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Lesion–symptom mapping studies have reported a temporal versus frontal dissociation between semantic and letter fluency, and mixed evidence regarding the role of white matter. Mass-univariate and multivariate lesion–symptom mapping was used to identify regions associated with semantic and letter fluency deficits in post-stroke aphasia. Multivariate LSM revealed broad networks including underlying white matter, and substantial overlap between both types of fluency, suggesting that semantic fluency and letter fluency largely rely on the same neural system. All data are available on OSF.  相似文献   
本研究基于情绪的认知评价理论,探讨了不合规任务对新员工工作投入的动态影响机制。通过收集分析71名新员工连续5个工作日的追踪数据发现,不合规任务会诱发新员工的不愉快情绪,进而影响其工作投入,工作成长观能够有效缓冲这一负面影响。以上结论拓宽了不合规任务的影响后果,并为如何干预不合规任务给新员工带来的消极影响提供了启示。  相似文献   
Language abilities in early childhood show stability over time and play an important role in the development of other cognitive processes. Identifying modifiable environmental risk factors is important to informing prevention and early intervention efforts. Maternal verbal ability has been previously linked to child verbal ability. The current study examined whether maternal and child verbal abilities were linked indirectly through early childhood maternal responsiveness. Data come from a longitudinal birth cohort study. Participants included 133 mothers and their children recruited from maternity wards shortly after birth. Maternal verbal ability was measured using the Vocabulary subtest from the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence, Second Edition (child age 8 months). Child verbal ability was assessed using the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (36 months). A latent maternal responsiveness variable was estimated using three developmentally sensitive indicators; one during infancy (child age 8 months) and two when children were 36 months. Results of a structural equation model indicated a significant indirect effect from maternal verbal abilities to child verbal abilities through maternal responsiveness. This indirect path was significant even after inclusion of another indirect path from maternal executive functioning to child verbal ability through maternal responsiveness (which was not significant). Future studies will benefit from experimental, genetically sensitive and/or cross‐lagged designs to allow for conclusions related to directionality and causality. This body of research has implications for the study of the intergenerational transmission of verbal abilities and associated skills, behaviours and adaptive outcomes.  相似文献   
A driver’s license is key to independence for many young adults, including those with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). However, individuals with ASDs may face special challenges when learning to drive. If effective driver training is to be devised for this demographic, it is important to determine the nature of these challenges. Driving inherently requires multitasking (e.g. steering, speed maintenance, navigation, hazard detection) and drivers are routinely obligated to combine driving with the demands of listening and responding to others, as occurs during driving lessons. Given that individuals who display traits associated with ASDs may have special difficulties with secondary tasks and especially those that involve socialization, we examined the effects of secondary tasks that involve listening and responding to questions while driving. We compared performance when simply driving (the control condition), driving while listening (the audiobook condition), and driving while listening and speaking (the prompt: answer condition). The autism spectrum quotient (AQ:Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, Skinner, Martin, & Clubley, 2001), a commonly used self-report questionnaire intended to measure traits associated with ASDs in research, was used to identify young drivers with more and fewer traits related to ASDs in a community sample, (None had a clinical diagnosis of ASD.) Consistent with studies of drivers clinically diagnosed with ASDs, we found that high AQ scorers reported greater mental and physical demand, effort, and frustration when driving, and showed more moment-to-moment variability in lane position and hazard reaction compared to low AQ scorers as measured in a driving simulator. Differences between the low and high scorers were typically largest when secondary tasks were imposed, but the predicted interaction between drive condition and AQ group only emerged in terms of steering variability.  相似文献   
