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杨海文 《现代哲学》2006,(4):91-101
如果我们愿意在阅读中与《孟子》相逢,我们就应该立志去做一个大写的人。从道德理想主义层面看,《孟子》要求我们“证性善”,确立人之为人的性善之本;期盼我们“恶乡愿”,拒斥八面玲珑的伪善之方。从文化守成主义层面看,《孟子》呼唤我们“友古人”,经由对优秀文化传统的回想而求证本根之源;促使我们“辟邪说”,通过对异端邪说的批驳而澄清智慧之旅。有理想有文化的人,才会是一个大写的人。无论对于针砭欲望横流的当下世态,还是对于建构人皆尧舜的未来愿景,这种人格的理论意义和现实作用都是不可低估的。  相似文献   
本文以现代日本学者的眼光对邵雍的易学思想作了较为系统的论述。认为邵雍从宇宙观和世界观的理论基础上推演出他的历史观来 ,企图把宇宙世界的生成、万物的存在以及历史的变迁都还原为抽象的数 ,因而一方面难免陷入脱离事实、空洞推演的弊端 ,而在另方面又增加了重视义理以指导人事的内容。所以他的易学思想在古代术数与宋明理学之间 ,起了继往开来的重大作用  相似文献   
The case is that, with regard to revolutionary new ideas, the field of psychotherapy (a) has a glaring absence of indicators of open-mindedness; (b) is distinctly and conspicuously closed-minded; (c) this closed-mindedness is extreme, and differentiates the field from many other fields; and (d) the field is essentially barricaded against knowing that it is so conspicuously closed-minded. The fanciful and unrealistic revolution would be for the field to become open-minded. Invitations are extended to any psychotherapists with a spark of open-minded possibilities.  相似文献   
Although Hume has no developed semantic theory, in the heyday of analytic philosophy he was criticized for his “meaning empiricism,” which supposedly committed him to a private world of ideas, led him to champion a genetic account of meaning instead of an analytic one, and confused “impressions” with “perceptions of an objective realm.” But another look at Hume’s “meaning empiricism” reveals that his criterion for cognitive content, the cornerstone both of his resolutely anti-metaphysical stance and his naturalistic “science of human nature,” provides the basis for a successful response to his critics. Central to his program for reforming philosophy, Hume’s use of the criterion has two distinct aspects: a critical or negative aspect, which assesses the content of the central notions of metaphysical theories to demonstrate their unintelligibility; and a constructive or positive aspect, which accurately determines the cognitive content of terms and ideas.  相似文献   
21世纪的中西医结合   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自本世纪60年代以来,中西医结合取得了重要进展,中西医结合的经验与成果已经引起国内外重视。21世纪,在“中西医并重”的方针指引下,将会迎来更好的发展机遇。兼客、互补与结合创新是主要的三种结合形式,其中结合创新占有更重要的地位。我们应增强创新意识,选好创新目标,改善临床与研究工作条件,为取得更快的发展而努力。  相似文献   

This article highlights ethical issues in publication. It addresses the provenance of ideas, problems with joint authorship, plagiarism, and the practice of duplicate submission of material for publication. Confidentiality and privacy matters, and the protection of human subjects in publication of research and clinical case studies are also discussed. The article further examines biases in literature reviews, and in the biased selection of one's best results for publication, intentional misinterpretation of data and the slanting of discussion, summary, and conclusions. Finally, the article deals with ethical problems that can arise in the publication of sponsored research, and the ethical responsibilities of editors and readers.  相似文献   
Transcendental Pragmatics and Discourse Ethics. Elements and Perspectives of Apel's Discourse-Philosophy. The author follows Apel's intellectual biography and shows the conception of a critique of meaning qua ‘reflection upon the discourse within the discourse’ to be the centre of Apel's language-pragmatic ‘Transformation of Philosophy’ (Frankfurt a.M. 1973). Beginning with an explication of the situation of a speaker/thinker, especially of the situation of a philosophising speaker/thinker, Apel reconstructs a two fold apriori of communication: Every thought is situated within the context of a particular, historically evolved, community of language and interaction. At the same time, however, the validity-claims of thoughts transcend the context of their origin towards an unlimited community of argumentation. On the basis of the first apriori Apel criticises the methodical solipsism as well as the objectivism of modern philosophy and theory of science. Drawing upon the second apriori he develops a universalist critique of meaning of relativism and contextualism. In the sixties and seventies Apel worked out a differentiated theory of the – more or less – communicatively cognizing humanities and set it apart from the theory of the causal-explanatory natural sciences, thus challenging the objectivism of a Theory of Unified Science. Building upon this work Transcendental Pragmatics, as developed by Apel and others, sets