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Several studies have shown that the effects of word emotionality on its processing depend on both its valence and its arousal. Such effects also varied with age. However, in French, there is no norm providing both valence and arousal estimates for words not directly referring to an emotion. That was the aim of this study. Moreover, the base of word emotionality according to age (EMA) we propose here provides categorization for each word in basic emotional subcategories.


In total, 1286 French words were evaluated on line on both emotional valence and arousal by 1017 adults from 18 to 82 years old. Moreover, each word judged as negative or positive was attributed to a category (joy, surprise, anger, disgust, fear or sadness).


The data showed (1) a quadratic relationship between valence and arousal, maintained across age groups, even if its strength decreased with aging; (2) age-related variations of both valence and arousal estimates; and (3) a modification of valence and arousal evaluations according to affiliation to basic emotional subcategories.


The EMA base provides a new tool for studies using emotional words in adulthood, especially for those investigating cognitive functioning in aging or in a specific age group.  相似文献   
The current study investigated the influence of contextual constraint (strong versus moderate) on incidental vocabulary acquisition in reading, as eye movements of adult skilled readers were monitored. Surprise post-tests followed the reading session, and eye movement behaviour was directly connected to retention data. Longer and more frequent reading/rereading was associated with trials containing a novel target (rather than a known control), and unique patterns of connective rereading between constraint conditions were observed. For reading measures reflecting target word processing and connecting target with context, fixations were generally longer and more frequent for moderate constraint than for strong. The exception was in rereading of informative context, which was generally longer for strong constraint. More and longer fixations while connecting novel targets with informative context proved critical for novel word retention, significantly so for moderate constraint but not for strong, based on eye movement data associated with memory for novel word stimuli.  相似文献   
This is a follow-up study to Tammik and Toomela [(2013). Relationships between visual figure discrimination, verbal abilities, and gender. Perception, 42, 971984] which established a correlational relationship between the propensity to use scientific as opposed to everyday concepts (as distinguished by L. Vygotsky) and visual figure discrimination. The purpose of the current study was to test a further prediction derived from Vygotskys theory in the context of ageing postponed start but faster rate of cognitive decline for scientific conceptual thinkers which is characteristic of cognitive reserve [Stern, Y.(2009). Cognitive reserve. Neuropsychologia, 47, 20152028]. The emergence of such a pattern with age was investigated by extending the original sample of 428 participants up to age 70 with additional 119 participants older than 70 years. The hypothesis was tested with piecewise (segmented) and local polynomial (loess) regression models and was confirmed.  相似文献   
荆伟  方俊明  赵微 《心理学报》2014,46(3):385-395
本文利用眼动追踪技术在基线、一致和矛盾3种实验条件下考察感知觉线索和社会性线索在自闭症谱系障碍儿童词语习得中的相对作用。行为数据结果表明, 此类儿童在矛盾条件下选择枯燥物体作为新异词语的所指对象, 这说明社会性线索较之于感知觉线索具有优势作用; 而他们在基线和一致条件下选择有趣物体作为新异词语的所指对象, 且一致条件的词语习得成绩优于基线条件, 这说明社会性线索较之于感知觉线索具有促进作用。眼动数据结果表明, 此类儿童在脸部注视模式和视线追随行为上与普通儿童存在差异。这说明, 虽然社会性线索在此类儿童与普通儿童的词语习得中具有相同的相对作用, 但他们获取社会性信息的方式与普通儿童存在差异。  相似文献   
视觉隐喻是众多研究者比较关注的领域, 当前多以物体简笔画、漫画及广告等方面的研究为主, 但对与生活密切相关的实物的视觉隐喻研究甚少。因此研究采用掩蔽启动范式、李克特9点量表及语音生成等研究方法, 在物体概念类型(概念相同、概念相异)及形状类型(形状相似、形状相异)条件下, 针对实物图片的形状知觉相似性是否对视觉隐喻加工产生影响进行探讨。结果发现无论物体概念是否相同, 形状相似性对个体的物体识别具有“促进”作用, 并有利于视觉隐喻加工; 在物体识别中, 当两个物体概念不同时, 个体会试图建立一个特设类别来对形状相似的物体进行归类, 从而实现了视觉隐喻的加工。因此研究进一步证明了实物形状的知觉相似性有利于视觉隐喻的加工。  相似文献   
视觉长时记忆激活度对促进视觉短时记忆的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲍旭辉  姬鸣  黄杰  何立国  游旭群 《心理学报》2014,46(8):1086-1093
短时记忆与长时记忆的关系是记忆领域研究的重要内容。基于此, 研究者们就视觉长时记忆是否能促进视觉短时记忆的问题展开了大量研究, 但所得出的结论并不一致。通过不同程度的学习形成不同激活度的视觉长时记忆, 考察对几何图形的视觉长时记忆是否能对变化检测中的短时记忆起到促进作用。结果发现, 低激活水平的视觉长时记忆不能促进视觉短时记忆, 而事先存在且高度激活的视觉长时记忆对视觉短时记忆却具有促进作用; 同时, 随着视觉长时记忆激活水平的提高, 刺激间间隔的效应值也逐渐减小。本研究说明, 视觉长时记忆能否促进视觉短时记忆取决于视觉长时记忆的激活水平, 高激活的视觉长时记忆对阻止视觉短时记忆痕迹的迅速消退具有重要意义。  相似文献   
