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We revived Jung’s Archetypes to characterize what we see as an emerging confluence of evolutionary, embodied, and ecological responses to traditional cognitive models of mental representation. We propose that all humans possess archetypal representational systems that are (a) computationally grounded in perception and action, (b) shaped by learning and culture, and (c) biologically prepared by our ancestral past. Because these functionally modular systems arose in tandem with—and in response to—our increasingly complex social world, one implication is that even the most abstract issues studied in cognitive science may be, at least in part, scaffolded on more ancient social and emotional calculi.  相似文献   
In June 2016, the United Kingdom held a referendum on EU membership; 52% of those who voted, voted to leave, and 48% voted to remain. During the referendum campaign, two identities emerged: “Brexiter” and “Remainer,” which remained salient post‐referendum. This study explores how the categories of Brexiter and Remainer were deployed by posters online. Data comprise comment threads collected from four online newspapers both during the campaign and after the vote, which focus on the Brexit campaign promise: “We send £350m a week to the EU. Let's fund our NHS instead.” We draw on membership categorization analysis and discursive psychology to analyse when categories were made salient and what responses to the invocation of categories were. Analysis revealed that posters explicitly categorize the out‐group and in doing so implicitly define their group. Posters resisted other political identities when attributed to them in relation to the referendum. The analysis shows how Brexiter and Remainer are new, albeit contested, political categories and identities in their own right, with other political identities resisted when used. The paper highlights implications for the political system in the United Kingdom and for social divisions within U.K. society.  相似文献   
Dehumanisation of opponents in conflict has been shown to be a common and damaging feature in the media. What is not understood is how this dehumanisation is challenged, which is the novel contribution that this research will make. Drawing on focus groups (four focus groups each with four to six participants) conducted in the West Bank in 2015 that discussed media coverage of international conflict, this article demonstrates the ways in which young Palestinian participants attempt to rehumanize themselves in the context of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Discursive analysis demonstrates how this was achieved in a number of ways: categorising Palestinians as “human being”; by directly and explicitly challenging the suggestion that Palestinians are less than human; by drawing the enemy into the category “human”; and by embodying the “human.” These findings, the first to address the talk of young Palestinians about the reporting of violent conflicts around the world, demonstrate the importance of categorization and how, in this case, the specifics of the use of the (human) category work to rehumanize Palestinians in the face of (claims of) dehumanisation.  相似文献   
赵岩  伍麟 《心理学探新》2019,(4):308-313
道德隐喻已成为道德心理学研究的热点问题,随着具身认知相关理论的兴起,道德隐喻的具身研究逐渐展开。目前,具身道德隐喻的维度主要包括空间、温度、洁净、颜色、明暗、触觉、味觉、嗅觉等。具身道德隐喻的相关理论解释主要包括概念隐喻理论、具身认知理论、知觉符号理论和架构理论。今后的具身道德隐喻应更多的探讨跨文化的差异性,丰富道德隐喻具身维度的内容以及各维度之间的相关性,同时要引入道德隐喻的影响机制分析。  相似文献   
当前以文化心理学为代表的研究热潮被誉为是心理学发展中的第四个解释维度。这一热潮促进了多元化研究方法的发展,不仅加强了心理学实证研究的普遍性,而且提升了理论建构解释的力度和重要性。长期以来,心理学与人类学有着紧密的联系,文化心理学与人类学有着更密切的联姻。随着文化心理学与人类学的进一步积极融合,不仅为心理学的全球化发展带来了新契机,而且对于积极探索构建人类命运共同体的社会心理机制,实现心理学研究范式多样化的统一,具有重要的学理意义及现实针对性。  相似文献   
积极心理学的繁荣与演变——阴阳辩证哲理的回归   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王萍 《心理学探新》2019,(5):406-410
积极心理学是研究人类在适应社会生活中的积极特质、积极主观体验以及实现积极自我和成长的适应性认知和行为的科学。由Seligman(1998)兴起的积极心理学运动经过十年繁荣,在三个研究支柱的基础上增加第四个支柱积极的关系。由于积极心理学拒绝消极作为其中的范畴,Wong(2011)掀起积极心理学第二次浪潮,转向研究积极-消极的共生关系。并且,引用中国哲学思想,把阴阳之间的辩证互动原则作为积极心理学第二次浪潮的基础,研究积极和消极之间的动态平衡,以实现人类美好幸福生活和繁荣。  相似文献   
