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Demonstrations of non-speech McGurk effects are rare, mostly limited to emotion identification, and sometimes not considered true analogues. We presented videos of males and females singing a single syllable on the same pitch and asked participants to indicate the true range of the voice–soprano, alto, tenor, or bass. For one group of participants, the gender shown on the video matched the gender of the voice heard, and for the other group they were mismatched. Soprano or alto responses were interpreted as “female voice” decisions and tenor or bass responses as “male voice” decisions. Identification of the voice gender was 100% correct in the preceding audio-only condition. However, whereas performance was also 100% correct in the matched video/audio condition, it was only 31% correct in the mismatched video/audio condition. Thus, the visual gender information overrode the voice gender identification, showing a robust non-speech McGurk effect.  相似文献   
Two experiments were conducted to investigate how linguistic information influences attention allocation in visual search and memory for words. In Experiment 1, participants searched for the synonym of a cue word among five words. The distractors included one antonym and three unrelated words. In Experiment 2, participants were asked to judge whether the five words presented on the screen comprise a valid sentence. The relationships among words were sentential, semantically related or unrelated. A memory recognition task followed. Results in both experiments showed that linguistically related words produced better memory performance. We also found that there were significant interactions between linguistic relation conditions and memorization on eye-movement measures, indicating that good memory for words relied on frequent and long fixations during search in the unrelated condition but to a much lesser extent in linguistically related conditions. We conclude that semantic and syntactic associations attenuate the link between overt attention allocation and subsequent memory performance, suggesting that linguistic relatedness can somewhat compensate for a relative lack of attention during word search.  相似文献   
This study provides a better understanding of using visual arts in counselling adults with depressive disorders. Three in-depth case studies were conducted in the counselling unit of a mental health hospital in Malaysia. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were applied to explore three adult participants’ counselling experiences. They attended six individual counselling sessions, which included four art-making activities, and two after-session interviews, for approximately two months. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used to analyse the qualitative data. The findings showed that through the therapeutic use of visual arts, the participants were able to explore and express various emotions, face their problems, communicate better with themselves and the counsellor, achieve a deeper self-understanding, and make meaningful progress in counselling, even though some of them experienced a sense of uncertainty at the beginning of some art-making activities.  相似文献   
Goal-directed movements are subject to intrinsic planning and execution variability, which requires that the central nervous system closely monitor our movements to ensure endpoint accuracy. In the present study, we sought to determine how closely the visual system monitored goal-directed aiming movements. We used a cursor-jump paradigm in which a cursor was unexpectedly translated soon after movement initiation. Some of the trials included a second cursor jump, and the cursor remained visible for different durations. The results indicate that seeing the cursor for only 16?ms after the second cursor jump was sufficient to influence the movement endpoint, which suggests that the visual system continuously monitored goal-directed movements. The results also suggest that the perceived position/trajectory of the effector was likely to have been averaged over a period of approximately 70?ms.  相似文献   
Studies conducted on individuals with schizophrenia (SZ) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) show that they find it difficult to comprehend figurative language, and have a tendency to interpret it literally. This study examines hemispheric processing of idioms in patients with SZ, in comparison to individuals with ASD. Seventeen adults with SZ and 18 adults with ASD participated in the study. The two clinical groups were matched in age, vocabulary scores and verbal executive function scores. Using the divided visual field paradigm, the participants performed a lexical decision task for a target word related to either a literal or a figurative interpretation of an idiom. Whereas SZ patients showed the typical right lateralisation for non-salient literal interpretations of idioms, adults with ASD showed atypical bilateral processing. These findings indicate different hemispheric lateralisation in idiom processing in the two clinical groups.  相似文献   
以某城市小学三至五年级的学生为研究对象,筛选出发展性阅读障碍和同年龄对照组两组儿童,采用不同视角的刺激探测任务初步探查了汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的不同视野注意能力及特点。研究使用圆点、数字和汉字三种刺激类型并设置了3°,12°,17°三种视角条件。结果发现,在数字和汉字条件下,汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童对刺激探测的反应时显著长于同年龄对照组儿童,说明在加工复杂刺激时,汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童可能存在知觉加工迟缓的缺陷。但是,汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童并没有表现出扩散的视觉空间注意模式,即更多地注意外侧视野的信息。汉语发展性阅读障碍儿童的视觉空间注意模式与正常儿童相似,表现为随着视角的增加,正确率降低,反应时延长。  相似文献   
Audio‐visual associative learning – at least when linguistic stimuli are employed – is known to rely on core linguistic skills such as phonological awareness. Here we ask whether this would also be the case in a task that does not manipulate linguistic information. Another question of interest is whether executive skills, often found to support learning, may play a larger role in a non‐linguistic audio‐visual associative task compared to a linguistic one. We present a new task that measures learning when having to associate non‐linguistic auditory signals with novel visual shapes. Importantly, our novel task shares with linguistic processes such as reading acquisition the need to associate sounds with arbitrary shapes. Yet, rather than phonemes or syllables, it uses novel environmental sounds – therefore limiting direct reliance on linguistic abilities. Five‐year‐old French‐speaking children (N = 76, 39 girls) were assessed individually in our novel audio‐visual associative task, as well as in a number of other cognitive tasks evaluating linguistic abilities and executive functions. We found phonological awareness and language comprehension to be related to scores in the audio‐visual associative task, while no correlation with executive functions was observed. These results underscore a key relation between foundational language competencies and audio‐visual associative learning, even in the absence of linguistic input in the associative task.  相似文献   
Motor experiences and active exploration during early childhood may affect individual differences in a wide range of perceptual and cognitive abilities. In the current study, we suggest that active exploration of objects facilitates the ability to process object forms and magnitudes, which in turn impacts the development of numerosity perception. We tested our hypothesis by conducting a preregistered active exploration intervention with 59 8‐month‐old infants. The minimal intervention consisted of actively playing with and exploring blocks once a day for 8 weeks. In order to control for possible training effects on attention, we used book reading as a control condition. Pre‐ and post‐test assessments using eye‐tracking showed that block play improved visual form perception, where infants became better at detecting a deviant shape. Furthermore, using three control tasks, we showed that the intervention specifically improved infants' ability to process visual forms and the effect could not be explained by a domain general improvement in attention or visual perception. We found that the intervention did not improve numerosity perception and suggest that because of the sequential nature of our hypothesis, a longer time frame might be needed to see improvements in this ability. Our findings indicate that if infants are given more opportunities for play and exploration, it will have positive effects on their visual form perception, which in turn could help their understanding of geometrical concepts.  相似文献   
特质激活理论旨在阐明适宜的外部情境如何激活个体的内在特质, 以及这种激活如何促使潜藏的隐性特质表达出显性的行为。文章综述了特质激活理论, 剖析了其从思想诞生到基准模型, 再到拓展模型的两次飞跃, 重点阐释了情境分层、情境特征、激活后果的反馈等系统, 辨析了特质激活的内涵及其与“人-环境”匹配理论、与情境强度理论的异同, 从深化验证、拓展现有理论模型等视角提出未来研究走向。  相似文献   
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