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非球面人工晶状体是波前像差技术与现代白内障手术完美结合的产物,也是多学科联合发展的结果。非球面人工晶状体较传统球面人工晶状体可明显改善白内障患者的视功能。倘若能实现个体化设计,非球面人工晶状体有望取代球面人工晶状体成为人工晶状体的主流。  相似文献   
面对目前年轻医生对科研束手无策的状况,提出了科研的重要性。从科研选题要紧密结合临床实际、医学科研选题强调创新与实用的原则、医学科研需要的科研素质、培养独立从事临床科学研究的能力、充分利用优势科研资源,加强科研合作能力的培养五方面进行阐述如何进行临床科研工作,以便更好地促进临床医学事业的发展。  相似文献   
法律的一般原则是医师仅就自己的过失行为对自己的患者承担责任,但是,从近年来美国判例法的发展看,如果医师在诊治患者时可以合理预见第三人将会遭受患者损害,医师的注意义务可扩展到与其不存在直接的医患关系但存在特殊关系的非患者。  相似文献   
医患间未能遵守利益限度和利益边界原则,使矛盾转化为冲突。当前我国面临的医患冲突与一些国家相比是全面而深刻的。体制与非体制原因相互交错,直接冲突与间接冲突相互影响,理性冲突向非理性冲突转化,群体性与个体性的不同表现,即发生与后发性的不同特点,是我国医患冲突演化的规律与特征。要正确对待第三方的介入。端正专业思想是理顺医患关系的治本之道。  相似文献   
Reflectivity, Reflection, and Counter-Education   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This article sets forward a new concept of reflection, to be contrasted with more usual reading of the concept for which we use the term `reflectivity'. The contrast is related to a distinction between normalizing education and counter-education. We claim that within the framework of normalizing education there is no room for reflection, but only for reflectivity. In contrast to reflectivity, reflection manifests a struggle of the subject against the effects of power which govern the constitution of her conceptual apparatus, her knowledge, her consciousness and her limitations and possibilities for successful functioning. Reflectivity re-presents the hegemonic realm of self-evidence and the productive violence of social and cultural order. Reflection, by contrast, aims to challenge the supposedly self-evident and the present order of things. Reflection aims at transcendence and represents a moral commitment in respect of the otherness of the Other, which power relations in every realm of self-evidence oblige us to neglect, to destroy or consume. Transcendence is a concrete utopia, and so is the subject in her nonrepressive communication with the Other: they are part and parcel of our present possibilities, sometimes in microscopic arenas, struggled for, and from time to time even realized.  相似文献   
动作记忆是伴随动作操作和意识卷入过程的一种记忆活动, 其强调意识卷入状态和操作情景对记忆活动的影响。以往的研究均采用SPT范式探讨动作记忆及其影响因素, 并提出非策略加工、多通道加工、动作编码和情景整合理论以解释SPT效应, 但由于关注角度不同, 所提的理论模型不能全面揭示动作记忆的加工机制。部分研究试图从来源监控方面探究动作记忆的内在机制, 但研究仍然存在分歧。  相似文献   
黎晓丹  叶浩生 《心理学报》2015,47(5):702-710
身心合一论是中国古代思想的基本观念。身是以“气”为根基, 并通过“修身-修心”与“修心-修身”可至天人合一的身体。本文选取中国古代思想中最有代表性的儒道两家思想, 融合现象学视角来诠释中国古代儒道思想中的身体观对身体主体性的生动凸显, 以及从“身-心-世界”三者互为交涉的层次上所建构的特有的认知观。随着国内外学者对具身认知观的日益关注, 结合中国古代思想视角开展的具身认知研究可在促进中国心理学发展的同时促进具身认知研究范式的成熟。  相似文献   
My essay is centred upon Michael Haneke’s film Amour (2012), which revolves around the experiences of an 80-year-old musician couple, George and Anne. The relationship is severely tested as a result of Anne suffering a stroke. The director stakes out questions that explore the potential boundaries for our dignity and love. Using vignettes from the film, I will shed light on the manner in which life becomes restricted, as the object of our love vanishes. A central theme of the film is the collapsing of the mourning process that seeks a resolution in the choice between life and death. In the article, I will attempt to explain it in terms of an incorporation of the lost object of love that has as its purpose to preserve this bond, an incorporation that assumes a physical, concrete form characterised by disorientation, as a defence against catastrophic change. The article furthermore touches upon the concept of the third in the sense that Britton uses it, as something that may reconcile and provide meaning, but which in this case has ceased to function as a symbolic glue. An expression of failure in the process of mourning emerges in a form of a distorted neoreality, with confusion and disorientation as ingredients, to avoid the pain of reality.  相似文献   
内/外参照模型在理论上同时考虑了社会比较和维度比较两种比较方式在建构个体学业自我概念过程中的作用。近年来,对内/外参照模型的研究进展主要体现在三个方面:对该模型进行跨文化一致性检验;提出了维度比较理论;与大鱼小池效应相整合。这些研究表明学业自我概念具有学科特异性,研究者要更加注重学业自我概念及其它学业变量的学科特异性研究,并加强内/外参照模型的调节因素研究,教师及家长要引导学生合理选择比较方式。  相似文献   
Frazier and Clifton (2002) argue that a d(iscourse)-linked wh-phrase such as which boy attracts the reference of a pronoun in a subordinate clause. We translated Frazier and Clifton's materials from English into Romanian. Romanian is a pro-drop language in which null subjects are licensed by person and number agreement on the verb. We found that the d-linking attraction effect held for both pro and overt pronouns in Romanian. The fact that the effect is found for pro provides evidence that the attraction effect is not due to gender matching between the pronoun and the head of the d-linked phrase. We also tested native speakers of Romanian learning English as a second language on Frazier and Clifton's English materials Levels of coreference were highly similar to those for English native speakers and intermediate and advanced learners showed the d-linking attraction effect. We discuss the results in the context of Carminati's (2002) Position of Antecedent Hypothesis, arguing that this hypothesis can account for both the fact that higher levels of coreference with a wh-phrase antecedent were found for pro than for an overt pronoun in Romanian and the fact that the coreference levels between an overt pronoun and the wh-phrase antecedent were not elevated for Romanian-speaking second language learners of English.  相似文献   
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