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器官捐献使公民有机会获得健康福祉,是社会福利的一种体现。我国器官捐献事业在发展中遇到捐献率低的瓶颈。福利多元视角强调福利供给的多主体性,从理念和制度上强调和发挥政府、市场(补偿)、社会、家庭不同主体的协同作用。建议建立多元福利主体共同参与的体制,政府主导完善健全法律法规,市场发挥补偿机制的激励作用,社会、非营利组织的协同、平衡利益,器官分配家庭优先等,提供资源,互补配合,共同承担相应的社会责任,从而切实推动捐献事业的发展。  相似文献   
通过对我国研究者发起的临床研究项目伦理审查现状进行分析,从研究者发起的临床研究项目伦理审查执行力不强、监管不到位,临床研究设计伦理观念不足以及研究者伦理意识薄弱三个方面入手进行问题剖析。结合相关法规与工作实践,提出了强化卫生行政部门监管职能,加强研究者发起的临床研究项目主管部门监管,包括加强医疗机构伦理监管体系建设、完善伦理委员会标准操作规程、加强研究者伦理培训以及加强伦理宣传普及四个方面对策,以期提高研究者发起的临床研究项目伦理审查质量,促进其更加科学规范开展。  相似文献   
A considerable volume of research has demonstrated an anxiety-linked attentional bias characterized by selective processing of threat stimuli. The last decade has seen growing interest in identifying the precise attentional mechanisms which underlie such selective processing to advance both theoretical and etiological models of anxiety. This research has particularly focused on the roles of spatial engagement and disengagement of attention. The relative contribution of these attentional components to selective processing of threat in anxious individuals remains unclear however. Moreover, we argue here that many of the tasks employed to examine these mechanisms, may not be capable of indexing the attentional processes that they claim to measure. In this article, we provide a methodological review, critically evaluating the adequacy of previous tasks employed to measure biased attentional engagement and disengagement. Based on a number of concerns raised about the ability of such tasks to differentiate these component attentional processes, we detail three task criteria that we believe are essential to be confident that a task will accurately index biased attentional engagement with, and disengagement from threat in anxious participants.  相似文献   
In this article the author suggests that progress in philosophy can be conceived through contemporary French theories that propose a new, polysemantic way of thinking. Postmodern philosophy has tried to renew the meaning of the subject, of the subject's identity, and of language and communication. The author believes that the postmodern, feminist approach to those concepts represents significant progress in philosophy. It is, in fact, exactly in the context of feminism—conceived of not just as a women's sociopolitical or scientific activity but as a broad theoretical approach to many areas—that Western philosophy has acquired its most explicit and adequate meaning. A crucial example here is the new historicophilosophical analysis of the concept of gender. The author appeals to Lipovetsky, Lacan, Derrida, Kristeva, and other thinkers to show how postmodern feminism helps to overcome the binary vision of the contemporary world and the dichotomic composition of earlier philosophical thought.  相似文献   
贺雯员秀  罗俊龙 《心理科学》2021,44(6):1390-1395
采用事件相关电位技术(ERP)考察公正世界信念对第三方惩罚的影响。(1)行为结果显示,高公正世界信念个体的第三方惩罚显著多于低公正世界信念个体,低公正世界信念个体在高不公正提议下的第三方惩罚显著增加;(2)ERP结果显示,高公正世界信念个体比低公正世界信念个体诱发了更大的MFN波幅和更小的P300波幅,且高公正世界信念个体的MFN波幅在高、低不公正提议下没有差异,低公正世界信念个体在高不公正提议下的MFN波幅明显更大。这说明相比低公正世界信念个体,高公正世界信念个体所持有的公正认知强烈且稳定,个体做出第三方惩罚更多基于自身对于公正结果的预期,而非外部条件。  相似文献   
The aim of this research was to provide an articulated assessment of several different ToM components, namely first- vs. third-person, egocentric vs. allocentric, and first- vs. second-order ToM, in preadolescence and adolescence. Our expectations for the sample of 80 juveniles that participated in the research were that: (1) ToM abilities would improve with age; (2) participants would perform better at first-person than at third-person tasks; (3) participants would perform better at first-order than at second-order tasks; (4) girls will perform systematically better than boys. We also explored possible differences in performance (5) in the allocentric vs. the egocentric perspectives as well as (6) in the comprehension of different types of mental states, namely desires, beliefs and positive and negative emotions. Overall our expectations were confirmed. Our data confirmed that all ToM aspects we investigated keep maturing during preadolescence and adolescence.  相似文献   
医疗行为主体的未限定性决定了非法行医主体的非限定性,医疗行为应有合法与不合法之分;行为主体故意实施的违法行医行为必须兼具营利的主观目的性才构成非法行医;非法行医作为侵权行为的一种,也符合侵权责任的构成要件,只不过有其特殊性。  相似文献   
句子加工领域内, 主、宾关系从句加工不对称性效应是诸多语种内普遍存在的一种语言现象。本文对主、宾关系从句加工不对称性效应从如下几个方面进行了分析和论述:①从成人语言、儿童语言和失语症患者三个领域并结合印欧语系和非印欧语系的语言特征, 详细分析了该效应及其普遍性和特殊性; ②主、宾关系从句加工不对称性效应的理论解释:句法角色理论、“填充语-空位”依附理论、积极填充策略、名词短语可及性层级理论和干扰相似性理论; ③与主、宾关系从句加工不对称性效应有关的脑电成分及相应的脑区激活模式的分析。最后, 在对已有理论评价分析的基础上, 提出“标记浮动”句子加工理论模型, 并指出该领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   
Thomas G. Rogers 《Dialog》2004,43(4):263-271
Abstract : This article suggests that an emphasis on how to preach, evidenced in the New Homiletic, can assist preachers in struggling with questions of what to preach. The narrative model of “problem”→“solution”→“what now?” has potential homiletical ties to Law (2nd use)→ Gospel→ Law (3rd use) theology. Since preaching 3rd use of the Law can lead to a kind of works righteousness for hearers of such sermons, strategies are offered for dealing with preaching challenge. Preachers can put challenge before their hearers as a noun rather than as a verb; they can preach challenge as identification or questioning rather than as something hearers must do of their own accord.  相似文献   
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