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En este trabajo, que conjuga la tradición psicométrica con la perspectiva de procesamiento de información, se estudió si las diferencias en rendimiento observadas en los tests están asociados a diferencias individuales en gasto atencional. Fueron seleccionados 4 grupos extremos de sujetos en función de dos factores de inteligencia (verbal y espacial), los cuales realizaron una tarea de verificación de frases (tarea primaria) aisladamente o en conjunción con una de emparejamiento perceptivo (tarea secundaria). Se utilizaron como variables dependientes el número de aciertos de la tarea primaria, en ambas condiciones, y en la tarea secundaria, con tiempo limitado; y el número de errores en ambas tareas, sin límite de tiempo. Los sujetos altos verbales tuvieron más aciertos que los bajos verbales al ejecutar la tarea primaria en solitario, e iguales diferencias se encontraron entre altos y bajos espaciales; no se observaron diferencias en el número de errores. Al realizar ambas tareas concurrentemente, los altos verbales tienen mayor número de aciertos y cometen menos errores, en la tarea primaria, que los bajos verbales; los altos y bajos espaciales se diferencian únicamente en el número de aciertos. Estos resultados son discutidos y comparados con estudios diferenciales recientes.  相似文献   

Estudiamos los efectos de los estados afectivos de adquisición y recuperación en una tarea de reconocimiento. Los estados afectivos se indujeron por sugestiones posthipnóticas y los estímulos fueron fotografías de caras en blanco y negro. Empleamos un diseño factorial 2 (estado de adquisición) x 2 (estado de recuperación) con medidas repetidas. El intervalo entre las fases de adquisición y recuperación fue de 24 horas. El análisis de datos, basado en el modelo no-paramétrico de la teoría de detección de señales, confirma el efecto de dependencia de estados afectivos en una prueba de reconocimiento. Los resultados se discuten en relación a trabajos anteriores que no habían encontrado este efecto en pruebas similares.  相似文献   

Las disociaciones entre pruebas implícitas y explícitas de memoria se han convertido últimamente en el fenómeno más rico e ilustrativo teóricamente de que la memoria se manifiesta tanto de una forma directa o explícita como de una forma indirecta o implícita. La distinción entre memoria implícita y explícita ha proporcionado un marco teórico y de trabajo extremadamente fructífero para aumentar nuestro conocimiento sobre la naturaleza y arquitectura de la memoria. En este trabajo se presenta una amplia revisión de las disociaciones entre pruebas implícitas y explícitas de memoria, las múltiples variables que las producen, las distintas poblaciones susceptibles de generarlas y las explicaciones más relevantes sobre su significado. De entre estas explicaciones destacan: 1) la que considera que las disociaciones son el resultado de diferentes procesos y 2) la que entiende que reflejan diferentes sistemas de memoria. Entre los proponentes de ambas explicaciones se ha desarrollado un debate que ha llevado a una nueva concepción de la naturaleza y arquitectura del sistema de memoria que da fundamento a los efectos de priming.  相似文献   

