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Age-related EEG activity change is a prominent feature that reflects the functional development of the brain. The current study investigated the beta and mu rhythms of 16 children (7.7 ± 1.5 years, 5 to 9.6 years) and 13 adults when a self-determining arm motion was performed. The results indicated that mu power was decreased during movement and returned to baseline level after the movement for both children and adults. However, although a decrease in beta power was observed for both children and adults during movement, the post-movement beta power rebound (PMBR) was observed in adults but not in children. These results suggest that motor-related mu suppression develops early in children; PMBR develops later and may be associated with a more prolonged motor development process.  相似文献   
Social touch seems to modulate emotions, but its brain correlates are poorly understood. Here, we investigated if frontal power band activity in the electroencephalogram (EEG) during aversive mental imagery is modulated by social touch from one’s romantic partner and a stranger. We observed the highest theta and beta power when imaging alone, next so when being touched by a stranger, with lowest theta and beta activity during holding hands with the loved one. Delta power was higher when being alone than with a stranger or a partner, with no difference between the two. Gamma power was highest during the stranger condition and lower both when being alone and with the partner, while alpha power did not change as a function of social touch. Theta power displayed a positive correlation with electrodermal activity supporting its relation to emotional arousal. Attachment style modulated the effect of touch on the EEG as only secure but not insecure partner bonding was associated with theta power reductions. Because theta power was sensitive to the experimental perturbations, mapped onto peripheral physiological arousal and reflected partner attachment style we suggest that frontal theta power might serve as an EEG derived bio-marker for social touch in emotionally significant dyads.  相似文献   
潘禄  钱秀莹 《心理科学进展》2015,23(11):1910-1919
节奏感知是人类独有的认知现象, 听觉在节奏加工中具有优势, 声音节奏可以更好地与肢体运动同步, 但视觉和触觉通道在节奏感知上也有着各自特点并存在广泛的交互作用。视觉通道的节奏感知较弱, 与听觉节奏同时呈现时会受到时间定位上的拉扯, 但通过加入运动信息和增强后天经验可以得到强化; 节奏刺激可以调节注意在时间上的分配使其同步化, 这种调节作用可以单通道或者跨通道地出现; 触动觉与听觉联系紧密, 人们可以通过听触通道的整合对节奏进行高级加工。  相似文献   
HPA轴(下丘脑?垂体?肾上腺皮质轴, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal cortex axis)是人体应对压力的重要神经内分泌系统, 其终产物皮质醇常作为测量压力的生物学指标。目前的研究多通过皮质醇日常节律表示静息状态下HPA轴的活动, 而日常节律因其较高的稳定性和可靠性成为儿童生理健康评估的最佳指标。儿童期迅速发育的神经内分泌系统与儿童的行为相互作用, 并受到多种心理社会因素的影响。以往研究主要关注皮质醇日常节律与儿童问题行为及心理社会因素的关系, 未来研究应讨论逆境条件下影响儿童成长的危险性因素和保护性因素, 并探索环境对儿童行为影响可能存在的内分泌机制。  相似文献   
音乐的时间维度在音乐艺术中具有重要的作用。已有研究表明, 对音乐时间维度的加工受制于许多方面, 一方面, 音乐构成要素的特征影响着人们对音乐时间的加工; 另一方面, 听者的年龄、注意、工作记忆、音乐训练以及对音乐的熟悉性等因素也影响着他们对音乐时间加工的深度和广度。未来的研究应进一步确定音乐时间加工的影响因素及其相对重要性, 并对音乐时间加工中基因与环境的关系以及发展的敏感期等问题进行研究。  相似文献   
王沛  张蓝心 《心理科学》2013,36(5):1078-1084
音乐和语言加工神经基础的关系研究,近年来发展迅速,获得了越来越多的关注。“共享结构整合资源假说”主张音乐的句法加工和语言的句法加工具有较大程度的神经资源的共享。在听觉语言实验中反映句法违例的ERP ELAN与音乐句法违例引发的ERAN极为相似,唯一的区别仅在于它们的分布有所不同——ERAN就像是一个两半球对称的ELAN。而且ERAN的引发不受是否接受过音乐训练这一因素的影响,虽然音乐人被试引发的ERAN波幅更大。一些研究发现音乐语义加工的神经基础为N400和N500。前者可以由音乐和语言两种刺激引发,后者只能由音乐意义的加工引发。然而,音乐的音调感知和语言的音调感知是否共享了神经资源,却还没有确定的结论。  相似文献   
Nesting of fast rhythmical brain activity (gamma) into slower brain waves (theta) has frequently been suggested as a core mechanism of multi‐item working memory (WM) retention. It provides a better understanding of WM capacity limitations, and, as we discuss in this review article, it can lead to applications for modulating memory capacity. However, could cross‐frequency coupling of brain oscillations also constructively contribute to a better understanding of the neuronal signatures of working memory compatible with theoretical approaches that assume flexible capacity limits? Could a theta‐gamma code also be considered as a neural mechanism of flexible sharing of cognitive resources between memory representations in multi‐item WM? Here, we propose potential variants of theta‐gamma coupling that could explain WM retention beyond a fixed memory capacity limit of a few visual items. Moreover, we suggest how to empirically test these predictions in the future.  相似文献   
