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王丽娟  田翠武侠 《心理科学》2013,36(5):1267-1272
前瞻记忆是指对预定事件或行为的记忆。本文总结了前瞻记忆脑机制相关的文献,介绍了前额皮层、丘脑,内侧颞叶等脑区域在前瞻记忆中的作用,并通过分析注意缺陷多动障碍儿童、老年痴呆症患者、酒精依赖症和内侧颞叶癫痫患者前瞻记忆的表现,从临床角度深入探讨了前瞻记忆神经机制的问题。证据表明,前额皮层参与前瞻记忆的编码、提取和监控过程,与意向保持也有密切的关系;丘脑与意向的执行有关,并且与前额叶互动在前瞻记忆监控中起着重要的作用;内侧颞叶与编码来源的提取和意向的激活都有密切的关系。研究认为前额皮层在前瞻记忆加工过程中起着核心的作用,同时与丘脑、内侧颞叶等区域相互作用,共同成为前瞻记忆编码、保持、提取、执行的神经基础。  相似文献   
神经肌肉下意识前馈与反馈控制的知觉线索效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张芷  王健 《心理学报》2014,46(1):50-57
为研究视觉和时间知觉线索对突发外部姿势干扰下中枢神经系统对动作肌肉和姿势肌肉预期姿势调节(APAs)和补偿姿势调节(CPAs)的影响, 本研究被试分别在视觉和时间线索引导下完成经典落球试验, 同步采集右侧动作肌肉肱二头肌和姿势肌肉腰部竖脊肌和腰部多裂肌的sEMG信号, 计算被检肌肉APAs发生率、预激活时间和CPAs反应强度。结果发现, 视觉线索可以引发动作肌肉和姿势肌肉APAs发生率明显增加, 预激活时间明显提前, 以及动作肌肉CPAs反应强度明显减小; 而时间线索主要引发动作肌肉预激活提前, 对姿势肌肉APAs和CPAs无明显影响。该结果表明, 视觉和时间引导线索对突发外部姿势干扰条件下人体姿势肌肉和动作肌肉的中枢运动控制具有不同的作用。视觉引导线索能够明显增加姿势肌肉和动作肌肉预激活发生率和提早预激活时间, 表现出明显的“视觉线索预激活优势现象”; 而时间引导线索主要引发动作肌肉预激活提前, 对姿势肌肉APAs和CPAs无明显影响。  相似文献   
钟伟芳  莫雷  金花  徐贵平 《心理学报》2012,44(6):735-744
一般语言学理论认为, 在句子阅读理解过程中, 句子意义建构是基于词汇语义整合的, 其反映在N400之上, 开始于词语呈现后约250 ms。然而, 近年关于语义P600效应的研究却提示句意建构可能存在多通道或方式, 读者甚至可能在N400反映的加工出现之前就已建立了初步句意。为探明在句子阅读理解过程中是否存在比N400反映的加工更早的句意建构, 以及如果存在这样的句意建构, 其是从何时开始的, 本研究开展了四个实验。实验1发现被试在句末双字词呈现200 ms后已将其联系到上文语义表征而建立了句意, 提示句意建构开始于N400反映的加工出现之前。实验2与3进一步发现, 读者开始建立句意的时间约在句末词呈现了150 ms之时。实验4排除了实验1~3效应的其他一些可能解释, 提升了实验1~3结果的可靠性。总体上, 本研究提示:在句子阅读理解过程中, 读者在句末双字词呈现了约150 ms之时就已建立了句意; 可能存在比N400反映的加工更早的句意建构。  相似文献   
同一事件的视听成分即使同时发生, 由于两种信息的物理传播与神经传导速度的差异, 大脑知觉到它们的时刻仍会存在一定的延迟。时间再校准指大脑可以最小化并适应这段时间延迟的现象。本研究采用“适应—测验”范式, 在适应阶段连续给被试呈现视觉先于听觉或听觉先于视觉128ms的刺激对, 在测验阶段以时序判断任务来测量被试此时主观同时点的变化。通过操纵适应及新异视听刺激对(即适应客体与新异客体)在测验阶段出现的空间位置, 探索空间与客体因素对视听时间再校准的影响。结果发现, 当适应客体出现于适应空间时, 主观同时点显著偏向了时间延迟的方向; 同样显著或边缘显著的主观同时点偏移还发生于适应客体出现于未适应空间时, 以及新异客体出现于适应空间时。研究表明, 视听时间再校准在不同空间中的表现取决于适应空间与适应客体的联合或独立作用。  相似文献   
时间信息的加工一直是当代阅读心理研究的热点。以往研究对时间信息表征的性质、维度特征、提取机制等问题存在诸多争论, 主要表现为强印象假设与场景理论的冲突。我们认为, 文本阅读中时间信息的加工包括两个阶段:加工时间词以及低水平的更新情景模型阶段和通达与整合先前信息阶段, 强印象假设和场景理论争论的实质在于前者解释的是加工的第一个阶段, 而后者解释的是加工的第二个阶段, 因此, 总是难以调和。本项目首先在更高的理论层面上将二者加以整合, 然后采用经典的认知心理学研究方法与现代的眼动研究技术相结合的方法, 通过对文本阅读中时间信息表征性质、加工的维度特征、提取过程的激活与抑制特征等问题的探讨, 为本项目提出的时间信息加工的二阶段模型提供行为实验与眼动实验证据, 从而解决该领域中强印象假设与场景理论的长期争论。本项目的理论构想与研究技术对文本阅读其他问题的探讨具有重要的方法论意义。  相似文献   
While cognitive skill learning is normally acquired implicitly through frontostriatal circuitry in healthy individuals, neuroimaging studies suggest that patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) do so by activating alternate, intact brain areas associated with explicit memory processing. To further test this hypothesis, 10 patients with PD and 12 healthy controls were tested on a modified, learning version of the Tower of London task while undergoing positron emission tomography at four different time points over the course of learning. Despite having less accurate problem solving abilities than controls, PD patients were able to acquire the skill learning task. However, as compared to controls, they maintained higher levels of cerebral blood flow activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and hippocampus and showed an increase in activity in the frontopolar cortex and posterior cingulate over the course of learning. These findings reflect a shift to the explicit memory system in PD patients, enabling them to learn this cognitive skill, which is normally acquired by control subjects using implicit learning strategies and frontostriatal circuitry.  相似文献   
