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The debate over social acceptability of intrusive procedures has led some school districts to adopt policies allowing punishment for only the most extreme forms of destructive behavior. We investigated the effectiveness of selectively implementing punishment for only the most severe topographies of aggression and property destruction, while less extreme behaviors were ignored. Results indicated that severe behaviors were reduced to near-zero levels only when both severe and less severe behaviors were similarly punished.  相似文献   
Two families, in which the children had been placed in foster care due to abuse and neglect by parents who had disabilities, were studied. In the first case, the mother was instructed in skills that our assessment suggested were important for her child's survival. The mother readily acquired and applied these skills, a fact reflected both in changes in her behavior and in changes in the child's well-being. In the second case, the parent's incremental resumption of child custody was made contingent upon completion of relevant parenting tasks. Initially, improvements in the completion of such tasks were evident, but over time and with the onset of militating factors, no further progress was made and all parental rights were terminated. The implications of these cases for behavior analysis and the effort to reunite and preserve families are discussed.  相似文献   
Media reports suggest that the public is becoming impatient with the homeless—that so-called “compassion fatigue” has gripped the nation. This characterization of public sentiment could have important policy consequences—restrictive measures can be justified by growing public impatience, and progressive housing policies seem infeasible within a hostile climate of opinion. But evidence to support the compassion fatigue notion is anecdotal. We examine the issue by tracking the results of public opinion polls and by reporting detailed evidence from a nationwide random-digit dial telephone survey (N=1,507) concerning knowledge attitudes and beliefs about homeless people. To be sure, the public sees homelessness as an undesirable social problem and wants something done about it. However, although the homeless are clearly stigmatized, there is little evidence to suggest that the public has lost compassion and is unwilling to support policies to help homeless people.  相似文献   
Parenting a child with ADHD can challenge parenting resources and coping. Increasingly, researchers are examining the relationship between the behavior of the child with ADHD and family functioning. While studies have shown inceased parenting stress in parents of children with ADHD, these studies have compared children with ADHD to non-disabled children. This study compares reports of parenting stress among mothers of children with ADHD, mothers of children with learning disabilities and mothers of non-referred children. Results showed that parenting stress was highest for mothers of children with ADHD. Increased parenting stress was associated with child characteristics and, in particular, with externalizing behavior problems.  相似文献   
教师评分用语词义赋值特征的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究运用模糊统计试验方法对教师的六组定性的评分用语词 (符号 )进行了经验赋值。参加赋值的是 2 66名小学教师。结果表明 ,六组评分用语词 (符号 )都是模糊概念 ,其中每种评分方式中处于最高等级的词 (符号 )的模糊度最小 ,处于中间等级的词 (符号 )的模糊度居中 ,处于最低等级的词 (符号 )的模糊度最大。词 (符号 )义的模糊度与评价的把握度呈现负相关 ,即词 (符号 )义越具体 ,模糊度越小 ,赋值的把握度就越大 ;反之 ,词义越含混 ,模糊度越大 ,赋值的把握度就越小。教师对各种评分用语词 (符号 )的赋值受百分制的“及格—不及格”的划分的影响 ,受评分方式中等级数目的影响 ,即增加评分等级会减少评分用语词 (符号 )的模糊度 ,增加赋值的把握度 ,还受评分用语词 (符号 )本身数量特征的影响。在各种评分方式中 ,评语词 (符号 )在心理量表上的距离是不等的。本研究的结果对教育评价的实践具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
年龄、作业难度和训练对成人记忆的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用“联想学习”、“图象自由回忆”和“附加联想”三项目,对90例成人(分为青年、老年和老老年组各30例)进行记忆测查和训练,目的为探讨年龄,作业难度和训练对记忆的影响。结果表明:青年组记忆成绩明显高于老年和老老年组,后两组无显著差异;无关联想的年龄差异大于有关联想,作业难度扩大了年龄差异;各年龄组训练后记忆得到明显改善,并且训练扩大了年龄和作业易难的差异。由此可见,记忆受年龄、作业难度和训练三因素的相互作用,也再次证实了老年认知功能具有一定的可塑性。  相似文献   
小学儿童对虚假话语间接意义的理解   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探讨了小学儿童对隐含在虚假话语中间接意义的理解特点。结果发现:(1)一年级儿童不能理解虚假话语的非字面意义,三年级儿童才基本上能够理解。(2)小学低年级儿童不能理解虚假话语的间接意义的主要原因是他们不能根据话语与事实不符和说话者知道事实真相来判断说话者说虚假话语的有意性和推论隐含的意义。部分原因可能在于他们没有意识到说话者了解事实真相,因而不知道说话者是故意使用虚假话语的。  相似文献   
The purpose of this article is to provide psychotherapists with a tool for family evaluation using the basic principles of psychodynamic work; and to introduce a transitional format for therapists who have practiced family evaluations in their training institutions and now need to adapt this model to the private practitioner's office. A case example illustrates: (1) Use of the therapist's unconscious for diagnosis of the child and its family, (2) joining the family's intersubjective space, and (3) use of play and therapist's neutrality as ways that the psychodynamically oriented clinician involves the family in the evaluation and treatment of the child.  相似文献   
Decision attitude — an analog of risk attitude — is the propensity to make (or avoid making) a decision: in decision aversion, a person finds it more desirable to receive through fiat the better of two options than to have a choice between them; in decision seeking, the choice is more desirable, even though it can lead to nothing better than the best option. Both decision aversion and decision seeking were found in hypothetical scenarios. Experimental manipulations and subjects' justifications point to anticipated regret, fear of blame for poor outcomes, and desire for equitable distributions as sources of decision aversion. One source of decision seeking (for self) and decision aversion (when deciding for others) appears to be the desire for the self-determination of the affected parties. We consider the implications of our results for personal choice and public policy decisions.  相似文献   
Differences in maternal employment during children's first year of life and children's entry into non-maternal care before the age of 1 year failed to predict differences in cognitive and socioemotional development at 2 and 4 years of age, after family background variables were controlled. Two samples were studied: a population sample of 1100 Bermudian children and a smaller subsample of children most of whom were determined to be at risk for developmental problems. To assess the effects of maternal employment, we compared infants with mothers who worked 20 or more hours a week to infants with mothers who worked less than 20 hours a week. To assess the effects of entry into non-maternal care before the age of one, we compared infants who were placed in regular non-maternal care before the age of one versus infants who did not experience regular non-maternal care before the age of one. The results revealed that family background variables frequently predicted many child outcome measures in both the total sample and the smaller research sample. After controlling for family characteristics, no differences were found between children whose mothers worked 20 or more hours a week when they were infants and children with mothers who worked less than 20 hours a week in either sample. In addition, age of entry into non. maternal care before the age of one did not significantly predict any child outcome measures.  相似文献   
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