Imitation ability has consistently been shown to be impaired in individuals with autism. A dysfunctional execution/observation matching system has been proposed to account for this impairment. The EEG mu rhythm is believed to reflect an underlying execution/observation matching system. This study investigated evidence of differential mu rhythm attenuation during the observation, execution, and imitation of movements and examined its relation to behaviorally assessed imitation abilities. Fourteen high-functioning adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and 15 IQ- and age-matched typical adults participated. On the behavioral imitation task, adults with ASD demonstrated significantly poorer performance compared to typical adults in all domains of imitation ability. On the EEG task, both groups demonstrated significant attenuation of the mu rhythm when executing an action. However, when observing movement, the individuals with ASD showed significantly reduced attenuation of the mu wave. Behaviorally assessed imitation skills were correlated with degree of mu wave attenuation during observation of movement. These findings suggest that there is execution/observation matching system dysfunction in individuals with autism and that this matching system is related to degree of impairment in imitation abilities.  相似文献   
In spite of their striking differences with real‐life perception, films are perceived and understood without effort. Cognitive film theory attributes this to the system of continuity editing, a system of editing guidelines outlining the effect of different cuts and edits on spectators. A major principle in this framework is the 180° rule, a rule recommendation that, to avoid spectators’ attention to the editing, two edited shots of the same event or action should not be filmed from angles differing in a way that expectations of spatial continuity are strongly violated. In the present study, we used high‐density EEG to explore the neural underpinnings of this rule. In particular, our analysis shows that cuts and edits in general elicit early ERP component indicating the registration of syntactic violations as known from language, music, and action processing. However, continuity edits and cuts‐across the line differ from each other regarding later components likely to be indicating the differences in spatial remapping as well as in the degree of conscious awareness of one's own perception. Interestingly, a time–frequency analysis of the occipital alpha rhythm did not support the hypothesis that such differences in processing routes are mainly linked to visual attention. On the contrary, our study found specific modulations of the central mu rhythm ERD as an indicator of sensorimotor activity, suggesting that sensorimotor networks might play an important role. We think that these findings shed new light on current discussions about the role of attention and embodied perception in film perception and should be considered when explaining spectators’ different experience of different kinds of cuts.  相似文献   
人类大脑运动皮质的Beta(15~30 Hz)和Mu节律(8~14 Hz)有共同的活动特征,研究指出二者可能是联合的脑电成分。然而越来越多研究表明运动区Beta节律可能独立于Mu节律,且具有特殊的功能意义。线索诱发的Beta节律降低、运动前Beta节律降低和运动后Beta节律回复增强都是Beta与Mu节律不同的活动形式,表明运动区Beta节律有其独特的心理意义。本文主要对运动区Beta节律不同于Mu节律的活动特征及已有的理论解释进行了梳理和分析,并结合儿童研究的数据,从发展的角度对运动后Beta节律的理论假说进行了评述,最后在此基础上为进一步探索运动区Beta节律的功能意义提出了研究的展望。  相似文献   
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