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“组织学习障碍”研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
组织要进行真正的学习 ,就必须克服“组织学习障碍”。“组织学习障碍”分为“单环学习障碍”和“双环学习障碍”两大类。为了克服“组织学习障碍”,首先必须消除组织的习惯性防御机制 ,然后进行“学习型组织”的各项修炼。  相似文献   
张奇  王霞 《心理学报》2007,39(5):777-784
为了检验工作记忆广度有限性的3种假说,即资源限制假说、记忆消退假说和转换机制假说,实验要求被试首先完成一项转换效率任务,然后完成工作记忆广度任务。结果发现,加工负荷对工作记忆广度具有重要影响,保持时间不影响工作记忆广度,转换效率与工作记忆广度也没有显著相关。实验结果支持工作记忆广度受认知资源限制的观点  相似文献   
李梦姣  陈杰  李新影 《心理科学进展》2012,20(10):1623-1632
非药物成瘾又称“非物质相关性成瘾”或“行为成瘾”。特征性表现包括对成瘾对象的渴望、受损的冲动控制、对成瘾对象的耐受、撤退反应和高复发率等。目前发现的非药物成瘾类型包括病理性赌博、网络成瘾、购物成瘾、游戏成瘾、性瘾以及贪食等。非药物成瘾与药物成瘾在症状学上表现出很高的相似性且具有较高的共病率, 提示二者之间可能存在着共同的发病机制。从遗传学和神经生物学的角度探讨非药物成瘾的机制具有重要的理论价值和临床应用价值。家庭研究和双生子研究发现, 男性的病理性赌博和贪食障碍具有中度以上的遗传度。分子遗传学研究发现, 单胺能神经递质相关基因, 如5-羟色胺转运体基因、多巴胺受体基因和单胺氧化酶A基因等, 与非药物成瘾有关。神经影像学研究发现, 非药物成瘾者脑内负责奖赏,线索加工和冲动控制的神经通路活动性异于正常对照。未来研究需要进一步从多个角度入手, 探讨非药物成瘾与药物成瘾的共性和特性。  相似文献   
唐江伟  路红  刘毅  彭坚 《心理科学进展》2015,23(10):1830-1842
道德直觉决策研究是从直觉思维角度探讨决策者在道德境遇下的决策。道德直觉决策是道德情境下的直觉反应, 其理论基础包括躯体标记假说、社会直觉模型、双加工理论、事件特征情感复合体系以及双系统理论; 道德直觉决策机制至少包括:无意识加工、情绪加工和直觉加工三个基本的心理加工过程, 与之对应的神经系统则至少存在三个可能的脑神经回路:无意识加工的道德脑区、情绪加工的道德脑区和直觉加工的道德脑区。研究主要从客观和主观两方面分析了道德直觉决策的一般性影响因素--文化、道德境遇、经验、情绪和道德直觉; 揭示了道德直觉决策的加工机制。未来研究应在加强理论建构的基础上, 通过更缜密细致的实验设计去探究决策过程中各因素的交互作用, 并明确道德脑区之间的联结。  相似文献   
为了考查情绪Stroop效应的产生机制是威胁驱动还是反应偏差,本研究进行了两个实验.实验一用一般负性情绪词语和中性词语作为实验材料,实验二用威胁性的情绪图片和中性图片作为实验材料.每个实验均要求一组被试做按键反应,另一组被试做摇杆反应.结果发现,当实验材料为词语时,未出现情绪Stroop效应;当实验材料为威胁性图片时,无论是趋向性反应方式还是回避性反应方式,都出现了情绪Stroop效应.本研究结果支持威胁驱动机制.  相似文献   
杏仁核是情绪信息加工的关键脑区。近年来心理学和神经科学领域发现了杏仁核情绪加工的效价特异性现象,并且整体存在左侧杏仁核对正性情绪、右侧杏仁核对负性情绪以及双侧杏仁核负性偏好的特异性趋势,且受到材料突出特征、个体差异、任务条件的调节。未来可进一步探索注意对杏仁核情绪效价特异性的调节作用,探究动态情绪刺激加工时杏仁核的活动特点,考察心理障碍患者加工负性情绪时的杏仁核激活模式,并确定杏仁核的效价特异性在思维、计划、决策等高级认知过程中的表现。  相似文献   
为探讨地方政府政策执行偏差严重程度对公众地方政府责任判断的影响机制。采用问卷法对728名社会公众进行调查,结果显示:(1)公众地方政府有意性判断和公众地方政府可控归因中介了政策执行偏差严重程度与公众地方政府责任判断之间的关系。(2)政策执行偏差严重程度还通过公众地方政府有意性判断→公众地方政府可控归因的中介链作用于公众地方政府道德责任判断。并对研究的实践启示进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Michael Ruse 《Zygon》2015,50(2):361-375
There is a strong need of a reasoned defense of what was known as the “independence” position of the science–religion relationship but that more recently has been denigrated as the “accommodationist” position, namely that while there are parts of religion—fundamentalist Christianity in particular—that clash with modern science, the essential parts of religion (Christianity) do not and could not clash with science. A case for this position is made on the grounds of the essentially metaphorical nature of science. Modern science functions because of its root metaphor of the machine: the world is seen in mechanical terms. As Thomas Kuhn insisted, metaphors function in part by ruling some questions outside their domain. In the case of modern science, four questions go unasked and hence unanswered: Why is there something rather than nothing? What is the foundation of morality? What is mind and its relationship to matter? What is the meaning of it all? You can remain a nonreligious skeptic on these questions, but it is open for the Christian to offer his or her answers, so long as they are not scientific answers. Here then is a way that science and religion can coexist.  相似文献   
This paper describes a computational model named Dev E-R (Developmental Engagement-Reflection) that, inspired by Piaget’s theory, simulates the assimilation-accommodation adaptation process. It is implemented with a new extended version of the computational model of creativity known as Engagement-Reflection. That is, this model simulates adaptation as a creative activity. We introduce here the implementation of our model on an agent that is initialized with basic reflex conducts and that through the interaction with a 3D virtual world, it is able to build new behaviors autonomously. The new acquired skills, according to Piaget’s theory, are typically observed in children that have reached the second substage of the sensorimotor period.  相似文献   
This study investigated differential item functioning (DIF) mechanisms in the context of differential testlet effects across subgroups. Specifically, we investigated DIF manifestations when the stochastic ordering assumption on the nuisance dimension in a testlet does not hold. DIF hypotheses were formulated analytically using a parametric marginal item response function approach and compared with empirical DIF results from a unidimensional item response theory approach. The comparisons were made in terms of type of DIF (uniform or non‐uniform) and direction (whether the focal or reference group was advantaged). In general, the DIF hypotheses were supported by the empirical results, showing the usefulness of the parametric approach in explaining DIF mechanisms. Both analytical predictions of DIF and the empirical results provide insights into conditions where a particular type of DIF becomes dominant in a specific DIF direction, which is useful for the study of DIF causes.  相似文献   
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