in which they read and responded, using a thought‐listing technique, to candidate theme or ad hoc issue negative advertisements. Results demonstrated that participants were more likely to generate cynical comments and hold politicians accountable for the country's ills when reading candidate theme advertisements than ad hoc issue advertisements. The results indicate that this contributes to a political climate of cynicism and may function to erode the electorate's overall trust in government.  相似文献   
In two experiments we tested the molar regulation prediction that animals adjust schedule performance to reduce deviations from baseline response totals. Both experiments constrained the baseline drink-burst length under molar nondepriving schedules but allowed rats to continue running without drinking. In Experiment 1, rats were required to run in order to drink. In Experiment 2, water was delivered independently of running by fixed-time (FT) schedules. Under the run-to-drink contingency, rats exceeded their baseline amounts of running (overrunning) but failed to maintain their baseline water intake (underdrinking). The total amount of running that did not lead to drinking approximated baseline running. Under the FT schedules, rats again underdrank, but total running approximated baseline. These results do not support previous studies that have shown molar equilibrium effects under nondepriving reciprocal schedules. We conclude that (a) contingent running may not substitute for independent running; (b) intermittent access to water reduces the total instigation for drinking; (c) molar regulation differs under reciprocal and nonreciprocal schedules; and (d) more dynamic, system-specific regulatory models need to be developed.  相似文献   
Rats obtained all of their water by licking a metal tube during a series of daily 1-hour sessions. When the tube was freely available throughout, each rat showed the classic temporal pattern of unconstrained drinking: As the session progressed, drinking bouts generally grew shorter and pauses grew longer. In subsequent sessions the tube was opened and closed independently of the rat's behavior, on a schedule that gave the rat a chance to duplicate the exact inverse of its unconstrained baseline pattern. Thus, as the inversion session progressed, the opportunities to drink generally grew longer and the enforced pauses grew shorter. When the rats were forced away from their unconstrained patterns of drinking and pausing, their total time spent drinking consistently fell short of previous values, but total licks and volumetric intake remained at previous levels. The same results occurred under an identity schedule, a series of openings and closings that duplicated the unconstrained pattern of drinking and pausing. The results have implications for theories that assume that instrumental performance under schedule constraint derives from the animal's defense of a measured set-point.  相似文献   
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