包装上的元素信息是消费者感知环境刺激的重要来源, 能对消费者决策产生重要影响。包装元素可分为非语言型包装元素和语言型包装元素两类, 它们对消费者有不同的影响。总体而言, 非语言型包装元素主要影响消费者的感知和情感偏好, 而语言型包装元素更多影响消费者的行为倾向和行为结果。同时, 两类包装元素对消费者产生影响的内在机制可从神经生理机制、认知加工机制、自我控制的转移和多感官交互几方面进行讨论。此外, 两类包装元素对消费者的影响还会受到环境特征、产品特征以及消费者个体特征的调节。未来研究可进一步探讨两类包装元素对消费者尴尬情绪、透明包装的选择以及产品评价等结果的影响。  相似文献   
Previous studies have found that subjects diagnosed with verbal auditory agnosia (VAA) from bilateral brain lesions may experience difficulties at the prephonemic level of acoustic processing. In this case study, we administered a series of speech and nonspeech discrimination tests to an individual with unilateral VAA as a result of left-temporal-lobe damage. The results indicated that the subject's ability to perceive steady-state acoustic stimuli was relatively intact but his ability to perceive dynamic stimuli was drastically reduced. We conclude that this particular aspect of acoustic processing may be a major contributing factor that disables speech perception in subjects with unilateral VAA.  相似文献   
时距长度和速度变化对进度条时距知觉的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
进度条在人机交互界面中具有广泛应用。本研究运用单任务的预期式范式和口头估计法,探究速度变化对不同时距长度进度条的时距知觉的影响,为进度条的智能化设计提供参考。研究表明:(1)时距长度影响个体的时距估计,时距长度与时距估计比率分数成反比关系;(2)进度条的不同速度变化趋势影响进度条时距知觉,在持续时间相同的匀速、减速、加速和先加后减四种进度条类型中,加速进度条的时距知觉最短,而匀速进度条时距估计最长。  相似文献   

Este estudio examina los efectos de la descripción del autor de un delito en su identificación posterior, así como las estrategias utilizadas en la decisión y la confianza en la respuesta. Se preparó un vídeo que representaba el robo de un coche. Sólo la mitad de los sujetos realizó una descripción del autor antes de la tarea de identificación, presentada en vídeo mediante una rueda simultánea con 5 distractores y el autor del delito, indicando a los sujetos que el autor podía estar presente o no. La descripción no afectó ni a la exactitud de la identificación, ni a las estrategias utilizadas por los sujetos. Sin embargo, tanto el nivel de elecciones como la confianza disminuyeron considerablemente con descripción, efectos importantes de ensombrecimiento verbal. Por último, mas sujetos utilizaron espontáneamente procesos de eliminación y comparación que identificación automática, pero en este último caso todas las decisiones fueron correctas, mientras los errores predominaron cuando los sujetos utilizaron estrategias más elaboradas. En conclusión, la descripción previa de una persona, al contrario que la verbalización de una cara, no perjudica a la exactitud de la identificación, aunque es determinante para el nivel de elecciones del autor del delito.  相似文献   
The Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) is widely used in clinical practice to evaluate verbal episodic memory. While there is evidence that RAVLT performance can be influenced by executive dysfunction, the way executive disorders affect the serial position curve (SPC) has not been yet explored. To this aim, we analysed immediate and delayed recall performances of 13 non‐demented amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients with a specific mild executive dysfunction (ALSci) and compared their performances to those of 48 healthy controls (HC) and 13 cognitively normal patients with ALS. Moreover, to control for the impact of a severe dysexecutive syndrome and a genuine episodic memory deficit on the SPC, we enrolled 15 patients with a diagnosis of behavioural variant of frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) and 18 patients with probable Alzheimer's disease (AD). Results documented that, compared to cognitively normal subjects, ALSci patients had a selective mid‐list impairment for immediate recall scores. The bvFTD group obtained low performances with a selectively increased forgetting rate for terminal items, whereas the AD group showed a disproportionately large memory loss on the primary and middle part of the SPC for immediate recall scores and were severely impaired in the delayed recall trial. These results suggested that subtle executive dysfunctions might influence the recall of mid‐list items, possibly reflecting deficiency in control strategies at retrieval of word lists, whereas severer dysexecutive syndrome might also affect the recall of terminal items possibly due to attention deficit or retroactive interference.  相似文献   
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