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The U.S. Supreme Court's majorityopinion in Vacco v. Quill assumes thatthe principle of double effect explains thepermissibility of hastening death in thecontext of ordinary palliative care and inextraordinary cases in which painkilling drugshave failed to relieve especially intractablesuffering and terminal sedation has beenadopted as a last resort. The traditionaldoctrine of double effect, understood asproviding a prohibition on instrumental harmingas opposed to incidental harming or harming asa side effect, must be distinguished from otherways in which the claim that a result is notintended might be offered as part of ajustification for it. Although double effectmight appropriately be invoked as a constrainton ordinary palliative care, it is not clearthat it can be coherently extended to justifysuch practices as terminal sedation. A betterapproach would reconsider double effect'straditional prohibition on hastening death as ameans to relieve suffering in the context ofacute palliative care.  相似文献   
The processes of aging and confronting mortality are often accompanied by unique psychological challenges. From the perspective of positive psychology, such challenges can yield opportunities for growth, including increased wisdom. This qualitative study explored 15 terminally ill hospice patients’ perspectives on wisdom, the dying process, and the meaning of life using consensual qualitative research methods. Most participants cited humility as a key component of wisdom, emphasizing that “Wisdom is when we realize ‘I don’t really know much’.” Other components of wisdom included self-knowledge, rationality, experiential learning, listening to and learning from others, and sharing knowledge with others. Participants also suggested that the process of facing illness and death presents opportunities for positive growth, including changing priorities and learning to appreciate life more fully in the present moment. In considering the sources of meaning in their lives, participants emphasized relational connections, personal growth, spirituality, vocational fulfilment, and living a full life. Participants also shared their reflections on important past experiences and regrets. Lastly, participants offered advice to others based on their experiences facing illness and mortality. Implications for psychological care of the dying and future research are discussed.  相似文献   
The current Ebola virus epidemic in Western Africa appears to be spiraling out of control. The worst-case projections suggested that the unchecked spread could result in almost 1.4 million cases by the end of January 2015 with a case fatality rate of at least 50%. The United States and European nations have begun to respond in earnest with promises of supplies, isolation beds, and trained health care personnel in an effort to contain the epidemic and care for the sick. However, there is neither a vaccine nor specific treatment for Ebola infection, and therapy is ideally centered on supportive care. I have previously argued that the provision of palliative care is obligatory during an overwhelming health catastrophe, notably pandemic influenza. Since affected Ebola patients have best outcomes with technologically advanced intensive care—resources in scarce supply in the area—I suggest that the only acceptable approach to large numbers of very sick, dying, and suffering Ebola patients who overwhelm the resources available to successfully manage them is effective palliative care. However, this could hasten death in this vulnerable population and hence, while ethically and medically justifiable, is not without social risk.  相似文献   
红光照明条件下VDT不同显示色的视觉效果比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
