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武向慈  王恩国 《心理学报》2014,46(12):1871-1879
概念表征是认知心理学研究的一个重要领域。具身认知理论认为, 在概念加工过程中, 个体会以具身模拟的形式对概念所暗含的空间方位信息进行理解。本研究采用事件相关电位技术, 考察抽象权力概念加工时的激活特点。实验首先要求被试对出现在屏幕中央的词进行权力高/低判断, 接着在屏幕的上方或者下方呈现一个字母(“m”或“n”), 要求被试对目标物进行按键反应。结果发现, 当权力词隐喻的空间特性与目标物出现的位置一致时诱发了一个更大的N1波幅, 不一致时诱发了一个更大的P3波幅。该结果提示, 抽象权力概念加工时会产生自动激活空间上-下意向图示, 对权力词的加工影响了随后字母位置的判断, 并将空间注意指向了与意向图示相一致的位置, 从时间加工进程看, 起始于早期的知觉识别并一直持续到晚期的高级认知加工阶段, 权力概念加工具有内隐性。  相似文献   
The study assessed whether the auditory reference provided by a music scale could improve spatial exploration of a standard musical instrument keyboard in right‐brain‐damaged patients with left spatial neglect. As performing music scales involves the production of predictable successive pitches, the expectation of the subsequent note may facilitate patients to explore a larger extension of space in the left affected side, during the production of music scales from right to left. Eleven right‐brain‐damaged stroke patients with left spatial neglect, 12 patients without neglect, and 12 age‐matched healthy participants played descending scales on a music keyboard. In a counterbalanced design, the participants' exploratory performance was assessed while producing scales in three feedback conditions: With congruent sound, no‐sound, or random sound feedback provided by the keyboard. The number of keys played and the timing of key press were recorded. Spatial exploration by patients with left neglect was superior with congruent sound feedback, compared to both Silence and Random sound conditions. Both the congruent and incongruent sound conditions were associated with a greater deceleration in all groups. The frame provided by the music scale improves exploration of the left side of space, contralateral to the right hemisphere, damaged in patients with left neglect. Performing a scale with congruent sounds may trigger at some extent preserved auditory and spatial multisensory representations of successive sounds, thus influencing the time course of space scanning, and ultimately resulting in a more extensive spatial exploration. These findings offer new perspectives also for the rehabilitation of the disorder.  相似文献   
Personality disorders are characterized by interpersonal problems. These problems might arise not only in current, but also in past relationships. To test this hypothesis, recollections of abuse and neglect in childhood and representations of adult attachment to the romantic partner were related to dimensional ratings of the 10 DSM-5 personality disorders. Ultimately, 110 patients of a psychosomatic clinic took part in the study. All data were collected with self-report measures. Among the different types of child abuse and neglect, emotional abuse was shown to be most frequently correlated with personality disorders. Attachment dimensions avoidance and anxiety were both associated with personality disorders; anxiety, however, showed stronger correlations. The results reveal that personality disorders come along with enduring adversities in close relationships, mainly experiences of emotional abuse and attachment anxiety, starting in the family of origin and continuing in adult attachment bonds.  相似文献   
为探究父母忽视与青少年网络游戏成瘾的关系及其中心理机制,本研究以全国七个省的八所中学共805名初二学生为被试,采用问卷法考察了父母忽视与青少年网络游戏成瘾的关系及希望在其中的中介作用,并检验了该过程是否受到性别的调节。在控制了每周上网时间和网龄后,结果发现:(1)父母忽视对网络游戏成瘾具有正向预测作用;(2)希望在父母忽视和网络游戏成瘾间起到完全中介作用;(3)性别调节了中介模型的前半段路径,具体表现为相对于女生,父母忽视对男生希望的负向预测作用更显著。结果表明父母忽视会明显降低初二学生的希望水平,进而增加其网络游戏成瘾风险,并且在男生群体中的作用更加显著。  相似文献   
Evidence on the processes underlying the horizontal and vertical Simon effect is still controversial. The present study uses experimental manipulations to selectively delay the stages of response execution, response selection, and stimulus identification in three experiments. A reduction is observed for both horizontal and vertical Simon effects when response execution is delayed by a go-signal presented 400–600 ms post-stimulus onset or when a spatial precue is presented 200–400 ms before the stimulus. When the overlap between stimulus spatial code formation and response selection is prevented by decreasing stimulus discriminability, the horizontal Simon effect decays, but the vertical Simon effect does not change. Activation theories, which propose a decay of the automatically activated response ipsilateral to the stimulus, mainly apply to the horizontal Simon effect. In contrast, translation theories, which propose that the effect occurs when stimulus features are translated into a response code, are more suitable to account for the vertical Simon effect.  相似文献   
