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The acetylcholinesterase reversible inhibitorN-octyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-9-aminoacridine (THA-C8) is a new synthesized derivative of tacrine (THA) characterized by an alkyl chain in the molecular structure which ameliorates the penetrability of the compound into the central nervous system. THA-C8 (0.1–5 mg/kg) significantly reduced spontaneous locomotor activity in CD1 mice at a dose of 3 mg/kg. Moreover, THA-C8 (0.2–2 mg/kg) significantly improved shuttle-box avoidance acquisition at doses (0.25, 0.3, 1 mg/kg) not affecting locomotion and that are much lower than the doses reported to be effective for THA in animal models. From the data reported it seems that the new compound could be interesting for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the mother–infant relationship in depressive, psychosocial, and cumulative‐risk parenting by assessing prenatal and postnatal maternal representations and mother–infant interactions during feeding at 4 months of age. The sample consisted of 167 mother–infant pairs: 41 nonrisk women, 40 depressive‐risk women, 40 psychosocial‐risk women, and 46 cumulative‐risk women. During pregnancy, the women were interviewed about psychosocial‐risk variables. Maternal representations and depressive symptoms were evaluated during pregnancy and again when the infants were 3 and 4 months old, respectively. All mother–infant pairs were observed in 20‐min video recordings during breast‐feeding. Maternal Integrated/balanced representations were more frequent in the nonrisk group whereas the maternal Nonintegrated/ambivalent category was more represented in the cumulative‐risk group during pregnancy and after the infant's birth. At 4 months, the cumulative‐risk group of mothers and infants showed a lack of reciprocity, conflictual communicative exchanges, and higher food refusal behavior. Moreover, at 4 months, differences between the quality of mother–infant feeding interactions and the quality of prenatal and postnatal maternal representations emerged, showing less adequate maternal scaffolding in the Nonintegrated/ambivalent and Restricted/disengaged women. This study has rich implications for intervention to support the affective and communicative caregiving system and to prevent infant feeding problems and mother–infant relational disturbances in childhood.  相似文献   
Spatial attention is a key factor in the exploration and processing of the surrounding environment, and plays a role in linking magnitudes such as space, time, and numbers. The present work evaluates whether shifting the coordinates of spatial attention through rotational head movements may affect the ability to estimate the duration of different time intervals. A computer-based implicit timing task was employed, in which participants were asked to concentrate and report verbally on colour changes of sequential stimuli displayed on a computer screen; subsequently, they were required to reproduce the temporal duration (ranging between 5 and 80 sec.) of the perceived stimuli using the computer keyboard. There was statistically significant overestimation of the 80-sec. intervals exclusively on the rightward rotation head posture, whereas head posture did not affect timing performances on shorter intervals. These findings support the hypothesis that the coordinates of spatial attention influence the ability to process time, consistent with the existence of common cortical metrics of space and time in healthy humans.  相似文献   
Five experiments were carried out to investigate opioid and NMDA receptor-mediated responses to one-trial inhibitory avoidance training in CD1 mice. In the first experiment immediate posttraining intraperitoneal administration of the noncompetitive N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist MK-801 impaired the performance of mice. The effects of MK-801 were time-dependent (they were absent in mice injected with the drug starting 120 min after training). No effect was evident in no-foot-shock groups, showing lack of proactive influence of the treatment on performance. In the second experiment preexposure of the mice to the testing apparatus decreased the effects of MK-801. In the the third experiment naltrexone antagonized the effects of MK-801, suggesting an involvement of opioid neurons. In the fourth experiment immediate posttraining immobilization stress exerted a potentiating effect on the performance of MK-801-injected animals. In the fifth experiment the potentiation of the impairing effect of MK-801 induced by immobilization stress was antagonized by naltrexone.  相似文献   
To investigate the basis of crossmodal visual distractor congruency effects, we recorded event-related brain potentials (ERP) while participants performed a tactile location-discrimination task. Participants made speeded tactile location-discrimination responses to tactile targets presented to the index fingers or thumbs while ignoring simultaneously presented task-irrelevant visual distractor stimuli at either the same (congruent) or a different (incongruent) location. Behavioural results were in line with previous studies, showing slowed response times and increased error rates on incongruent compared with congruent visual distractor trials. To clarify the effect of visual distractors on tactile processing, concurrently recorded ERPs were analyzed for poststimulus, preresponse, and postresponse modulations. An enhanced negativity was found in the time range of the N2 component on incongruent compared with congruent visual distractor trials prior to correct responses. In addition, postresponse ERPs showed the presence of error-related negativity components on incorrect-response trials and enhanced negativity for congruent-incorrect compared with incongruent-incorrect trials. This pattern of ERP results has previously been related to response conflict (Yeung, Botvinick, & Cohen, 2004). Importantly, no modulation of early somatosensory ERPs was present prior to the N2 time range, which may have suggested the contribution of other perceptual or postperceptual processes to crossmodal congruency effects. Taken together, our results suggest that crossmodal visual distractor effects are largely due to response conflict.  相似文献   
The acetylcholinesterase reversible inhibitor N-octyl-1,2,3, 4-tetrahydro-9-aminoacridine (THA-C8) is a new synthesized derivative of tacrine (THA) characterized by an alkyl chain in the molecular structure which ameliorates the penetrability of the compound into the central nervous system. THA-C8 (0.1-5 mg/kg) significantly reduced spontaneous locomotor activity in CD1 mice at a dose of 3 mg/kg. Moreover, THA-C8 (0.2-2 mg/kg) significantly improved shuttle-box avoidance acquisition at doses (0.25, 0.3, 1 mg/kg) not affecting locomotion and that are much lower than the doses reported to be effective for THA in animal models. From the data reported it seems that the new compound could be interesting for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the potentiality of the Interview of Maternal Representations during Pregnancy‐Revised Version (IRMAG‐R; M. Ammaniti & R. Tambelli, 2010) in exploring maternal representations in at‐risk and nonrisk conditions. Maternal representations were assessed during the last trimester of pregnancy in 411 nonrisk women and in 255 depressed and/or psychosocially at‐risk women. The results showed a prevalence of Integrated/Balanced representations in nonrisk women and a higher frequency of Not Integrated/Ambivalent representations in at‐risk women. Data obtained confirm that the IRMAG‐R is a valid instrument for exploring maternal representation during the last trimester of pregnancy in both the absence and presence of risk conditions.  相似文献   
Glucose was tested alone or in combination with two stimulant drugs, amphetamine and nicotine, in mice of the CD-1 strain subjected to five daily shuttle-box training sessions. Pretraining intraperitoneal administration of glucose (50 or 100 mg/kg) had no effect, while amphetamine and nicotine, given alone, significantly improved avoidance acquisition at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg, but not 0.025 mg/kg. Significant improvement of avoidance learning was also produced by a combination of glucose with the lower dose of amphetamine or nicotine. This enhancing action, produced by a combination of glucose and stimulant drugs, at doses ineffective by themselves, might be due to a concomitant cholinergic and dopaminergic activation, induced by glucose and stimulant drugs, respectively.  相似文献   
Response strategy in the dual-solution plus maze is regarded as a form of stimulus-response learning. In this study, by using an outcome devaluation procedure, we show that it can be based on both action-outcome and stimulus-response habit learning, depending on the amount of training that the animals receive. Furthermore, we show that deactivation of the dorso-medial and the dorso-lateral striatum with Botulinum neurotoxin A, mimicked or abolished, respectively, the effects of practice on the sensitivity of the response strategy to outcome devaluation. These findings have relevant implications for the understanding of the learning mechanisms underlying different overt behaviors in this widely used maze task.  相似文献   
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