许百华 《心理科学》2000,23(2):165-168
本研究以VDT上持续进行的视觉作业速度和眼的调节辐合时间作为指标,对红光照明条件下VDT显示的红、黄、绿、蓝、白五种字符色的视觉效果进行了比较.实验中,VDT背景光的主波长为630nm.结果表明,五种字符色在两项指标上均表现出显著差异;绿色显示的视觉效果最好,红色显示的效果最差,黄、白、蓝三色处于中间.  相似文献   
观察单独输注瑞芬太尼用于支气管纤维镜检术的临床效果和安全性.120例患者随机分为瑞芬太尼单用组(A组)和瑞芬太尼、异丙酚联用组(B组).记录不同时间点的血流动力学指标与脑电双频指数数值以及不良反应.B组患者诱导时间较A组明显缩短、呼吸抑制几率较高、T1~T4各时间点平均动脉压、心率和脑电双频指数较T0时均明显下降(P<0.05),而A组各指标则均无明显变化(P>0.05);两组操作满意度均较高(P>0.05).单独瑞芬太尼0.1μg/(kg min)持续输注用于支气管镜清醒插管,临床效果良好.  相似文献   
通过检测老年糖代谢异常患者的血浆N末端血清脑钠肽前体(NT—proBNP)水平与肱动脉血管内皮依赖性舒张功能(FMD),探讨其早期监测意义。共77例观察对象,其中12例血糖正常的健康老人为对照组,65例老年糖代谢异常组患者根据空腹血糖(FBG)和糖耐量2小时(0GTT2h)血糖水平分为空腹血糖受损组(IFG)14例、糖耐量受损组(IGT)23例和2型糖尿病组(DM)28例。各组均检测血浆NT—proBNP水平和无创超声监测FMD。随着血糖代谢异常程度加重,比较正常组,糖代谢异常组的血浆NT—proBNP水平升高(P〈0.01),FMD调节下降(P〈0.01);糖代谢异常发展过程中,IFG阶段FMD即出现舒张失调(P〈0.05);IGT阶段血浆NT-proBNP水平升高有意义并达到无症状心衰诊断标准(P〈0.01),且FMD出现舒张过度调节,提示收缩和舒张功能双向调节不良。空腹血糖升高增加血管内皮依赖性舒张功能损害,当FBG合并(或)餐后血糖升高,血浆NT—proBNP水平升高可以成为早期预测慢性无症状心功能不全的危险因素。因此,关注老年糖代谢异常早期阶段进程,并联合血浆NT—proBNP水平和血管内皮依赖性舒张功能监测,不仅对靶器官保护具有早期预警意义,而且是临床控制血糖管理的重要而简易的方法之一。  相似文献   
终末期癌症病人诊治中的心理特征与人文关怀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在诊治终末期癌症病人过程中不仅要关心他们的躯体方面,更要关心他们的心理方面,在诊治过程中要根据他们的独特的心理特征来进行人文心理关怀,维持生命质量和保证他们应有的人格尊严.  相似文献   
Erikson's epigenetic model of psychosocial development posits that each of eight stages unfolds in a particular sequence, and each becomes the primary issue of concern at specified times in the life cycle. Erikson does not address, nor could any empirical studies be located, exploring how the emergence of these eight stages might be affected by a diagnosis of terminal illness. The purpose of this study was to understand how an HIV-positive diagnosis affected movement through Erikson's stages of development. In-depth interviews were conducted with a sample of 18 HIV-positive men and women under 45 years of age. Analysis of the qualitative data revealed three findings regarding Erikson's stages: (1) The fifth stage of idenitity versus role confusion was revisted and the sense of self is redefined; (2) the three adulthood stages of intimacy versus isolation, generativity versus stagnation, and ego integrity versus depair were dealt with simulataneously and, in most cases, resolved favorably; and (3) intimacy and generativity enabled and supported the resolution of the tasks of identity and ego integrity.  相似文献   
Staddon and Simmelhag's proposal that behavior is produced by “principles of behavioral variation” instead of contingencies of reinforcement was tested in two experiments. In the first experiment pigeons were exposed to either a fixed-interval schedule of response-contingent reinforcement, an autoshaping schedule of stimulus-contingent reinforcement, or a fixed-time schedule of noncontingent reinforcement. Pigeons exposed to contingent reinforcement came to peck more rapidly than those exposed to noncontingent reinforcement. Staddon and Simmelhag's “principles of behavioral variation” included the proposal that patterns (interim and terminal) were a function of momentary probability of reinforcement. In the second experiment pigeons were exposed to either a fixed-time or a random-time schedule of noncontingent reinforcement. Pecking showed a constant frequency of occurrence over postfood time on the random-time schedule. Most behavior showed patterns on the fixed-time schedule that differed in overall shape (i.e., interim versus terminal) from those shown on the random-time schedule. It was concluded that both the momentary probability of reinforcement and postfood time can affect patterning.  相似文献   
急危重症患者随时可能有生命危险,医务人员往往只关注于患者的生命体征、脏器功能以及诊疗方案。因此,很容易忽略了患者精神和心理层面的需求,会带来一系列新的临床问题及心理创伤。“早期的舒适化镇痛、最小化的镇静和最大的人文关怀”概念真正以急危重症患者为中心,站在了生物心理社会医学模式的制高点,提出了一个整体性框架,医护结合临床实际可以最大化丰富其内涵,让患者在接受高精尖医疗技术诊治的同时,获得更全面的照护。  相似文献   
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