Representation of spatial categories was assessed in 4‐ to 7‐year‐olds. Across nine spatial categories (In, On, Under, In Front, Behind, Above, Below, Left, and Right), children were asked to pick the odd‐one‐out from four images, three of which displayed the same spatial relationship between two objects, and one which showed a different spatial relationship. Results support our proposed model of spatial category representation. Children progressed through three levels of understanding: from rigid (level 1), to abstract (level 2) to broad (including non‐prototypical category exemplars) (level 3) understanding of spatial category membership. This developmental pattern was common to all spatial categories, and the ages at which children reached each level varied across categories, in line with the order in which category representations emerge in infancy.  相似文献   
研究采用单探测变化检测范式,考察了两维特征图形在视觉客体和视觉空间工作记忆中的存储机制,并对其容量进行测定。40名被试(平均年龄20.56±1.73岁)随机分为两个等组,分别完成实验一和实验二。实验一的刺激图形由颜色和形状两基本特征组成,实验二的刺激为由不同颜色和开口朝向组成的兰道环。两个实验结果均显示:(1)特征交换变化条件下的记忆成绩与单特征变化条件下最差的记忆成绩差异不显著;(2)空间工作记忆任务的成绩显著优于客体工作记忆任务;(3)被试在视觉工作记忆中能存储2~3个客体和3~4个空间位置。这表明,由两种不同维度特征组成的图形在视觉客体和视觉空间工作记忆中均以整合方式进行存储,空间工作记忆的容量大于客体工作记忆。  相似文献   
The delayed-matching-to-sample procedure was modified to study pigeons' spatial memory. Nine pecking keys, arranged as a three-by-three matrix, served as the spatial cues. Trials began with a brief "ready" stimulus (dimming of the houselight). Then a randomly chosen key was lit briefly as a sample. After a short delay the sample key was lit again along with one of the other eight keys. A peck at the key that had served as the sample produced grain reinforcement, where as a peck to the other key produced only the intertrial interval. After delayed matching of key location was learned, the effects of sample and delay duration, number of keys illuminated as sample and comparisons, and organization of three-key samples were studied. Matching accuracy decreased as sample duration decreased, delay increased, the number of locations serving as samples increased, the number and proximity of comparisons increased, and when the three-key samples were "discontinuous" rather than "lines".  相似文献   
蔡厚德 《心理学报》1996,29(2):209-214
用半视野速示术检查阿拉伯数字和汉字大写数字在三种任务加工条件(认读、简单相加、奇偶概念异同判断)下进行认知的大脑两半球机能活动一侧化效应。结果表明:以被试正确反应的百分数为指标,两类数字的三种任务加工均没有表现出明显的视野(大脑半球)优势。以被试正确反应的反应时为指标,两类数字的认读和简单相加也未出现视野(大脑半球)的明显差别,而两类数字的奇偶概念异同判断却出现了差异显著的右视野(左半球)优势。  相似文献   
Subjects with left neglect often fail to use and, in some instances, recognize the left side of the body. We performed a series of investigations to determine if this deficit is, at least in part, attributable to an impairment in the “body schema,” an internal three-dimensional, dynamic representation of the spatial and biomechanical properties of one's body. First, subjects were shown a series of pictures of a single hand and asked to determine if the stimulus was a right or left hand. Subjects with neglect but not other subjects with brain lesions identified pictures of left (contralesional) hands significantly less reliably than pictures of right hands. On the basis of evidence demonstrating that the identification of pictured hands involves the matching of the stimuli to an on-line mental representation of one's body, these data suggest that neglect may be associated with a disruption of, or failure to attend to, the body schema. Data from subsequent investigations contrasting patients with left neglect and Gerstmann's syndrome argue for a distinction between a body schema and a “body image,” or conceptual representation of the body which articulates with language.  相似文献   
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