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We investigated the use of a popular measure, the Children and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale (CAFAS), in treatment outcome research. The sample included 70 children who had been discharged from an elementary therapeutic classroom (Intensive Mental Health Program). Significant relationships were found between decreases in CAFAS scores and optimal educational placement, contributing to evidence of the scale’s discriminant validity. Clinically significant change in CAFAS scores was also investigated, with a 30 point change in score most accurately discriminating between placements after discharge. Further investigations of real world outcomes versus changes in score on this measure are warranted.  相似文献   
Eating disorders have a profound and highly specific impact on psychosocial functioning. The aim of this research was to develop a measure of such secondary impairment. A 16-item, self-report instrument was developed, the Clinical Impairment Assessment (CIA), which was designed to measure such impairment overall and in three specific domains (personal, cognitive, social). The psychometric properties of the instrument were evaluated using data collected in the context of a transdiagnostic treatment trial. The findings consistently supported the utility of the instrument with the CIA being shown to have high levels of internal consistency, construct and discriminant validity, test-retest reliability, and sensitivity to change. The CIA should be of value to clinicians when assessing patients with eating disorders and their response to treatment. It should also help inform epidemiological research.  相似文献   
中西医理不可通约之反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中医学与西医学之间既有可通约的内容,又有不可通约的内容。中西医之间的不可通约性并不否定中西医的可统一性,需要树立大统一观。中西医统一将从两条途径实现,一是可通约的理论从理论内容上统一,二是不可通约的理论从理论体系上统一,最后统一于一种新的更加完备的理论体系。  相似文献   
唐初著名易学家、经学家孔颖达在易学领域的突出贡献,彰显为在易学及哲学史上产生了广泛而深远影响的易学理论体系的建构。这一新型的体大思精的易学理论体系之得以构筑,乃根植于孔颖达在唐初学术及政治视野下,对汉魏传统易学殚精竭虑之检视、透析与省察基础上的绍承、超越与开新。  相似文献   
当代伦理学的新发展:女性主义伦理学评介   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
女性主义伦理学是当代伦理学中反主流规范伦理学中的一支。它将女性身份作为反思西方社会生活的一个符号代码,试图以性别分析方法剖析伦理学领域内性别权力的运作,以结束使女性受压迫的伦理意识和谋划,达到更合理的对伦理道德的理解。同时它批判了规范伦理学的普遍主义理论体系与论证方式,质疑了主流伦理理论的基本预设与价值建构。女性主义伦理学探究是一个正在进行的过程,当代伦理学多元化发展的潮流中,女性主义的探究为伦理学的发展提供了更大空间。  相似文献   
认知与身体:理论心理学的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶浩生 《心理学报》2013,45(4):481-488
文章站在理论心理学的立场,从具身的维度,探讨了认知与身体的可能关系。文章指出,自古希腊以来的西方文化中,二元论思想一直占据主导地位。柏拉图是二元论思想的最早代表,笛卡尔从认识论上确证了心、物二元世界的存在。传统认知心理学承袭了身心分离的二元论传统,视心智为独立于身体感觉运动系统的抽象符号信息加工。但是具身认知的兴起对二元论提出了挑战。从具身的维度来看,认知是身体的认知,身体是认知的主体。认知在以下三个方面表现出对身体的依赖性:a.身体限制着认知的特征与范围。有机体的身体结构、身体的活动能力限制了认知表征的性质和内容;b.身体不仅限制着认知加工,而且可以作为认知加工的一个组成部分,在大脑和身体之间分配认知任务,发挥着一种类似于分销商的作用;c.身体调节着认知,影响着思维、判断、情绪和动机等心智过程。上述事实说明,身心并非对立的二元,而是一体,身体与环境的互动造就了心智和认知。心智、身体、环境是一体化过程。  相似文献   
和平原则的道德价值,主要表现在对生存原则的肯定、尊重和对不同社会形态、意识形态、文化背景、价值观念的包容。道德融入发展的意义,主要体现在人类最大限度地共享发展带来的丰硕成果的同时,能不断提高自身的文明程度和道德水准,以及促使世界各国谋求发展的目的和手段道德化。和平与共同发展原则不仅是国际关系的基本原则,同时也应成为国际关系伦理的基本原则。  相似文献   
Unlike traditional Western philosophy, which places no special emphasis on the importance of family structure, traditional Chinese philosophy represented by Confucianism is a set of theories that give family a primary position. With family as the foundation, a complete framework of “human body → two genders → family and clan” is formed. Therefore, family in Chinese philosophy is existent, gender-interactive and diachronic. It should also be noted that family also plays a fundamental role in Chinese theories on cosmology, religion, and many other subjects. In other words, Chinese culture as a whole is imprinted with reflections on family. Nowadays, as the value of family becomes less prominent, re-examining ancient Chinese philosophy will undoubtedly bear theoretical significance. Meanwhile, traditional Chinese philosophy can also offer an ideological framework for the re-construction of family values in the contemporary world. __________ Translated by Zhang Shaoqian from Zhexue yanjiu 哲学研究 (Philosophical Researches), 2008, (1): 56–63  相似文献   
The authors propose a constructivist theory of career human agency to integrate and update the existing career theoretical models to better address the current postmodern zeitgeist. The career human agency theory (CHAT) represents a metatheory of career psychology guided by the principles of Bandura’s human agency framework and informs career development practice and counseling interventions. CHAT promotes the enactment of personal, proxy, and collective agency in the face of uncertainty and adversity. This article describes 4 pillar principles of career agency and provides concrete examples for career counseling application.  相似文献   
关于弘扬和培育民族精神的几个理论问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
弘扬和培育民族精神 ,有必要从把握一些重要的、基本的关系入手 ,加深对民族精神内涵的认识和理解 ,解决一些人们容易产生困惑的深层次问题 ,即 :宽与窄、古与今、旧与新、内与外、名与实等。  相似文献   
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