The delivery of a contextually adapted version of the Unified Protocol for transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders is illustrated through a case study of an internally displaced female victim of armed conflict in Colombia. A detailed account of how her history of continuous traumatic events and her forced displacement resulted in multiple emotional disorders and behaviors which hindered her ability to react to daily stressors illustrates the particular conditions of individuals exposed to extreme violence. Emphasis is placed on how her culture and context required adaptations of evidence-based interventions. The contextually adapted UP (CXA-UP) is described in “slow-motion,” through a session-by-session account of the procedure along with the specific changes in each module. Outcome measures showed four positive diagnoses at pretreatment, but none at posttreatment, 3-month, or 2-year follow-up. Implications for global applications with individuals in similar contexts and for widening access to such interventions are discussed.  相似文献   
Thanks to the publication of the two decrees of 12 April 2018, and six years after the promulgation of the Jardé law, the scope of the law of 5 March 2012 as well as the different categories of research involving the human person finally appear clearly. Beside interventional research that includes intervention on the person that is not justified by usual care, the contours of two categories of research have been precised: interventional research with minimal risk and minimal burden and “non-interventional” research, whose name is questionable. If the latest decrees have managed to reach a more coherent set of rules, the French legal and regulatory provisions remain complex and incomplete. Complex, in view of the multiplicity of statutory texts adopted since the promulgation of the Jardé law. Incomplete, because the needs for ethical evaluation provided for by the international ethical principles of research are not systematically covered by French law.  相似文献   
Mothers in low‐ and middle‐income countries (LMIC) suffer heightened vulnerability for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), which is exacerbated by the multitude of risk factors associated with poverty and may lead to increased risk of psychiatric disorder. The constellation of complex, co‐occurring biological, environmental, social, economic and psychological risk factors are in turn transmitted to her child, conferring vulnerability for adverse development. This study examines the association between maternal intra‐ and extra‐familial ACEs, maternal education and the mental health of her child, mediated by maternal mental health. Mother‐child dyads (n = 121) in Machakos, Kenya were examined cross‐sectionally using self‐report measures of ACEs, maternal mental health and child internalizing and externalizing mental health problems. The four models proposed to examine the relationship between intra‐ and extra‐familial maternal ACEs and child internalizing and externalizing problems demonstrated indirect pathways through maternal mental health. These effects were found to be conditional on levels of maternal education, which served as a protective factor at lower levels of maternal ACEs. These models demonstrate how the impact of ACEs persists across the lifespan resulting in a negative impact on maternal mental health and conferring further risk to subsequent generations. Elucidating the association between ACEs and subsequent intergenerational sequelae, especially in LMIC where risk is heightened, may improve targeted caregiver mental health programs for prevention and intervention.  相似文献   
Gaze is considered a crucial component of early communication between an infant and her caregiver. When communicatively addressed, infants respond aptly to others’ gaze by following its direction. However, experience with face‐to‐face contact varies across cultures, begging the question whether infants’ competencies in receiving others’ communicative gaze signals are universal or culturally specific . We used eye‐tracking to assess gaze‐following responses of 5‐ to 7‐month olds in Vanuatu, where face‐to‐face parent–infant interactions are less prevalent than in Western populations. We found that—just like Western 6‐month‐olds studied previously—5‐ to ‐7‐month‐olds living in Vanuatu followed gaze only, when communicatively addressed. That is, if presented gaze shifts were preceded by infant‐directed speech, but not if they were preceded by adult‐directed speech. These results are consistent with the notion that early infant gaze following is tied to infants’ early emerging communicative competencies and rooted in universal mechanisms rather than being dependent on cultural specificities of early socialization.  相似文献   
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