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The present study sought to determine if the positive association between positive emotions and life satisfaction can be understood as a function of hope in Chinese. Consistent with the broaden-and-build model of positive emotions, we tested the hypothesis that positive affectivity, the disposition to experience positive emotions, would be associated with broadening hope agency, building hope pathways, or both, in a sample of 212 Chinese college students. Results examining for bootstrapped mediation testing with multiple mediators indicated that positive affectivity was indirectly associated with life satisfaction through hope agency, but not through hope pathways. In support for partial mediation, however, the association between positive affectivity and life satisfaction remained significant even after including hope components in the model. Some implications of the present findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Filing charges of scientific misconduct can be a risky and dangerous endeavor. This article presents rules of conduct to follow when considering whether to report perceived misconduct, and a set of step-by-step procedures for responsible whistleblowing that describe how to do so once the decision to report misconduct has been made. This advice is framed within the university setting, and may not apply fully in industrial settings. Ms. Gunsalus, an attorney, has been responsible for a wide range of compliance issues and academic policy matters at her university including responding to allegations of scientific misconduct. She served on the United States Commission on Research Integrity and spent six years on the AAAS Committee on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility, four of them as chair. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the symposium entitled “Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don’t: What the Scientific Community Can Do About Whistleblowing” held during the Annual Meeting of the AAAS, Seattle, Washington, 15 February, 1997.  相似文献   
Despite its known association with skin cancer, tanning remains popular among young adult women. Indoor tanning behavior has been found to be associated with affective and addictive disorders. To better understand potential psychological and biological mechanisms of tanning behavior, we investigated associations between tanning and medication (psychotropic and other) use among young women. Two hundred and fifty-three women age 18–29 years old were recruited from two northeastern university campus communities. Women self-reported tanning frequency and chronic medication use. In both univariate and multivariate analyses, indoor tanning ≥12 times last year was significantly associated with use of psychotropic medication and anti-depressants in particular. Sunbathing was not associated with medication use. Potential reasons for associations between tanning and psychotropic medication use are discussed. Indoor tanners should be warned that some psychotropic medications are photosensitizing, thus increasing risk for burns and other skin damage from indoor tanning.  相似文献   
This study explored whether young emerging adults’ psychological career resources identity predicted their orientation to life. The participants were a random sample of 400 predominantly full-time undergraduate students from four tertiary institutions in Nigeria (47% = female; age range 18 to 30 years). They completed psychological career resources and life orientation measures. The data were analysed by performing multiple regression analysis to explore whether psychological career resources accounted for the variance in life orientation. Overall, the results showed that those participants with well-differentiated career preferences and strong career drivers (sense of career calling, career goals and career intentionality) were likely to have a stronger sense of coherence. Developing a strong psychological career resources identity may potentially assist the young adult in developing a positive orientation to their life-career in developing country employment settings.  相似文献   
This paper described common themes and transitions in the treatment of adolescents and young adults presenting as addicted to sexual enactments. Central to their experience is a highly addictive reliance on a bad object, which both enables and relies upon sexually perverse enactments. The paper follows the therapeutic process with patients seen in either group or individual long-term psychotherapy. Their experience is understood in the context of theories central to the work at the Portman Clinic relating to perversion and addiction, combined with some ideas from the field of criminology. Patients usually start by noticing their relationship with their compulsive behaviour, moving from a passive stance to a perception of themselves as active agents. They discover moments that are described as ‘pressing a button’, at which they move from passivity to taking perverse action. Those insights lead to a slowing down of the addictive cycle and emergence of phantasies, core complex anxieties and even hopes, all desperately avoided by taking sexualised action. The paper follows a pathway of change and transformation, which when successful enables patients to reduce or cease addictive behaviours by coming in contact with a good object, enabling both emotional pain and the experience of potency and hope.  相似文献   
运用情境实验法,考察了71名3岁儿童掌控动机的基本特点及行为评价对其影响。结果发现:3岁儿童:(1)对新奇玩具具有强烈的掌控动机;(2)丰富的视听反馈会更加激发其探索与操控;(3)当成人对其探索行为有积极评价时,儿童获得更多愉悦感;(4)掌控成败体验出现;(5)积极评价可增强掌控成功时的兴趣感,缓解失败后的不良情绪;(6)多数(94.42%)儿童愿意尝试挑战,并能坚持较长时间以期成功,但坚持性存在个体差异。  相似文献   
透视医疗纠纷——辨析医患双方的权利和义务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发生医疗纠纷的一个重要原因是医患双方各自站在自己的立场上,维护自己的权利而产生的争端。由于我国卫生法制的滞后,患者被作为消费者伸张权利逐步成为趋势。但我国的医疗卫生事业的性质决定患者不能与消费者等同。医患双方应在更好的游戏规则下协调关系,减少纠纷。  相似文献   
Aim of this study was to develop and test a research instrument to measure generative and functional altruism in adolescents/young adults. In an anonymous questionnaire survey using standardised questionnaires, 873 students were recruited in academic high schools and professional schools. The 7-item Generative Altruism Scale (GALS), which includes affective and behavioural elements, correlated with relevant external measures that correspond with the underlying construct. Confirmatory factor analysis proved an acceptable model fit with characteristics of χ2 [df = 14, N = 846] = 129.946, p < .001, CFI = .91, AIC = 157.946, and SRMR = .048. Female and male students differed significantly with respect to altruism scores (F = 25.5; p < .0001). The GALS could be used for empirical studies analysing the connection between altruism and the development of ethical values and prosocial behaviour. Particularly, compassion as an intrinsic motivator could be fostered in appropriate education programmes.  相似文献   
Objective: The aim of the present study was to explore whether constructs within the Prototype Willingness Model (PWM) predicted risky drinking as measured by AUDIT-C, drinking harms and unplanned drunkenness in a sample of UK young adults. Previous studies exploring the PWM often do not use validated measures of alcohol consumption, and the outcomes of risky drinking are underexplored. Design: An online prospective study design with 4 week follow-up was employed and 385 young adults completed the study (M age?=?21.76, SD?=?3.39, 69.6% female; 85.2% students). Main outcome measures: Intentions to get drunk, AUDIT-C, drinking harms experienced in the last 4 weeks, and unplanned drunkenness in the last 4 weeks. Results: Heavy and non-drinker prototype similarity predicted AUDIT-C, drinking harms and unplanned drunkenness when controlling for past behaviour and reasoned action pathway constructs. Intentions and willingness both mediated the relationship between prototype perceptions and AUDIT-C. Conclusion: This study supports the use of the PWM in the prediction of AUDIT-C, drinking harms and unplanned drinking in a UK sample. Prototype perceptions influenced behaviour via both reasoned and reactive cognitions. Targeting similarity to heavy and non-drinker prototypes should be the focus of future interventions in this population.  相似文献   
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