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解脲支原体,是女性泌尿生殖道常见的一种介于细胞和病毒之间的微生物,可以通过性接触传播,在一定的条件下可以成为致病病原体。由于对其致病性认识不清,临床上对宫颈分泌物解脲支原体检测阳性的女性,存在不规范大剂量滥用抗生素,导致其耐药性日趋严量,因此对解脲支原体致病性和治疗的研究已成为目前研究的热点。现简要讨论其生物学特性、致病性与治疗。  相似文献   
超声引导介入治疗是一种微创靶向治疗,具有操作简单、安全性高等优点,已成为临床肝癌非手术领域不可缺少的新技术。治疗手段主要包括微波消融、局部注射无水酒精、抗肿瘤生物反应调节剂等。在老年人这个特殊人群中的应用得到较多重视。本文就超声引导介入治疗在老年原发性肝癌中的应用做一讨论。  相似文献   
血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)是一高度特异作用于内皮细胞的糖蛋白,是目前发现的最重要的肿瘤血管生长因子之一.结直肠癌的生长、侵袭和转移与血管内皮生长因子有密切的关系,VEGF在结直肠癌治疗中的作用日益突出.本文就VEGF的功能、在结直肠癌中的表达和治疗的作用作一综述.  相似文献   
Using the Internet to provide cognitive behaviour therapy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new treatment form has emerged that merges cognitive behaviour therapy with the Internet. By delivering treatment components, mainly in the form of texts presented via web pages, and provide ongoing support using e-mail promising outcomes can be achieved. The literature on this novel form of treatment has grown rapidly over recent years with several controlled trials in the field of anxiety disorders, mood disorders and behavioural medicine. For some of the conditions for which Internet-delivered CBT has been tested, independent replications have shown large effect sizes, for example in the treatment of social anxiety disorder. In some studies, Internet-delivered treatment can achieve similar outcomes as in face-to-face CBT, but the literature thus far is restricted mainly to efficacy trials. This article provides a brief summary of the evidence, comments on the role of the therapist and for which patient and therapist this is suitable. Areas of future research and exploration are identified.  相似文献   
In this paper we consider the emerging position in metaphysics that artifact functions characterize real kinds of artifacts. We analyze how it can circumvent an objection by David Wiggins (Sameness and substance renewed, 2001, 87) and then argue that this position, in comparison to expert judgments, amounts to an interesting fine-grained metaphysics: taking artifact functions as (part of the) essences of artifacts leads to distinctions between principles of activity of artifacts that experts in technology have not yet made. We show, moreover, that our argument holds not only in the artifactual realm but also in biology: taking biological functions as (part of the) essences of organs leads to distinctions between principles of activity of organs that biological experts have not yet made. We run our argument on the basis of analyses of artifact and biological functions as developed in philosophy of technology and of biology, thus importing results obtained outside of metaphysics into the debate on ontological realism. In return, our argument shows that a position in metaphysics provides experts reason for trying to detect differences between principles of activities of artifacts and organs that have not been detected so far.  相似文献   
李学娟 《管子学刊》2009,(2):100-104
在农官制度相对比较完备的基础上,汉代帝王亲耕,地方官吏劝勉农桑,乡里社会选拔“力田”助成重农风气,从中央到地方的劝农政策,都闪烁着教化的光彩。汉廷通过宏观调控确定农业发展的大方向,具体细则由地方官吏自主制定,其内容是国家劝农务本的宏观政策的具体化和优化,往往因地、因时制宜,百姓易于接受。地方官吏作为汉政府的代表,躬劝农耕,具有比较大的号召力,会收到良好的效果。百姓安居乐业,有利于社会稳定,进一步为国家政策的顺利实施创造了更好的条件,形成一种良性循环。  相似文献   
《管予》渊源于齐文化,法制思想以礼、法并重为特色,齐用之而为东方大国;秦用商、韩之法迅速强大并统一六国,但秦法严苛激进,任法而废礼,致秦二世而亡。汉承秦之弊,在历史与现实中寻求适合自己发展的道路,于偶然,也是必然中选择了礼法并重的《管子》法制思想作为治国方略,史称黄老政治,使国家逐步实现了稳定与繁荣,并开创了二千多年的秦汉制度。  相似文献   
王学斌 《管子学刊》2009,(1):42-45,57
晚清以降。诸子学走向复兴。作为其中重要一支,《管子》一书也摆脱以往“德主刑辅”、“以子证经、史”的边缘地位,受到广大士人、学者的关注。大致而言,晚清的管子研究经历了“通子致用”、“援西释管”和“改塑管子”三个阶段,逐渐完成了由古典向近代的学术嬗变。  相似文献   
研究从先验概率、概率表征、推理任务等方面探讨了经典贝叶斯推理研究中存在的不足,试图在"知识和试题双重模型"框架下,探索现实和标准贝叶斯试题的形式结构的同质性,结果表明:1)自然频次表征比百分比表征的贝叶斯推算题正确率高,这是因为试题的形式结构不同,与概率表征无关;2)贝叶斯判断题与贝叶斯推算题的试题形式结构存在显著差异;3)贝叶斯推算题中,概率词表征与其它两种表征的试题形式结构存在显著差异,其实质是贝叶斯判断。  相似文献   
Abstract: Windschitl and Wells (1998 ) proposed that the pairwise comparison between the focal and strongest alternative outcomes plays an important role in probability judgment. However, their studies did not control the effects of alternative outcomes other than the strongest one. This article tested whether only the strongest alternative outcome would affect probability judgment, using a variable selection method in a multiple regression analysis. Study 1 reanalyzed the results of Windschitl and Young (2001 ) and showed that only the strongest alternative outcome affects probability judgment. In Study 2, a new experiment was conducted to modify the methodological problems in Study 1. The results of Study 2 were identical to those of Study 1. All these results consistently supported the comparison hypothesis.  相似文献   
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