The prediction of events and the creation of expectancies about their time course is a crucial aspect of an infant's mental life, but temporal mechanisms underlying these predictions are obscure. Scalar timing, in which the ratio of mean durations to their standard deviations is held constant, enables a person to use an estimate of the mean for its standard deviation. It is one efficient mechanism that may facilitate predictability and the creation of expectancies in mother-infant interaction. We illustrate this mechanism with the dyadic gaze rhythm of mother and infant looking at and looking away from each other's faces. Two groups of Hi- and Lo-Distress mothers were created using self-reported depression, anxiety, self-criticism and childhood experiences. Lo-Distress infants (controls) used scalar timing 100% of the time, about double that of Hi-Distress infants. Lo-Distress mothers used scalar timing about nine times as much as Hi-Distress mothers. The diminished use of scalar timing patterns in Hi-Distress mothers and infants may make the anticipation of each other's gaze patterns more difficult for both partners.  相似文献   
I engage phenomenological and empirical perspectives on dialogical relations in infancy in a mutually enlightening and challenging relation. On the one hand, the empirical contributions provide evidence for the primacy of first-to-second person interrelatedness in human sociality, as opposed to the claim of primary syncretism heralded by Merleau-Ponty, and also in distinction from the ego-alter ego model routinely used in phenomenology. On the other hand, phenomenological considerations regarding the lived affective experience of dialogical relatedness enrich and render intelligible the psychological accounts of dialogue in terms of observable behavior. Phenomenological and empirical perspectives on dialogical relatedness thus combine to offer an affectively charged and conversationally patterned notion of primary intersubjectivity in the I-you mode.
Beata StawarskaEmail:
Temporal logic is one of the many areas in which a possible world semantics is adopted. Prior's Ockhamist and Peircean semantics for branching-time, though, depart from the genuine Kripke semantics in that they involve a quantification over histories, which is a second-order quantification over sets of possible worlds. In the paper, variants of the original Prior's semantics will be considered and it will be shown that all of them can be viewed as first-order counterparts of the original semantics.  相似文献   
Abstract:  In this study, the relationships between husbands' attitudes towards gender roles and their psychological well-being were examined in 244 middle-aged men who had a working wife. Employment patterns of the wives were separated into full-time employment and part-time employment, and a model showing relationships among factors, such as attitudes towards gender roles, workplace satisfaction, and subjective well-being of the husbands, was created and analyzed using a structural equation model. Attitudes towards gender roles comprised gender conception and the view on gender-based division of work. Husbands with a wife employed part-time that held a stronger gender conception had a lower subjective well-being, mediated by their lower workplace satisfaction. However, the view of husbands with a wife employed full-time on gender-based division of work was directly related to subjective well-being. That is, the husband's subjective well-being was lower when support of gender-based division of work was stronger.  相似文献   
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