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通过CiteSpace对空间隐喻研究文献进行可视化分析发现,中国对于空间隐喻的研究始于1999年,经历了起步探索期、爆发期,现进入平稳深化期; 学科分布以语言学为主,文学与心理学为辅; 多数研究者更倾向单次独立研究而缺少持续与合作研究,仅构成一个作者群,另外也有一些小合作团队,只局限于两人合作,合作力量较弱; 各机构之间合作缺乏; 研究热点集中于空间隐喻、隐喻、认知、意象图式、空间、映射汉语、隐喻拓展等,近年来转向了概念隐喻、道德、道德概念、垂直空间隐喻和具身认知,且具身认知持续至今; 空间隐喻研究主要围绕空间隐喻、认知语言学、意向图式、方位词、映射、隐喻、认知和具身认知这八个主题开展。由此可知,未来的研究中可扩展学科范围、加强各作者和各单位之间的合作、探索其他研究热点。  相似文献   
The hippocampus is a subcortical structure in the medial temporal lobe involved in cognitive functions such as spatial navigation and reorientation, episodic memory, and associative learning. While much is understood about the role of hippocampal function in learning and memory in adults, less is known about the relations between the hippocampus and the development of these cognitive skills in young children due to the limitations of using standard methods (e.g., MRI) to examine brain structure and function in developing populations. This study used hippocampal‐dependent trace eyeblink conditioning (EBC) as a feasible approach to examine individual differences in hippocampal functioning as they relate to spatial reorientation and episodic memory performance in young children. Three‐ to six‐year‐old children (N = 50) completed tasks that measured EBC, spatial reorientation, and episodic memory, as well as non‐hippocampal‐dependent processing speed abilities. Results revealed that when age was held constant, individual differences in EBC performance were significantly related to individual differences in performance on the spatial reorientation test, but not on the episodic memory or processing speed tests. When the relations between hippocampal‐dependent EBC and different reorientation strategies were explored, it was found that individual differences in hippocampal function predicted the use of geometric information for reorienting in space as opposed to a combined strategy that uses both geometric information and salient visual cues. The utilization of eyeblink conditioning to examine hippocampal function in young populations and its implications for understanding the dissociation between spatial reorientation and episodic memory development are discussed.  相似文献   
以1~9除5外的阿拉伯数字和汉字标签“左”“右”为实验材料,采用数字奇偶判断任务,探讨任务指令对数字-空间联结编码的影响。结果发现:言语任务指令条件下,词语一致性与物理一致性的交互作用显著,且词语一致和不一致时均未发现空间-数字联合反应编码效应(SNARC),表明言语-空间编码在数字-空间联结中更有优势;空间任务指令条件下,物理一致性主效应显著,且词语一致和不一致时均出现了SNARC效应,表明视觉空间编码更有优势。说明数字-空间联结编码受实验任务指令的影响,被试会根据任务指令设置的情景选择视觉空间编码或言语-空间编码对数字进行空间联结。  相似文献   
A new instrument has been developed that allows a comprehensive assessment of the relevant dimensions of the phenomenology of autobiographical memories (Assessment of the Phenomenology of Autobiographical Memory, APAM), and their association with visual object and spatial imagery has been examined. An initial version of APAM consisting of 30 items (the first 28 measured on a seven-point Likert-type scale) was developed and administered to a sample of 138 undergraduates. To test whether each item consistently measured the same dimension across different memories, all questions were rated for 12 cues. Results showed that 25 Likert-type items possessed adequate levels of internal consistency and unidimensionality across cues. We also found that higher levels of visual object imagery were associated with more sensory details and recollective qualities of memory, and with stronger experience of sensory and emotional reliving. The theoretical and practical usefulness of APAM as well as the relevance of visual object imagery in the phenomenology of autobiographical memory are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the nature of neuropsychological assessment within the context of ecological validity. It considers the extent to which traditional neuropychological tests can predict performance in everyday life before going on to describe several new procedures designed to map directly on to real life functioning.  相似文献   