通过记录和分析被试的行为和眼动指标,本研究试图探讨不同工作记忆负荷下,形状干扰对聋人与听力正常人不同视野位置上刺激信息捕获注意的异同。研究结果表明:(1)形状干扰刺激虽然没有影响被试视觉加工的认知绩效,但被试的眼动模式会由于工作记忆负荷的改变而改变,高工作记忆负荷时,有形状干扰的注视次数高于无形状干扰。(2)工作记忆负荷、视野位置影响被试视觉加工任务的完成,被试在不同视野位置的加工过程表现出不一致的眼动模式。(3)聋人视觉加工在高工作记忆负荷时存在一定的劣势,但其对不同视野位置的信息加工及形状干扰所产生的注意捕获效应与听力正常人一致。  相似文献   
This study examined the development of executive function (EF) in a typically developing sample from middle childhood to adolescence using a range of tasks varying in affective significance. A total of 102 participants between 8 and 15 years of age completed the Iowa Gambling Task, the Color Word Stroop, a Delay Discounting task, and a Digit Span task. Age-related improvements were found on all tasks, but improvements on relatively cool tasks (Color Word Stroop and Backward Digit Span) occurred earlier in this age range, whereas improvements on relatively hot tasks (Iowa Gambling Task and Delay Discounting) were more gradual and occurred later. Exploratory factor analysis indicated that performance on all tasks could be accounted for by a single-factor model. Together, these findings indicate that although similar abilities may underlie both hot and cool EF, hot EF develops relatively slowly, which may have implications for the risky behavior often observed during adolescence. Future work should include additional measures to characterize more intensively the development of both hot and cool EF during the transition to adolescence.  相似文献   
This study used data from the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS; Good & Kaminski, 2002) oral reading fluency (ORF) probes to examine variation among different ORF score types (i.e., the median of three passages, the mean of all three passages, the mean of passages 2 and 3, and the score from passage 3) in predicting reading comprehension as a function of student reading fluency level and to compare the screening accuracy of these score types in predicting student reading comprehension. The results revealed that the relation between oral reading fluency and reading comprehension varied as a function of students' oral reading fluency and that different score types had varying predictive validity for year-end reading comprehension. The mean of all three passages demonstrated a marginally better balance in screening efficiency from September to December of grade one (especially for low-performing students), whereas in grades two and three, the median score was the best predictor. Furthermore, across all grades, increasing reading rates were observed for the three administered passages within an assessment period. The observed patterns mimicked previous experimental studies (Francis et al., 2008; Jenkins, Graff, & Miglioretti, 2009), suggesting that practice effects are an important consideration in the administration of multiple passages assessing oral reading fluency.  相似文献   
Previous literature in alphabetic languages suggests that the occipital-temporal region (the ventral pathway) is specialized for automatic parallel word recognition, whereas the parietal region (the dorsal pathway) is specialized for serial letter-by-letter reading ( [Cohen et al., 2008] and [Ho et al., 2002] ). However, few studies have directly examined the role of the ventral and dorsal pathways in Chinese reading compared to English reading. To investigate this issue, we adopted the degraded word processing paradigm used by Cohen et al. (2008) and compared brain regions involved in the processing of degraded Chinese characters and English words during lexical decision, using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The degraded characters/words were created by inserting blank spaces between radicals of Chinese characters or syllables of English polysyllabic words. Generally, the current study replicated the effects of Cohen et al. (2008), showing that in Chinese – like in alphabetic languages – character spacing modulates both ventral (bilateral cuneus, left middle occipital gyrus) and dorsal (left superior parietal lobule and middle frontal gyrus) pathways. In addition, the current study showed greater activation in bilateral cuneus and right lingual gyrus for Chinese versus English when comparing spaced to normal stimuli, suggesting that Chinese character recognition relies more on ventral visual-spatial processing than English word recognition. Interestingly, bilateral cuneus showed monotonic patterns in response to increasing spacing, while the rest of the regions of interest showed non-monotonic patterns, indicating different profiles for these regions in visual-spatial processing.  相似文献   
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