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Children referred with specific reading dysfunction were subtyped as accuracy disabled or rate disabled according to criteria developed from an information processing model of reading skill. Multiple measures of oral and written language development were compared for two subtyped samples matched on age, sex, and IQ. The two samples were comparable in reading fluency, reading comprehension, word knowledge, and word retrieval functions. Accuracy disabled readers demonstrated inferior decoding and spelling skills. The accuracy disabled sample proved deficient in their understanding of oral language structure and in their ability to associate unfamiliar pseudowords and novel symbols in a task designed to simulate some of the learning involved in initial reading acquisition. It was suggested that these two samples of disabled readers may be best described with respect to their relative standing along a theoretical continuum of normal reading development.  相似文献   
林进平 《现代哲学》2002,(3):118-123
本文由两部分组成。第一部分从消极角度分析了《尼各马科伦理学》的三条道德劝喻(“两恶之间取其小”、“曲木裁直”、“拒斥快乐”),认为亚里士多德的三条道德劝喻不仅彼此互相冲突,而且与亚氏伦理学的中心原则(只有心理上和行为上有德性的表现,才是德性的,才是一个有德性的人)是相互矛盾的。第二部分则着重从积极角度来看待这些冲突.认为恰好是这些冲突暴露了伦理学所要积极面对的问题、  相似文献   
王家台《归藏》与《穆天子传》   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
1993年3月,湖北江陵王家台15号秦墓中出土了《归藏》。王家台《归藏》举世瞩目,一些学者认为它就是商易。本文根据王家台《归藏》内容多出《穆天子传》本事的事实,认定王家台《归藏》必成书于《穆天子传》之后,属战国作品。本文还进一步分析了学术史上的相关问题,以为类似王家台《归藏》的内容很可能在西晋汲冢所出书中就已经发现。  相似文献   
王永德 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1150-1153
采用语言实验方法,探索外国留学生的母语和汉语输入在习得中作用问题。选择了母语为英语、日语和韩语,汉语水平为初等的留学生为被试。研究发现,母语在习得汉语的前期有重要作用。母语相关语言规则与汉语补语差别最大的留学生,他们对汉语补语不同水平间差别反应的敏感性最高;差别最小的,敏感性最低;介于其间,则敏感性为中等。此外,汉语输入对习得也有作用,其难易影响习得的效果。  相似文献   
The problem of the other was one of the central problems for the founder of phenomenology, Edmund Husserl. He investigated the other as the alter ego intensively in the Fifth Cartesian Meditation, in which he introduced the conceptions of “analogical apperception' and “pairing' as fundamental forms of “passive synthesis.' Although it is no doubt Husserl who investigated the other most seriously and intensively, there is anaporiain his theory of the other. If the other is an object of ego's intentional consciousness, the other turns out to be no more than a modification of the ego. In the face of such anaporia, some phenomenologists embarked upon inquiry into the other. This paper focuses primarily on Alfred Schutz's discussion of the “other' in general and about the “stranger' in particular.  相似文献   
为检验中文版乌特勒支恋家症量表在大学生群体中的信效度,使用样本1(n=1071),进行信效度检验与测量等值性,使用样本2(n=177,连续5期)检验跨时点的纵向测量等值性。结果表明中文版乌特勒支恋家症量表为五因子结构,包含想家、孤独、想念朋友、适应困难和关于家庭的沉思5个维度,具有良好的信效度、效标效度与测量等值性。意味该量表适合在我国大学生群体中使用,并能够用于跨性别、年级以及时点的相关研究。  相似文献   
中国是世界上滥用抗菌药物最为严重的国家之一,抗菌药物滥用会导致耐药菌株形成、不良反应发生、加重社会和患者经济负担三个主要问题。人类合理使用抗菌药物成为当今社会关注的热点问题,从临床角度阐述了合理使用抗茵药物中若干医学伦理问题,医疗政策、医院管理对抗菌药物合理使用影响的不可替代性;合理使用抗菌药物是良好医患关系的注释;合理使用抗菌药物是医患关系伦理要求。抗菌药物合理使用要求医生必须要有相应的伦理决策能力;抗菌药物合理使用要求医生要主动参与社会伦理讨论;抗菌药物合理使用是多方面共同努力的结果。  相似文献   
Holmes Rolston  III 《Zygon》1992,27(1):65-87
Abstract. Ian Barbour's Religion in an Age of Science is a welcome systematic, theoretical overview of the relations between science and religion, culminating his long career with a balanced and insightful appraisal. The hallmarks of his synthesis are critical realism, holism, and process thought. Barbour makes even more investment in process philosophy and theology than in his previous works. This invites further inquiry about the adequacy of a highly general process metaphysics in dealing with our particular, deeply historical world; also further inquiry about the adequacy of its panexperientialism and incrementalism.  相似文献   
本文用Garner快速分类法研究了发音人规范化和语境补偿过程与声调知觉的关系。得到的主要结果是:(1)发音人变化对声调识别产生了显著的Gar-ner干扰;声调变化对男女声判别产生了同样的十扰。(2)语境变化对声调识别也产生了显著的Garner干扰。按照Garner方法的假设,这说明发音人规范化和语境变异补偿与声调识别之问是相互联系和相互影响的。(3)虽然发音人和语境同时变化引起的声调识别反应时延长约等于它们单独变化时反应时延长量之和,但正确率下降远大于单独变化时下降量之和。说明发音人和语境变异对声调识别的干扰不是独立的,它们之间存在相互作用。这种作用增加了声调识别的难度。  相似文献   
先秦儒家"和为贵"的政治伦理追求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“和为贵”是先秦儒家政治伦理思想的核心理念和本质特征。重视“人和”的社会管理思想.强调“民为邦本”的和谐社会基础,提倡“修己安人”的“和”政治伦理要求,构成了先秦儒家“和为贵”的政治伦理内涵。吸取其合理养分,对于我们今天构建社会主义和谐社会仍具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   
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