philosophy primarily two tasks: firstly, a (fallible) internal reconstruction of argumentative discourse as the (logical) situation of speech and thought which seeks to elucidate the conditions of the meaningfulness, i. e. the presuppositions, of discourse. These presuppositions comprise, thus Apel with Habermas, the four validity-claims to intelligibility, sincerety/credibility, truth and normative rightness/legitimacy. Their moral content consists, thus Apel, not only in the recognition of the equality of all beings capable of discursive reasoning but also in their recognition of a co-responsibility for the realizability of discourses and of responsibility. The author argues that the existence of a co-responsibility of this kind is indisputable because the discursive claims to validity are intertwined with a set of ‘primordial promises of dialogue’. Only with the elucidation and explication of these promises can the reconstruction of the internal conditions of discourse be completed.The second task of a pragmatics of argumentation isthe strict resp. actual reflection of the thinker upon the presuppositions of the discourse in which he currently engages. This reflection has a Socratic character and can only be done in the form of discussion and debate (‘Auseinandersetzungen’, Apel, Frankfurt a.M. 1998) with critics of the reconstruction. In this context, the author proposes a method of Socratic reflection upon the presuppositions of dialogue which suspends the usual, theoretically oriented, attitude of the scientist and the philosopher in favour of an actual reflective attitude. Within a dialogue with a sceptic who doubts one of the results of the internal reconstruction of dialogical presuppositions, say X, it is tested whether his doubt as to the unrestricted validity of X can be understood as a sincere contribution to the current dialogue or whether this particular sceptical thesis does not make sense, because it is incompatible with the role of a sincere participant of argumentation which, after all, the sceptic cannot refuse to claim for himself.Finally the author explains Apel's characterization of the tension between “Discourse and Responsibility” (Frankfurt a.M. 1988). In the course of discussions with Max Weber, Lawrence Kohlberg, Hans Jonas et al., Apel formulates and justifies an ethics of responsibility and gives an affirmative answer to the crucial question of whether the fulfilment of the moral obligations connected with the recognition of co-responsibility can be demanded within the non-dialogical circumstances of social reality. Apel's answer employs the idea of counter-strategies which are morally legitimate in virtue of their being worthy of argumentative consensus. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
This paper is designed to demonstrate some of the multi‐storied representational possibilities available to us as writers and practitioner‐researchers. It highlights some of the opportunities that are available to therapists and the people who consult them when they describe their conversational space as a site for co‐research. It illustrates the reciprocity present in conversations, including therapeutic conversations, by juxtaposing three stories that are interrelated retellings from different writing genres. In positioning poetic, storied and more academic/interpretative texts alongside each other, we hope to trouble the edges between academic and creative writing and also between practice and research. In placing these stories next to each other we seek to disrupt carefully contained ‘client’ and ‘therapist’ positions. We intend to question some current bereavement orthodoxies by demonstrating some less taken‐for‐granted ways in which people, living and dead, can and do continue to sustain each other's lives. We also hope to invite the readers and future writers of this journal to play alongside us in this conversation.  相似文献   
父母教育观念类型对幼儿个性相关特质发展的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对大连地区6所幼儿园400名3 ̄6岁幼儿父母教育观念的问卷调查及教师对幼儿个性的测评,探讨了父母教育观念类型对幼儿个性相关特质发展的影响。结果显示:(1)运用聚类分析法,可将幼儿父母教育观念分为三类:积极型、不协调型和低标准型;(2)各种教育观念对幼儿个性发展存在着不同的影响。积极型有利于幼儿个性的发展,不协调型与低标准型不利幼儿个性的发展。  相似文献   
陈阳 《管子学刊》2009,(4):41-43
荀子是战国末期的儒学大师,杰出的思想家,对中国古代音乐美学的发展有重要贡献。荀子的音乐教育思想集中反映在《荀子.乐论》中。他认为人需要音乐,肯定了音乐在沟通人们情感以及在人性教化中的巨大作用,具有"中和之美"。要使其成为教育人的手段和工具,防止音乐陷入邪乱,就必须使其符合道德礼义的要求。本文以荀子"以道制欲,则乐而不乱"的礼乐哲学思想为基点,全面阐述了荀子礼乐教育思想的内容、本质和作用以及其对当代音乐发展的启示。  相似文献   
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