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Previous research has shown that playing violent video game exposure can increase aggressive thoughts, aggressive feelings, and physiological arousal. This study compared the effects that playing a realistic violent, unrealistic violent, or nonviolent video game for 45 min has on such variables. For the purpose of this study, realism was defined as the probability of seeing an event in real life. Participants (N=74; 39 male, 35 female) played either a realistic violent, unrealistic violent, or nonviolent video game for 45 min. Aggressive thoughts and aggressive feelings were measured four times (every 15 min), whereas arousal was measured continuously. The results showed that, though playing any violent game stimulated aggressive thoughts, playing a more realistic violent game stimulated significantly more aggressive feelings and arousal over the course of play. Aggr. Behav. 35:213–224, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
影响博弈结果的方法效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
最后通谍博弈和独裁者博弈是实验经济学的经典博弈,也被心理学家用来研究人的公平和利他行为。该研究考查了经济学和心理学通常的报酬支付方式、博弈中待分配的金额是否影响博弈结果,以及两个博弈进行组内实验时是否会产生顺序效应。结果发现支付方式和金额不影响博弈结果,但有顺序效应产生。该研究对国内研究者进一步借用这两个博弈的相关研究打下了一定的方法学基础。  相似文献   
暴力电子游戏对攻击行为及相关变量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章综述了暴力电子游戏对攻击行为及相关变量影响的测量方法和实证研究结果,分析了这种影响的心理机制和特点,文章认为对这种心理机制的理论探讨经历了四个阶段,元分析表明暴力电子游戏增加了游戏者的攻击行为、攻击认知、攻击情感、生理唤醒,最后文章指出以往研究中存在的问题和未来可能的发展方向  相似文献   
袁博  张振  沈英伦  黄亮  李颖  王益文 《心理科学》2014,37(4):962-967
采用Chicken Game博弈任务,考察了不同社会价值取向个体(亲社会者与亲自我者)在面对不同社会距离的博弈对手(朋友和陌生人)时表现出的合作与冲突行为。研究结果发现:(1)社会价值取向与社会距离交互影响个体的合作与冲突行为;(2)社会价值取向影响选择策略的反应时,亲社会者选择合作的反应时长于选择冲突的反应时,亲自我者选择合作与选择冲突的反应时没有显著差异;(3)无论对亲社会者还是亲自我者,反馈类型都显著影响个体的合作与冲突行为的选择率以及随后决策的反应时。上述结果表明,个体的合作或冲突行为,并非单一地受到社会价值取向的影响,更可能是受到个人因素(社会价值取向)与其他社会因素(比如,社会距离)的共同调节,并且在这一过程中个体会根据决策后反馈信息不断的调整自己的行为策略。  相似文献   
本研究采用眼动技术,通过2×2混合实验设计,探讨字幕与产品卷入度对视频广告在线加工的影响。结果发现,有字幕广告比无字幕广告产生了更多的回视次数和总注视时间;在观看广告时,高卷入度产品比低卷入度产品产生更多的回视次数、总注视时间和注视次数。更为重要的是,字幕和产品卷入度的交互作用显著:当广告中的产品卷入度高时,有字幕的产品比无字幕的产品产生更多的回视次数和总注视时间;当广告中的产品卷入度低时,两者没有显著的差异。结果表明,字幕影响视频广告的加工,但是这种影响受到产品卷入度的调节,只有高卷入度产品广告的加工受到字幕的影响,结果支持了精细加工可能性模型。  相似文献   
本研究使用单次匿名最后通牒博弈任务,采用2(性别: 男性, 女性)×3(社会距离: 自我决策, 替朋友决策, 替他人决策)×5(提议类型: 1/9, 2/8, 3/7, 4/6, 5/5)的混合实验设计,通过操作反应者的不同社会距离,考察资产分配情境下自我-他人决策的性别差异。研究结果发现:(1)相比于自我决策和替朋友决策,女性被试替他人决策时更愿意接受提议1/9,2/8和3/7,而提议4/6和5/5的接受率不受社会距离的影响;男性被试中社会距离和提议类型的交互作用不显著;(2)不平等提议的反应时随社会距离增加而逐渐降低,而平等提议的反应时不受社会距离的调节;(3)替他人决策时女性的接受阈限显著低于男性,而自我决策及替朋友决策时接受阈限不存在性别差异。  相似文献   
人类的生存繁衍依赖于人们之间的相互合作,合作与冲突行为的研究近年来成为心理学的研究热点。本研究通过实验程序操纵Chicken Game中博弈同伴的特点,考察个体在社会困境中面对不同特点同伴时的合作行为。结果发现:(1)同伴道义论组和功利论组总和解率没有显著差异,同伴竞争组和合作组的总和解率也没有显著差异。(2)在与道义论以及合作型的同伴互动时,个体的行为没有明显受到上次博弈反馈的影响。(3)当同伴为功利论时,相比于上次博弈个体选择和解而同伴选择进攻,双方都选择和解时个体在当前博弈中更倾向于和解;(4)在同伴竞争组中,相比于上次博弈个体选择进攻而同伴选择和解,双方都选择和解时被试在当前博弈中会更倾向于和解。实验结果表明个体在博弈任务中会受到同伴特点的影响,并且同伴在博弈中的行为特点的影响更为显著。本研究从同伴特点来考察个体的合作行为,揭示了影响个体博弈行为的一种因素。  相似文献   
Whorf and Wittgenstein are perhaps the most famous names in linguistics and philosophy associated with the assumption that language plays a decisive role in shaping our view of reality. After a critical discussion of Whorf's linguistic relativity principle I conclude that it is not language as a system, but the use of language according to the rules of language games which connects language thought and world view, especially if some particular usage becomes the commonly accepted norm. This traditional norm also enters argumentative discourse in the form of background assumptions occuring in the premises of arguments. Thus, traditional points of view and prevailing ideologies in a society, even if challenged in discussions, can become reinforced and stabilized. This is illustrated with a critical analysis of the role and function of tautological utterances in argumentative discourse, which only apparently are compelling means of argumentation.  相似文献   
This research investigated how a minority member sacrificing his/her personal benefits to protect the environment might influence the attitudes and behavior of others. The experiment, using a sea pollution game, employed a 2(minority factor)×2(cost factor) factorial design. Under the high-cost condition, in which an ecological minority bears the substantial cost it was hypothesized that the rate of subjects' pro-environmental behavior would be higher in the one-minority case than in the no-minority case. In contrast, under the low-cost condition, the differences between these two cases would decrease. The results supported this assumption. In prompting pro-environmental behavior, a self-sacrification minority member is more influential than one whose behavior is not self-sacrificing. Moreover, under the one-minority condition, path analyses indicated that the subjects' cost evaluation did not affect their behavior. It was concluded that when the subjects saw an ecological minority, the inhibiting effects of cost on their pro-environmental behavior would decrease.  相似文献   
Rhetoric and dialectic are two distinct circles, but in intersection. Rhetoric is an application (among others) of the dialectic to public debates. The dialectic is then the intellectual tool of rhetoric, distinct from its emotive means of persuading. But each of them can be antistrophos to the other one because both of them belong to the same sublunar world, our world. Such is Aristotle's answer, both to the sophists and to Plato.
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