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《经义考》和《四库》皆认为,今本《子夏易传》非但不是唐以前流传的古本《子夏易传》,也不是唐代张弧所假托伪撰的《子夏易传》,而是宋以后伪撰的另一新伪本,而唐张弧伪本已亡佚。这一观点得到了大多数学者的认可。但本文通过详细考证,认为今本《子夏易传》即宋代流传的唐张弧伪本,易学史上并不存在张弧伪本之后的新伪本《子夏易传》。考证清楚此问题,对我们更好地理解、利用今本《子夏易传》,以及对古本《子夏易传》的辑佚都有重要意义。  相似文献   
情绪觉察作为情绪智力的重要基础,指的是识别与描述自己和他人情绪的能力,对个体的心理健康,人际交往具有重要意义。为系统考察情绪觉察的研究现状,采用定性和定量相结合的方式回顾以往研究,即先采用文献计量学的方法定量分析该领域研究的概况,然后在此基础上,对研究的具体内容从概念界定、测量工具、神经基础、相关因素和干预研究五个方面作进一步系统梳理。最后,对以往研究进行了总结和展望,以期为今后研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   
Attentional bias to threatening visual stimuli (words or pictures) is commonly present in anxious individuals, but not in non-anxious people. There is evidence to show that attentional bias to threat can be induced in all individuals when threat is imposed by threat not of symbolic nature, but by cues that predict aversive stimulation (loud noise or electric shock). However, it is not known whether attentional bias in such situations is still influenced by individual differences in anxiety. This question was addressed in two experiments using a spatial cuing task in which visual cues predicted the occurrence of an aversive event consisting of a loud human scream. Speeded attentional engagement to threat cues was positively correlated with trait anxiety in Experiment 1. Experiment 2 showed that speeded attentional engagement was present only in participants selected for high anxiety but not in low-anxious participants. In both experiments, slower disengagement from threat cues was found in all participants, irrespective of their trait anxiety levels.  相似文献   
The human visual system is able to efficiently extract symmetry information from the visual environment. Prior neuroimaging evidence has revealed symmetry-preferring neuronal representations in the dorsolateral extrastriate visual cortex; the objective of the present study was to investigate the necessity of these representations in symmetry discrimination. This was accomplished by the use of state-dependent transcranial magnetic stimulation, which combines the fine resolution of adaptation paradigms with the assessment of causality. Subjects were presented with adapters and targets consisting of dot configurations that could be symmetric along either the vertical or horizontal axis (or they could be non-symmetric), and they were asked to perform a symmetry discrimination task on the targets while fixating the center of the screen. TMS was applied during the delay between the adapter and the test stimulus over one of four different sites: Left or Right V1/V2, or left or right dorsolateral extrastriate cortex (DLO). TMS over both Left and Right DLO reduced the adaptation effect in detecting vertical and horizontal symmetry, although the Left DLO effect on horizontal symmetry and the Right DLO effect on both vertical and horizontal symmetry were present only when considering subjects who showed a behavioral adaptation effect in the baseline No-TMS condition. Application of TMS over the Left or Right V1/V2 did not modulate the adaptation effect. Overall, these data suggest that both the Left and Right DLO contain neuronal representations tuned to mirror symmetry which play a causal role in symmetry discrimination.  相似文献   
Behavioral studies suggested heightened impact of emotionally laden perceptual input in schizophrenia spectrum disorders, in particular in patients with prominent positive symptoms. De-coupling of prefrontal and posterior cortices during stimulus processing, which is related to loosening of control of the prefrontal cortex over incoming affectively laden information, may underlie this abnormality. Pre-selected groups of individuals with low versus high positive schizotypy (lower and upper quartile of a large screening sample) were tested. During exposure to auditory displays of strong emotions (anger, sadness, cheerfulness), individuals with elevated levels of positive schizotypal symptoms showed lesser prefrontal–posterior coupling (EEG coherence) than their symptom-free counterparts (right hemisphere). This applied to negative emotions in particular and was most pronounced during confrontation with anger. The findings indicate a link between positive symptoms and a heightened impact particularly of threatening emotionally laden stimuli which might lead to exacerbation of positive symptoms and inappropriate behavior in interpersonal situations.  相似文献   
对肾移植输血问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就肾移植受者输血的几个问题进行了回顾和探讨。提出肾移植受者输血应该考虑的问题有:如何权衡输血对肾移植受者的有益作用与输血风险,输血医学的发展如何为肾移植提供更有力的保障,应该深入探讨输血有益于肾移植的机制,推进供者特异性输血在我国的应用。  相似文献   
A finitary characterization for non-well-founded sets with finite transitive closure is established in terms of a greatest fixpoint formula of the modal -calculus. This generalizes the standard result in the literature where a finitary modal characterization is provided only for wellfounded sets with finite transitive closure. The proof relies on the concept of automaton, leading then to new interlinks between automata theory and non-well-founded sets.  相似文献   
帛书及楚竹书、阜阳汉简<周易>的面世,极大地拓展了我们对<周易>经文的研究视野.东汉熹平间,灵帝诏诸儒正定五经,以熹平石经作为今文标准本,熹平石经遂成为后人研究、界定汉代经今、古文的重要依据.然今以帛<易>考之,汉初人们以隶字抄书,并无严格的今、古文区分,故熹平石经作为分辨汉人今、古文的权威,只是为平息当时的今、古文之争.汉唐人以自己所见之有限的古文本而定其"古文某作×",今以竹书校之,方知其所见之古文本及其古文字,与战国竹书古文本多有不同.而由今本与竹书本多有相同相通者考之,知今本确为古文本无疑.随着帛<易>的出土,有本师传授的今文<易>在亡佚千余年后又重现于世,对弄清<周易>六十四卦中的一些疑难卦爻辞原旨,厘清汉人今、古文经学的发展与演变,无疑有重大的借鉴与帮助.  相似文献   
Self-enhancement is the biasing of one’s view of oneself in a positive direction. The brain correlates of self-enhancement remain unclear though it has been reported that the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) may be important for producing self-enhancing responses. Previous studies have not examined whether the neural correlates of self-enhancement depend on the particular domain in which individuals are enhancing themselves. Both moralistic and egoistic words were presented to participants while transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was applied to the MPFC, precuneus or in a sham orientation. Participants were asked to make decisions as to the words describing themselves, some of which were positive and some of which were negative. It was found the MPFC TMS significantly disrupted egoistic self-enhancement when TMS was delivered to the MPFC. Judgments involving moralistic words were not influenced by TMS. These data provide further evidence that MPFC is involved in self-enhancement, and that the role of MPFC may be selective in this regard.  相似文献   
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