以纳西族和汉族大学生为被试,对Yi-Fu Tuan归纳的17对空间词进行了相似性分类,并用多维标度法和分层聚类法进行了分析。结果表明,汉族大学生的空间认知围绕着4个主题:⑴三维方位;⑵边界;⑶空间饱和程度;⑷视觉距离。汉族大学生空间词的概念结构有两个维度:⑴方位/状态;⑵以观察者为参照/以物为参照。纳西族大学生的空间认知围绕着5个主题:⑴垂直方位;⑵水平方位;⑶边界;⑷空间饱和度;⑸视觉距离。纳西族大学生空间词的概念结构也有两个维度:⑴水平/垂直;⑵状态/方位。汉族大学生和纳西族大学生空间认知的差异主要表现在“水平/垂直”维度上,这与汉族和纳西族的语言和文化差异相一致。整个研究表明,语言和文化对空间认知主题和空间概念结构有着重要的影响  相似文献   
赵民涛  牟炜民 《心理学报》2005,37(3):308-313
让被试在没有外界参照线索的条件下,从三个观察视点学习物体场景,首次以局部场景再认范式探讨了空间记忆中场景表征的朝向特异性。结果表明:(1)多视点学习条件下,场景空间表征依然是依赖于特定朝向的,不支持空间表征独立于朝向和空间表征依赖于多个观察朝向的观点。(2)场景空间表征的朝向依赖性不仅表现于方位判断任务,也同样表现于场景再认任务。(3)场景本身的内在结构对空间表征中参照系的选取有重要影响。  相似文献   
Crossover by Line Length and Spatial Location   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is well known that line length has a systematic influence on line bisection error in neglect. Most patients with neglect misbisect long lines on the same side of true center as their brain lesion but then cross over on short lines, misbisecting them on the opposite side (i.e., crossover by line length). What is less recognized is that the spatial location of lines relative to the viewer can similarly induce a crossover effect when one considers line bisection error scores that have been averaged across individual line lengths. Patients with right hemisphere injury and neglect classically make averaged line bisection errors that fall right of true center on lines located either at midline or to the left of the viewer; however, we observed that the averaged line bisection error can fall left of true center when lines are located to the right of the viewer (i.e., crossover by spatial location). We hypothesized that crossover by both line length and spatial location stem from systematic errors in magnitude estimation, i.e., perceived line length. We tested predictions based on this hypothesis by examining how the crossover effect by line length is altered by the spatial location of lines along a horizontal axis relative to the viewer. Participants included patients with unilateral lesions of the right and left cerebral hemispheres and age-appropriate normal subjects. All groups demonstrated a crossover effect by line length at the midline location but the effect was altered by placing lines to the right and left of the viewer. In particular, patients with right hemisphere injury and neglect crossed-over across a broader range of line lengths when the lines were located to the right of the viewer rather than at either midline or left of the viewer. It is proposed that mental representations of stimulus magnitude are altered in neglect, in addition to mental representations of space, and that traditional accounts of neglect can be enhanced by including the psychophysical concept of magnitude estimation.  相似文献   
空间相对位置效应的时间特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
用方位箭头作探测刺激,研究故事阅读产生的想象空间中物体搜索任务的反应时模式。结果发现:(1)方位箭头的指向对物体搜索有影响,反应时模式为:左=右=前<后,说明方位箭头作探测刺激时的物体搜索过程不涉及人一物空间关系的转换;(2)目标物体与注意物体的相对位置对物体搜索有影响,反应时模式为注意点<注意点对面<注意点左侧=注意点右侧,说明相对位置效应与人物空间关系的转换无关。本研究结果支持了两阶段理论。  相似文献   
系列眼跳的产生及其心理学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
面对呈现面前的视觉场景,我们总会进行一系列的眼跳。近些年来,很多研究对系列眼跳这一现象做了较为深入的探讨,但仍在很多问题上存在着争论。该文从系列眼跳产生的神经生理基础、系列眼跳对视觉信息更新的影响、注意在系列眼跳中所起的作用以及记忆与系列眼跳的关系等几个方面来对系列眼跳的研究进展及其心理学意义加以介绍与评价  相似文献   
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