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Research using clinical populations to explore the relationship between hemispheric speech lateralization and handedness has focused on individuals with speech and language disorders, such as dyslexia or specific language impairment (SLI). Such work reveals atypical patterns of cerebral lateralization and handedness in these groups compared to controls. There are few studies that examine this relationship in people with motor coordination impairments but without speech or reading deficits, which is a surprising omission given the prevalence of theories suggesting a common neural network underlying both functions. We use an emerging imaging technique in cognitive neuroscience; functional transcranial Doppler (fTCD) ultrasound, to assess whether individuals with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) display reduced left‐hemisphere lateralization for speech production compared to control participants. Twelve adult control participants and 12 adults with DCD, but no other developmental/cognitive impairments, performed a word‐generation task whilst undergoing fTCD imaging to establish a hemispheric lateralization index for speech production. All participants also completed an electronic peg‐moving task to determine hand skill. As predicted, the DCD group showed a significantly reduced left lateralization pattern for the speech production task compared to controls. Performance on the motor skill task showed a clear preference for the dominant hand across both groups; however, the DCD group mean movement times were significantly higher for the non‐dominant hand. This is the first study of its kind to assess hand skill and speech lateralization in DCD. The results reveal a reduced leftwards asymmetry for speech and a slower motor performance. This fits alongside previous work showing atypical cerebral lateralization in DCD for other cognitive processes (e.g., executive function and short‐term memory) and thus speaks to debates on theories of the links between motor control and language production.  相似文献   
通过比较超声、宫腔镜检查与病理诊断子宫内膜息肉的结果,以及超声诊断结果阴性的病例中,宫腔镜与病理诊断的差异检出率,探讨宫腔镜检查对正确诊断子宫内膜息肉的重要性.回顾性收集连续在我院妇科行宫腔镜检查且证实子宫内膜息肉诊断的住院患者共730例.总结各病例超声诊断、宫腔镜检查及病理诊断的结果.统计分析显示,三者诊断子宫内膜息肉的检出率分别为82.7%、93.4%、90.8%.其中,由超声检查漏诊的子宫内膜息肉患者共126例,宫腔镜及病理检出率分别为96.8%、88.1%,且两者的阴性结果互不重叠,这种诊断差异在超声诊断结果示内膜增厚/内膜厚薄不均病例中尤为显著.因此,子宫内膜息肉的诊断方式中,宫腔镜诊断检出率最高,但仍有漏诊的病例由病理确诊,研究认为宫腔镜检查是确诊子宫内膜息肉的重要诊断方法.  相似文献   
观察高强度聚焦超声(HIFU)配合FOLFOX4方案治疗晚期肝癌的疗效和不良反应。将58例晚期肝癌患者随机分成两组:热疗+化疗组(热化组)采用HIFU配合FOLFOX4方案,对照组为单纯FOLFOX4(单化组)治疗。结果显示热化组CR0例,PR18例,SD7例,PD2例,总有效率64.28%;单化组CR0例,PR11例,SD11例,PD7例,总有效率36.67%,两组差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。HIFU配合FOLFOX4方案,治疗晚期肝癌近期疗效尚可,毒副反应较轻,值得临床推广试用。  相似文献   
Focused ultrasound therapy (FUS) is a modern and promising way for minimally invasive cancer treatment. Recent advances in treatment technology, bio‐physical models, and numerical simulation methods have given rise to a significant curative potential. However, clinical routine of FUS still features classical planning approaches, which widely fail in exploiting this potential. The structure of FUS planning problems strongly suggests interactive multi‐criteria decision‐making concepts in order to improve treatment quality. This research work introduces an multi‐criteria decision‐making approach to FUS planning and explains how to bridge the conceptual gap between the clinical state of the art and this new planning paradigm.  相似文献   
经直肠超声以其准确、价廉、无创、无辐射等优点被广泛推荐用于直肠癌术前分期和术后随访中。术前传统经直肠超声T分期准确度可达84%,术后使用经直肠超声介导活检可显著提高准确性并具有诊断早期无症状复发的独特优势。未来的研究将重.最关注直肠癌多模式术前评估,以及新型超声技术的实际应用。  相似文献   
流行病学研究显示甲状腺结节是常见的疾病。成人中约5%有甲状腺结节存在,其中约14.9%为恶性病变。近来超声技术被越来越广泛地应用于临床诊断甲状腺结节性疾病。细针吸取细胞学检查是一种甲状腺结节精确诊断的有效方法。本文重点介绍超声检查和细针吸取细胞学检查在甲状腺结节诊断中的作用概况。  相似文献   
Differential diagnosis of patients with Chronic Disorders of Consciousness (DoC) is rather challenging, owing to the lack of objective approaches highlighting residual awareness. Sophisticated functional neuroimaging have provided high diagnostic value, but their application in the clinical setting is limited due to their relative complexity, cost, availability and poor collaboration of persons with DoC. By using a specific ultrasound-based methodology, namely Transcranial B-mode Parenchymal Sonography (TCS), it is possible to obtain images of the main parenchymal brain structures. We assessed the TCS abnormalities in three patients with DoC, demonstrating widespread alterations of brain parenchyma morphology that matched to MRI findings and were associated with the degree of consciousness disorders. Thus, TCS might represent a valuable tool for routine assessment and follow-up of brain structures functioning of patients with DoC, potentially helping in differential diagnosis and prognosis.  相似文献   
经阴道超声(transvaginal ultrasound,TVS)检查是妇产科的一项重要检查技术,应坚持将患者的利益放在首位。在检查前应首先充分告知患者检查的必要性、安全性,让患者理解,并征得其同意,检查时应注意保护患者的隐私,检查后不泄露患者的秘密,全心全意为患者服务,真正做到以患者为中心,共建和谐医院、和谐社会。  相似文献   
观察胸腰椎骨折后,应用超声药物透入治疗腹胀的临床效果.60例胸腰椎骨折后腹胀的患者,随机分为治疗组和对照组,每组30例.治疗组:应用胃肠宁凝胶贴片超声药物透入;对照组:应用复方大承气汤口服治疗.记录两组患者肛门排气、排便及腹胀缓解时间,按照相应标准进行疗效评价.结果两组患者肛门初次排气、排便时间及总有效率比较,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).超声药物透入治疗可促进脊柱骨折患者排气、排便,加快胃肠功能恢复,显著改善腹胀症状.  相似文献   
This study evaluated women's understanding of prenatal ultrasound in terms of meeting the requirements for informed choice. A cross-sectional survey was conducted to evaluate (1) how information is provided, (2) women's perceived value of the information received and, (3) their understanding of ultrasound in relation to the principles of informed choice. Women (n = 113) completed a questionnaire prior to their 18-week ultrasound. Fifty-five percent stated they received no information from their care provider. Only 31.9% considered health care providers as a very helpful source of information. Yet, 69.0% stated their care provider gave them information that facilitated their understanding. Gaps were identified in women's understanding of ultrasound. Specifically, 46.0% did not view ultrasound as a screen for anomalies; some were uncertain about the safety (18.6%), diagnostic capabilities (26.5%), and limitations of testing (37.2%). These results suggest that women's understanding of ultrasound does not meet the requirements of informed choice.  相似文献   
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