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在著名的道书《性命圭旨》中有一句“青龙潜于西方,白虎隐于东方”的话,而传统道家的理论则是白虎在西青龙在东──这是道家文化的基本常识,《性命圭旨》连这常识都不具备,究竟是含有深意还是印刷错误,便成了桩有趣悬案。 《性命圭旨》的成书年代与写书作者也是悬案,普遍认为是明代书,在清末变得大大有名,至于书的作者,有的版本标明是尹真人高弟子,这位尹真人究竟是谁,他的高弟子究竟是谁,便不得而知了。有的版本说尹真人又被称为尹蓬头,不过多了一个外号而已,至于那位高弟子,有的版本说是黄元吉。 史书上的黄元吉生平可简约…  相似文献   
关于人类记忆的性质的知识,已有了好几次发展变化。十九世纪的感觉论学说曾认为,头脑起初是被动地记录着种种感觉事件,而印象也是通过感觉的重演而得到恢复的.但近来对记忆过程的研究却导致了新的结论,即认为:人类记忆比以前假设的那种简单而又被动的系统要更复杂更有能动性得多。在当代的重要实验之中,有助于形成一种动态的记忆模式的实验,便是原型形成的研究。实验表明,感觉印象可能在记忆中被组合,以形成一个原型.(例如:波斯纳尔和基尔1968年的研究;弗兰克和布兰斯福特1971年的研究;里德1972年的研究;牛曼1974年的研究;索尔所和墨卡西1981年的研究.)这些研究的影响已不局限于科学界,而且在其他领域也开始产生效果.特别是已在法律实践  相似文献   
胡智强 《学海》2011,(2):199-205
选择性执法是行政主体应对复杂的社会情势和违法行为高度不均衡分布的一种手段。选择性执法具有权力性、不确定性和目的性特征,它在使行政主体获得高度的灵活性和行政效率,有利于完成行政执法任务的同时,也牺牲了法的稳定性和权威性,助长了行政执法中的机会主义,并鼓励人们守法上的投机心理和行为,不利于法治。应当对选择性执法持较为严格的态度,保证其执法目的的正当性,并采取具体的方法加以规制。  相似文献   
胡秋秋 《天风》2009,(5):12-13
2009年世界妇女公祷日的主题是"在基督里虽有许多肢体,但同属于一体",藉着(<罗马书>12章3-21节经文,与弟兄姊妹分享"连于基督"这一信息.  相似文献   
Dating experiences, especially the type or stage of dating, have consistently been found to be related to premarital sexual behavior. Findings regarding the age at 1st date and sexual behavior have been less consistent. This paper examined the age at which dating began and the type of dating relationship as correlates of premarital sexual attitudes and behavior among mid-teen adolescents. The analyses were based on a sample of high school students (n=836), most of whom were between the ages of 15 and 18 when the surveys were conducted. Early dating, especially early steady dating, was related to permissive attitudes and to premarital sexual experience among both males and females. The relationship between early dating and intercourse experience was particulary strong among Mormons, a religious group which has institutionalized age 16 as the legitimate age to begin dating.  相似文献   
A subsample of 814 sexually experienced adolescent females from the 1979 U.S. National Survey of Young Women was analyzed to assess the correlates of age at 1st sexual intercourse. Multiple regression procedures were used to examine sets of variables sequentially. In the hierarchical regression model, the control variables (respondent's age, race, religion, and age at menarche), along with 3 independent variables (household income, ideal age at 1st marriage, and ideal age for 1st birth), predicted age at 1st intercourse. The control variables accounted for a major portion of the variance in the model. Of the controls, chronological age and age at menarche were highly significant across all models tested.  相似文献   
We discuss Belke and Spetch's (1994) work on choice between reliable and unreliable reinforcement. The studies by Belke and Spetch extend a line of basic research demonstrating that under certain experimental conditions in a concurrent chains procedure, pigeons prefer an alternative that produces unreliable reinforcement. The authors describe the variables that influence preference for unreliable reinforcement, including the signaling and the duration of the reinforcement schedules, the context in which the signaling stimuli occur, and the effects of conditioned reinforcement. Hypothetical applied examples that address these variables are provided, and their influence on preference for unreliable reinforcement in humans is discussed. We conclude by suggesting a line of applied research to examine the relationship between these variables and a preference for unreliable reinforcement.  相似文献   
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