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近年来,医院暴力事件不断见诸于媒体和报端,严重危害医护人员的生命安全,对医院暴力问题进行专门性研究已经成为了必须面对的现实课题。美国是较早开展医院暴力问题研究的国家,通过检索其医院暴力的相关网站、法规和文献资料,科学界定了医院暴力的内涵,并介绍了美国在医院暴力解决方面的先进经验。在阐释和对比中美医院暴力成因的基础上,得出二者在成因上具有共性,进而对美国的先进经验进行借鉴,提出了我国医院暴力的完善对策。  相似文献   
作为人类语言活动的重要组成成分,语音加工经历着“习得-发展-老化”的变化过程。本文首先综述了婴儿、儿童、成年人及老年人在语音意识、语音提取,语音工作记忆等方面的表现及相应加工机制。其次,分析了不同年龄段个体语音加工发展变化的神经基础。最后,通过比较不同时期个体语音加工发展进程,围绕语音加工发展过程、语音老化有无关键年龄以及如何干预等问题进行展望。  相似文献   
音乐是高级意识活动产生的声音艺术, 对人类的情感表达和交流具有重要意义。作为连接音乐与情绪的核心要素, 协和性的形成原理至今仍然未有定论。人类如何加工多个音符构成的和声?为什么一些和声听起来协和(愉悦), 一些和声听起来不协和(不愉悦)?协和感究竟是自下而上的声学感知还是自上而下的审美体验?从古希腊时代至今, 这些问题就一直吸引着学者的目光。物理学家从协和与不协和的声学区别中寻找答案, 生理学家从听觉生理机制方面分析协和感的产生, 心理学家研究协和音程偏好是与生俱来的还是后天形成的。目前, 音乐协和性的理论内容主要以西方音乐为主, 中国传统民族音乐迫切需要开展相关的实证研究。  相似文献   
This essay deals with four main topics: the notion of philosophical psychology; the idea that physical events and mental events cannot be compared to one another; psychophysical mechanism; and the theory of local signs. These are all key elements in the Medicinische Psychologie of Rudolph Hermann Lotze (1817‒1881). By philosophical psychology, Lotze understands not only the collection of experimental data regarding physiological and mental states but also their philosophical processing outlining an interpretation of the real nature of the mind‒body connection. Within this framework, Lotze introduces the psychophysical mechanism as based on a key philosophical idea: mind and body are incomparable, but, nevertheless, they are in reciprocal relation (Wechselwirkung). In virtue of said special relation, movements that take place in the mental sphere of reality are transferred or translated in the bodily sphere and vice versa. This rearrangement (Umgestaltung) from one sphere of reality to the other is termed by Lotze “transformation to equivalent.” Through the concept of equivalence, Lotze supports the idea that the mind and the body form an organic whole. However, psychophysical mechanisms should not be seen as not a fixed series of physical changes followed by an equally fixed series of mental changes: physical changes are “read,” organized, and then transformed by the mind into something purely mental. This, in turn, produces new mechanical force and more physical changes. Lotze's legacy and long-term impact is finally read against the background of his contributions.  相似文献   
易学发展史上的汉代象数易学,就其理论形态、思维方式、思想特征而言,具有鲜明、典型的时代性与范导性.作为汉代经学核心的有机组成部分的汉代象数易学,对汉代哲学与文化、社会与政治等方面,都产生了广泛与深远的影响.然而,长期以来,人们对汉代象数易学在易学与哲学史上的理论价值与历史地位的认识,或者未能引起足够的重视,或者缺乏客观公允的评判.本文从"立足《周易》象数系统,确立天人之学新形态"、"深化儒家社会政治思想,强化政治指导功能"、"深化整体性和谐理念,凸显和谐价值理想终极诉求"等方面,深入地分析并揭示了汉代象数易学的理论价值与历史地位.  相似文献   
Laakso A  Calvo P 《Cognitive Science》2011,35(7):1243-1281
Some empirical evidence in the artificial language acquisition literature has been taken to suggest that statistical learning mechanisms are insufficient for extracting structural information from an artificial language. According to the more than one mechanism (MOM) hypothesis, at least two mechanisms are required in order to acquire language from speech: (a) a statistical mechanism for speech segmentation; and (b) an additional rule-following mechanism in order to induce grammatical regularities. In this article, we present a set of neural network studies demonstrating that a single statistical mechanism can mimic the apparent discovery of structural regularities, beyond the segmentation of speech. We argue that our results undermine one argument for the MOM hypothesis.  相似文献   
ERP的神经机制问题一直存在争议。诱发模型认为, ERP产生于触发事件诱发的确定性响应电位, 该诱发电位与背景脑电振荡相互独立。相位重排模型认为, 触发事件并不会诱发出一个独立于脑电信号的诱发电位, ERP产生于背景脑电节律振荡的部分相位重排。已有研究提供了各种实验证据以支持诱发模型或/和相位重排模型, 同时也引发了相关学者的诸多质疑。实验记录方式、数据处理及分析方法等方面的提高有利于进一步澄清ERP的神经机制。  相似文献   
同一个记忆源检测任务是否可以依赖两种不同的加工——无意识启发式加工和有意识系统式加工,是源检测加工机制研究探索的一个重要问题。本研究拟借助加工分离程序来分离同一个源检测任务中的启发式和系统式加工,并进一步考察了启发式和系统式加工受刺激呈现时间的影响。结果发现:位置源检测任务依赖于启发式和系统式两种加工,且随着刺激呈现时间的增长,系统式加工的贡献显著地提高,启发式加工的贡献却无显著提升。这一结果既验证了记忆源检测的双加工机制,也暗示了两种加工在加工深度上的差异。  相似文献   
These papers were presented at the 7(th) meeting between Freudian and Jungian analysts held at the Montreal Congress of the International Association of Analytical Psychology (IAAP) in August 2010. The introduction describes the history and themes of previous meetings and discusses the choice of theme for the Montreal meeting. Both primal phantasies and archetypes imply a structural approach to psychological function but in different theoretical terms. These theoretical differences may also be emblematic of clinical differences between a focus on the sexual aspects of infancy in the Freudian tradition and a focus on ongoing emergence and transformation towards a goal of self-becoming in the Jungian tradition. The discussion aimed to test these hypotheses through the presentation of a single case history by Joseph Cambray (IAAP, USA), followed by commentaries from Eduardo Gastelumendi (IPA, Peru) and Verena Kast (IAAP, Switzerland).  相似文献   
语音感知的发展状况对个体的语言发展有着深远影响。生命的第一年中, 在语言经验的作用下, 婴儿的语音感知从最初的普遍性感知逐渐发展为对母语的特异性感知。研究者们提出统计学习机制对这一过程加以解释, 即婴儿对语言环境中语音的频次分布十分敏感, 可以通过对频次分布的计算, 从语音的连续体中区分出在母语中起区别意义作用的各个语音范畴。同时, 功能性重组机制和一些社会性线索也会对婴儿语音感知的发展产生重要影响。  相似文献   
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