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《吕氏春秋》中包含有丰富的医学保健心理思想,包括贵生论、全天论、养生论、情志相胜论等,其中有关人类本性的思想与当代西方人本主义心理学的有关理论异曲同工不谋而合,这不能不说明中国古代医学保健心理思想的超前发达和先知先觉。《吕氏春秋》中的医学保健心理思想极大地丰富了中华传统本土心理学,挖掘、分析和总结这些医学保健心理思想并古为今用,具有重大的理论价值和临床实用意义。  相似文献   
梁启超是清末著名的思想启蒙大师之一,文化巨擘。尽管他本人没有系统地进行过科学心理学的研究,但在其留给后人的文化遗产中却闪烁着心理学思想的火花。本文初步探讨了梁启超的心理学思想,将其心理学思想总结为神具形生、境由心造的心理本质观,“慧观”和“悟”的认知观,意志自由和立志的志意观,重情轻智的情智观,共通和完满的人格观,并讨论了其心理学思想的意义。.  相似文献   
自动思维及归因方式对抑郁症作用的多因素分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
郭文斌  姚树桥  黄敏儿  吴大兴 《心理科学》2005,28(2):392-394,387
目的:探讨抑郁症患者治疗前后自动思维、应付方式变化对抑郁严重程度变化的影响及其相互作用。方法:对97例抑郁症患者分别在其入、出院时进行测评,测评工具包括自评抑郁量表、自动思维问卷和归因方式问卷。此外对100例正常对照亦进行上述测评,其中29例在15—20天后重测。结果:自动思维问卷得分、归因方式问卷得分的logistic回归分析、路径分析表明,自动思维、对正性事件的整体性维度的归因方式对抑郁程度的影响有显著作用,自动思维的变化对SDS的变化的直接影响最大(路径系数为0.572),归因方式中正性事件整体性归因的变化为其次(路径系数为一0.193),而自动思维的变化与归因方式中正性事件整体性归因的变化的相互影响较小(路径系数为-0.188)。结论:自动思维、对正性事件的整体性维度的归因方式对抑郁严重程度有显著影响。  相似文献   
This study assessed gender differences in cognitive variables as an explanation for gender differences in depression and behavior problems; 856 adolescents (491 females and 365 males), aged 14–17, completed the Irrational Beliefs Scale for Adolescents, the Social Problem Solving Inventory—Revised Short Form, the adolescent version of the Burnett Self-Talk Inventory, and the Youth Self Report. Female adolescents lower levels of positive thinking and higher scores on negative problem orientation, need for approval and success, and self-focused negative cognitions partially mediated gender differences in depressive symptoms. Males higher scores on justification of violence beliefs and the impulsivity/carelessness style of problem solving partially accounted for differences in delinquent behavior. The influence of need for approval and success on depressive symptoms was higher among adolescents at ages 14–15 than among older adolescents. Justification of violence did not influence delinquent behavior among girls at age 14–15.  相似文献   
论儒学基本原理与民主政治的兼容与接轨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
早期儒家思想中的一些基本原理与现代民主政治的理念是可以兼容和接轨的。儒家以代表“天意”的“民意”作为政权合法性的依据 ,符合民主政治的权力观 ;儒家的“性善论”可以用来论证民主制度的合理性 ;儒家的“中庸”从政治决策的意义上来说往往是民主程序的自然结果 ;儒家提倡的“特立独行”精神所体现的负责任的个人主义是民主政治所需要的前提。  相似文献   
烧伤治疗--仍需走出困境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以促进创面干燥,再行切痂植皮为局部治疗特点的外科技术,仍是烧伤治疗的主流,促使创面干燥是渗出的对症处理,切痂植皮的实质是将烧伤创面变为刀伤创面,然后再修补刀伤创面。显然,烧伤外科的治疗观已撤开了烧伤的病理变化和机体的免疫力,再生力,孤立地看待烧伤创面,认识上形而上学,治疗上一刀切,没有从根本上解决创面的疼痛,进行性坏死、感染和瘢痕愈合四大难题,相反,干燥切痂植皮技术的实施又是建立在病人痛苦之上的,  相似文献   
It is often said that some kind of peripheral (or inattentional) conscious awareness accompanies our focal (attentional) consciousness. I agree that this is often the case, but clarity is needed on several fronts. In this paper, I lay out four distinct theses on peripheral awareness and show that three of them are true. However, I then argue that a fourth thesis, commonly associated with the so-called "self-representational approach to consciousness," is false. The claim here is that we have outer focal consciousness accompanied often (or even always) by inner peripheral (self-)awareness. My criticisms stem from both methodological and phenomenological considerations. In doing so, I offer a diagnosis as to why the fourth thesis has seemed true to so many and also show how the so-called "transparency of experience," frequently invoked by representationalists, is importantly relevant to my diagnosis. Finally, I respond to several objections and to further attempts to show that thesis four is true. What emerges is that if one wishes to hold that some form of self-awareness accompanies all outer-directed conscious states, one is better off holding that such self-awareness is itself unconscious, as is held for example by standard higher-order theories of consciousness.
Rocco J. GennaroEmail:
Previous research has highlighted the important role of cognition in anxiety, including test anxiety. The present study explores the role of cognitive distortions and irrationality in test anxiety by studying the relationships among cognitive triad (core beliefs), dysfunctional attitudes (intermediate beliefs), negative automatic thoughts, irrational beliefs, debilitating test anxiety, and facilitating test anxiety in 138 undergraduates. Multiple regression analyses showed that only the cognitive triad as a whole was a significant predictor of debilitating anxiety. Specifically, negative view of self was a significant predictor of debilitating anxiety. The results supported an expansion of the current cognitive conceptualizations of test anxiety to include the importance of negative self-view. Other implications are also discussed.  相似文献   
Cognitive theories of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) posit that appraisals about the significance of thoughts are critical in the development and persistence of obsessions. Rachman [(1997). A cognitive theory of obsessions. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 35, 793-802.] proposes that appraisals of unwanted thoughts distinguish clinical obsessions from normal intrusive thoughts; thoughts appraised as important and personally significant are expected to be upsetting and recur. Appraisals are also expected to be related to symptoms of OCD. To explore the features of normal appraisals of obsession-like thoughts, nonclinical participants in two studies rated the personal significance of intrusive thoughts portrayed in vignettes containing prototypical themes associated with primary obsessions: aggressive, sexual, and blasphemous thoughts. Unwanted intrusive thoughts that were described as occurring more frequently were appraised as more personally significant, but participants appraised these socially unacceptable thoughts similarly whether they imagined having personally experienced them or a friend confiding about having experienced them. Appraisals in both studies were related to subclinical OC symptoms and OC beliefs.  相似文献   
Thought-action fusion (TAF), the phenomenon whereby one has difficulty separating cognitions from corresponding behaviors, has implications in a wide variety of disturbances, including eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and panic disorder. Numerous constructs believed to contribute to the etiology or maintenance of TAF have been identified in the literature, but to date, no study has empirically integrated these findings into a comprehensive model. In this study, we examined simultaneously an array of variables thought to be related to TAF, and subsequently developed a model that elucidates the role of those variables that seem most involved in this phenomenon using a structural equation modeling approach. Results indicated that religiosity, as predicted by ethnic identity, was a significant predictor of TAF. Additionally, the relation between ethnic identity and TAF was partially mediated by an inflated sense of responsibility. Both TAF and obsessive-compulsive symptoms were found to be significant predictors of engagement in neutralization activities. Clinical and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
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