Revisionists about Aquinas’ teaching on private self-defence take the standard reading to hold that Aquinas applies a version of the Doctrine of Double Effect (DDE) according to which the intentional killing of a wrongful attacker by a private person is morally prohibited while the non-intentional but foreseeable killing of the attacker is permitted. Revisionists dispute this reading and argue that Aquinas permits the intentional killing of wrongful attackers. I argue that revisionists mischaracterize the standard reading of Aquinas. I consider one of its main proponents, Antonio de Córdoba (1485–1579). When Córdoba condemned the intentional killing of wrongful attackers by private persons, he was not applying DDE. Rather, he was arguing that when you decide to kill an attacker you treat the attacker as a resource for the private end of saving your life. Killing a member of your community is a form of irrevocable social exclusion. This decision ought to be left to the public authorities. The disagreement between the authors defending the standard view and their critics was not about DDE but rather about the moral limits that membership in a community sets on the pursuit of private ends, including the private end of staying alive.  相似文献   
Human trafficking has been identified as a global human rights violation. This study aimed to investigate the predictors of prosocial behaviors toward sex-trafficked persons. Participants were 223 undergraduates randomly assigned to read a vignette and answer follow-up questions along with measures of empathy, just world belief, attitudes toward prostitution, and proactive behavior. Empathy was highest for trafficked women, regardless of citizenship status. Trafficked foreign women received the highest empathy, and U.S. prostitutes received the least. Path analysis results indicate just world belief, beliefs about prostitutes, and family values relating to prostitution had direct effects on empathic concern; in turn, empathic concern had a direct effect on proactive behavior. Explanations for the results are discussed, along with educational and clinical implications.  相似文献   
IntroductionThis study examines the relationships of passive leadership and role stressors to affective organizational commitment among hospital employees.ObjectiveThis study's objective was to understand the mediating effect of role stressors (conflict, overload, and ambiguity) in the relation between passive leadership and affective organizational commitment.MethodWe used a structural equation modeling approach on a sample of 185 hospital employees and a time-lagged design in which predictor and mediators were assessed at Time 1 and affective organizational commitment was obtained 3 years later.ResultsFindings revealed that passive leadership was positively related to all three role stressors and that role ambiguity fully mediated a negative relationship between passive leadership and affective organizational commitment. Moreover, the relationship between passive leadership and role conflict was stronger when role overload was high.ConclusionThis study suggests organizations should strive to limit the emergence of passive leadership behaviors among supervisors due to their detrimental effects on the long-term development of affective commitment via role ambiguity.  相似文献   
A study is reported testing two hypotheses about a close parallel relation between indicative conditionals, if A then B, and conditional bets, I bet you that if A then B. The first is that both the indicative conditional and the conditional bet are related to the conditional probability, P(B|A). The second is that de Finetti's three-valued truth table has psychological reality for both types of conditional—true, false, or void for indicative conditionals and win, lose, or void for conditional bets. The participants were presented with an array of chips in two different colours and two different shapes, and an indicative conditional or a conditional bet about a random chip. They had to make judgements in two conditions: either about the chances of making the indicative conditional true or false or about the chances of winning or losing the conditional bet. The observed distributions of responses in the two conditions were generally related to the conditional probability, supporting the first hypothesis. In addition, a majority of participants in further conditions chose the third option, “void”, when the antecedent of the conditional was false, supporting the second hypothesis.  相似文献   
The essence of the story of King Oedipus forms a cornerstone of psychoanalysis since Freud. Oedipality means the painful experience of the child who is left outside the mutual relationship between the parents and the child's wish to kill one parent and marry the other one. The life-long oedipal attitude and relationship develop in dyadic and triadic relationships. An example is given of a boy whose dyadic relationships are threatened by triads, and whose triads are threatened by integrated oedipality. Only after the oedipal situation is worked through does it become possible to live and love in reality, and to maintain manifold relationships. This development is also reflected in thinking, which only slowly develops into multidimensional levels of symbolization and thought. Prior to this development, we continue to “marry dyads” and “kill triads” and remain driven by dyadic and triadic wishes in all fields of our life.  相似文献   
In 1943, Jung held a seminar at Eranos for a limited number of students dedicated to ‘solar myths’, which were exemplified specifically in the cartographic art of Opicinus de Canistris (c. 1296–1352). This seminar has stayed out of print until a few years ago. Notes taken during the seminar by one of Jung's students, Alwine von Keller (1878–1965), were discovered in the Eranos archives and published. Now, for the first time ever, the notes of another of his students, Rivkah Schärf Kluger, taken during the same seminar, are being published. This second series of notes are more extensive. They complete the first series by adding many features and so allow us to put together a more complete picture of Jung's seminar. James Hillman, who received these notes from William McGuire in 1976, firmly believed that they were important enough to be published. Now, seventy years after this seminar, thanks to the support of the Stiftung der Werke von C. G. Jung, the Eranos Foundation and the Journal of Analytical Psychology, these notes are finally being published.  相似文献   
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