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The aims of this study were to translate the English version of the 12-step alcoholic anonymous (AA) to the Yoruba version and to compare among patients with alcohol use disorders (AUDs), which version would be associated with a higher participation in AA. After an initial translation of the English version of the AA to Yoruba version, 200 participants with AUDs were randomised into either group, matched by age and gender and enrolled in the 12-step programme for six months. Compared to the Yoruba group, the proportion of participants retained in treatment in the English AA group was significantly lower between baseline and at six months, OR?=?.45, 95% CI (.26–.83). The Yoruba 12-step AA has the potential of mitigating the language barrier the English version poses to individuals with limited ability in the English language because participants felt more connected with God.  相似文献   
IntroductionThe Autism Spectrum Questionnaire (AQ, Baron-Cohen et al., 2001) is a self-report assessment tool aiming at screening autistic traits in normal intelligence adults. While numerous versions in other languages than English now exist, few factorial evidence do sustain the valid use of this instrument as it was conceived, based upon five distinct dimensions (Social skills, Communication, Attention to detail, Attention switching, Imagination); no such study exists with a French version of the AQ. The aim of our study is therefore to present the French version of the scale and to explore its factorial validity with confirmatory factorial analyses and, possibly, its invariance across men and women.MethodSeveral confirmatory factorial analyses, with the robust WLSMV estimator for categorical response format, were run on the questionnaire data from 788 French-speaking students (17–25 years old) at university faculties or schools for higher education in Belgium. The original five-factor measurement model of the AQ was assessed as well as alternative models. An exploratory factorial analysis was also applied to get more insight as to possible sources of misfit.ResultsNo measurement model – neither the original five-factor one nor any of the six other models tested – did produce statistics or fit indices close to significant values: there was no fit to the data. The internal consistency of the subscales was weak; the exploratory factorial analysis further confirmed that as much as ten factors were needed to explain 45% of the data variance.ConclusionOur results, with a French version of the scale, add to many other ones which suggest that the AQ is a too heterogeneous questionnaire with somewhat ill-defined dimensions and non specific/ambiguous items. The questionnaire should probably be shortened and its content realigned to core features of the autism spectrum.  相似文献   
IntroductionFew measuring instruments of couple satisfaction maximizing the individual perception of the relationship exists in French. Settings such as Liaison psychiatry of a general hospital could benefit from a questionnaire adapting to a variety of clinical profiles.ObjectiveThis article proposes a French revision and validation of the Marital Satisfaction Scale (MSS; Roach, Frazier, and Bowden, 1981), a 48-item self-reported questionnaire designed to evaluate personal satisfaction towards one's couple relationship.MethodA sample of 349 community-dwelling individuals aged 20–85 answered the MSS, the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS; Spanier, 1976), and a series of inquiries related to sociodemographics. As an initial Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) did not validate the unidimensional structure postulated by the original authors, the item number was reduced to 14.ResultsThis brief version of the scale (MSS-14) was subsequently validated with an internal replication analysis, a strong criterion-related validity with the DAS (rs = 0.73, P < 0.001), an excellent internal consistency (α = 0.961, IC à 95% [0.955, 0.967]), a strong test-retest reliability (rs = 0.90, CI à 95% [0.85, 0.93], P < 0.001, Z =  0.033, P = 0.973), and strong item-to-total correlations (> 0.69). The MSS-14 could differentiate individuals with and without marital distress (AUC = 0.97), while no sociodemographic variable seemed to have a significant influence on couple satisfaction.ConclusionThe MSS-14 appears to be a reliable instrument to assess the personal satisfaction towards a couple relationship in community-dwelling adults.  相似文献   
马王堆帛书<缪和><昭力>是孔子易说,其中的"子"并非后世之经师,更非黄老派学者,而是孔子,这可以从诸多方面得到论证.这两篇帛书因此成为研究孔子易学、<易>教思想的重要资料.  相似文献   
《经义考》和《四库》皆认为,今本《子夏易传》非但不是唐以前流传的古本《子夏易传》,也不是唐代张弧所假托伪撰的《子夏易传》,而是宋以后伪撰的另一新伪本,而唐张弧伪本已亡佚。这一观点得到了大多数学者的认可。但本文通过详细考证,认为今本《子夏易传》即宋代流传的唐张弧伪本,易学史上并不存在张弧伪本之后的新伪本《子夏易传》。考证清楚此问题,对我们更好地理解、利用今本《子夏易传》,以及对古本《子夏易传》的辑佚都有重要意义。  相似文献   
对于《太极图》与《太极图说》而言,许多人认为"传图者必传说"。但是,把上述主张绝对化,会忽视一些非常重要的史料。据祁宽、朱子等人的一系列资料来看,《通书》的最初版本"九江本"并非如大家所认为的那样,没有收录《太极图》与《太极图说》,而只是没有收录《太极图》。基于此,我们还需要重新审视潘兴嗣《先生墓志铭》文中的句读问题、《太极图》的最初面貌问题、《太极图》与《太极图说》与道家的渊源问题,以弄清《太极图》与《太极图说》的关系。最后,本文还通过对《诸儒鸣道集》所收《通书》与朱子所整理的各《通书》版本进行比较,进一步分析了《通书》最初版本的可能面貌。  相似文献   
将Frick等人的群集化儿童问题行为核查表(the clustering child behaviors checklist,CCBCL)修订为中文版自我报告问卷、教师评定问卷和同伴评定问卷。以529名初一学生为被试进行间卷修订。结果发现:Frick等人提出的外化问题行为框架适合研究中国儿童青少年的外化问题行为,探索性因子分析证明中文版问卷的因子结构与原文卷一致;自我报告、教师评定和同伴评定版问卷的内部一致性系数、分半系数和重测信度系数都在可接受的范围内,且自我报告版问卷中财物损害的各信度系数较低;自我报告结果与同伴拒绝的相关不显著。而教师评定和同伴评定的结果均与同伴拒绝相关显著;同伴评定问卷的各信度系数及通过其获得的测量结果与同伴拒绝的相关性均高于其它两种问卷。  相似文献   
青少年未来取向问卷中文版的测量学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了芬兰著名心理学家J.-E.Nurmi等人编制的未来取向问卷,并考察了其在中国文化背景中的适用性。未来取向问卷中文版的测量学分析表明,该问卷题目具有较好的内部一致性和稳定性;采用探索性因素分析考察了计划过程分问卷的结构效度、以自尊和抑郁作为该问卷各指标的效标考察了问卷的效标效度,结果表明,该问卷具有较好的效度,适合在中国青少年中使用。  相似文献   
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