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The past 15 years have seen dramatic changes in social norms around sex and sexuality in the UK and worldwide. In 2011, the London Natural History Museum (NHM) contributed to these debates by opening the temporary exhibition Sexual Nature, which aimed to provide ‘a candid exploration of sex in the natural world’ whilst also drawing in an under-represented audience of young adults. Sexual Nature provides an opportunity to explore Macdonald's ‘politics of display’ in the mutual construction of (public) scientific knowledge, society and sexuality, at a time of intense contestation over sexual norms. Whilst Sexual Nature both reflected and contributed to major reframings of sexuality and what science can say about it, the assumption that it would be possible to present this topic as morally neutral, reliable and uncontested, in line with traditions of public science, proved to be problematic. The language of the exhibition moved back and forth between human/animal similarity and difference, and between scientific and cultural tropes as the NHM tried to maintain epistemic authority whilst also negotiating the moral boundaries of acceptable sexual behaviour. The topic of sex pushed the museum far beyond its usual expertise in the natural sciences towards the unfamiliar territory of the social and human, resulting in an ad hoc search for, and negotiation with, alternative sources of expertise. Boon et al.’s co-curation approach to exhibition building has the potential to extend the NHM's audience-driven strategy, whilst also producing a more coherent and nuanced exhibition about the science of sex.  相似文献   
This study explored if the quality of mothers’ reported child-rearing experiences influences the prosodic and linguistic features of maternal child-directed speech. Lexical, syntactic, functional and prosodic aspects of maternal speech directed towards their 24-month-old children were examined. Results showed that mothers with different child-rearing histories differed in the ways they talked to their children. Mothers who recalled the caregiving they received during childhood as characterized by high levels of care and low levels of control, used a lexically and syntactically more complex speech and expressed more positive emotions. This kind of input seems to be more attuned with the typical growing skills of two-year-old children. Implications for the study of mother–infant relationship as well as for the study of child language development are addressed.  相似文献   
Li and Baroody presented a study in which they investigate children’ spontaneous attention to exact quantity without acknowledging how previous studies of spontaneous focusing on numerosity (SFON) are related to their concept and methods. The authors’ reaction to our pointing this out makes it is clear that SFON research has had foundational role in the development of Baroody and his colleagues spontaneous attention to number (SAN) idea. Thus the authors must acknowledge the SFON literature as the substantial part of their theoretical and methodological construct. The latest definition of SAN states this undeniably. “SAN is the attentional process that underlies exact number recognition initiated by the mathematical thinking triggered by SFON (e.g., attention to “threeness” directed by conceptual knowledge of “three” activated by SFON).” Furthermore, in their response, Dr Baroody and Dr Li admit that “An awareness of the SFON literature did help us explicitly recognize that, given the ambiguous instructions that do not explicitly direct a child’s attention to number, both the nonverbal production and matching tasks were useful in assessing unguided or spontaneous attention to a number.” It is surprising that in their response to the European Journal of Educational Psychology, the authors maintain their claim that they have cited the SFON literature adequately in their study about SAN.  相似文献   
论爱因斯坦的伦理思想和道德实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
爱因斯坦不仅是20世纪最伟大的科学家和思想家,而且也是一位伟大的人。他的伦理思想丰富而深邃,他的道德实践切实而感人。这位知行合一的伟人不愧是世人做人的楷模。  相似文献   
建设高质量中国特色社会心理服务体系,既是助力实现“健康中国”的重要路径,也是推进新时代创新社会治理与治理能力现代化的重要举措与手段。党的二十大报告提出的“六个必须坚持”既为建设高质量中国特色社会心理服务体系工作指明了方向,又从方法论的高度深刻阐述了推进理论创新的科学方法和正确路径。本文论述了如何通过贯彻落实“六个必须坚持”开展高质量中国特色社会心理服务体系建设。  相似文献   
论文分"崇尚汉易家法"、"融通汉易师法"、"批评图书易学"种"学术价值与思想意义"四部分,论述了乾嘉著名易学大师惠栋的易学研究。论文指出:一、惠栋研究《周易》,重视汉易的家法,融通汉易师法,提倡复归汉代的象数易学,体现了他对传统易学的继承与超越;二、作为经学大师,惠栋企图借鉴汉代象数易学理论来指导易学研究,既是他诠释易学当代价值的认真尝试,也是他以独特的方式延续了象数易学的生命;三、惠栋梳理汉易各家源流、勾勒其象数学特点,祛除宋儒图书易学中的臆说的流弊,成为清代易学研究的一个成功典范,具有转变当时学风与确立十八世纪经学研究方向的意义。  相似文献   
盛志德 《现代哲学》2007,(4):113-118
康德从抽象的个人建立道德规律,与他所谓的人类的道德史相矛盾。解决的办法:是团体、社会性与集体思想作为个人先在的规定性与责任与道德的源泉。  相似文献   
行为遗传学的历史,从横切面看,就好似一个由心理学、遗传学、生物学、进化论、人类学、人口学、生物统计、社会学以及法哲学等学科组合成的万花筒。任何一对学科的演进都呈正相关。虽然任何一对学科都不至于相互否定,但是,他们各自独特的历史和人物,又使得每一对学科并不完全相似  相似文献   
中国古代医德教育对现代医学生医德教育的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医德医风已成为全社会普遍关注的焦点,特殊职业要求医务工作者应具有高尚的医德,而高尚医德的培养应从医学生教育阶段开始,努力提高医学生的医德素养。我国传统的医德教育方法,如医学生人品的选拔,老师言传身教,徒弟满师传统等等对于培养现代医学生关爱病人、救死扶伤的医德风范仍具有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
The legacy of secular critique, with its Greek, Christian, Kantian, modernist traces, constitutes an aporetic law (or contradiction). That law is this: a critical legacy, if it is critical, can affirm and sustain itself only by trying to separate it from itself (from the very crisis that it is). The legacy or history of ‘religion’ is always a history of such critique. Such a legacy always anticipates critiquing itself, its memory (of whatever kind – racist, sexist, colonialist, nationalist). Such a legacy of critique is always a legacy of crisis. However, the crisis of such a legacy cannot be resolved, because critique, as kairos/krisis (critical/decisive moment), can admit of no resolution. Yet the (secular) history of religion, if it is ever historical, can only be a history of such aporetic critique. Such an aporetic critique will be the heritage of religion's im-possible 1 ?1. I write the word impossible/impossibility with and without a hyphen. When I hyphenate im-possible, I do so to remain true to Derrida's use of it. The im-possible is irreducible to either possibility or impossibility. Sometimes Derrida also writes the word without hyphenating it, but he still implies such irreducibility. future. It is an im-possible future because it will always be a promise, a promise to separate it from itself, a promise that will remain always deferred, always to come. Today, the promise of this secular critique is (in) democracy with its sovereign ‘decisive’ politics. We can no longer simply critique the (future) legacy of religion, understood this way. To do so is to fulfil that legacy's own messianic wish. This is the aporetic limit of secular critique. To think at the limits of the legacy of the critique of religion is to think the very question of the (secular) history of ‘religion’ and its others, that is, ‘religions’.  相似文献   
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