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The episodic effect suggests that episodic prospection (imagining future events) can effectively reduce time discounting, the propensity to discount the value of delayed rewards relative to immediate ones. However, less clear is how episodic prospection modulates time preference. As engagement in episodic prospection usually evokes prospective emotions, it was proposed that episodic prospection might work by inducing prospective emotions. Although one previous study has attempted to provide evidence to the emotional account of the episodic effect, shortcomings in its experimental design make its conclusion questionable. In this study, we replicated previous experimental design with improvements to further test the effects of prospective emotion on time preference. By manipulating the emotional valency associated with episodic prospection in a delay discounting task, we found that positive episodic prospection attenuated time discounting; negative episodic prospection exacerbated time discounting; and episodic prospection did not shift time preference when prospective emotion is removed. These results were essentially identical to the result of the previous study. Together, these studies suggested that the effects of episodic prospection depended on prospective emotion. Thus, one cannot ignore prospective emotion if counting on episodic prospection to combat humans’ impulsive behaviours.  相似文献   
We investigated the role of anticipation of feedback in performance and estimation about own performance. We submitted 155 participants to a test of verbal aptitude, and we requested them to give estimations of their own performance and the performance of other participants. There were two treatments: immediate feedback and delayed feedback. Participants in the immediate‐feedback group were informed that they would receive feedback on their performance immediately after finishing the test, whereas participants in the delayed‐feedback group were informed that they would receive feedback a week after taking the test. The immediate‐feedback group performed better than the delayed‐feedback group. Furthermore, the former underestimated their own performance. On the other hand, participants on the delayed‐feedback group made unbiased estimations. We present a mathematical model based on construal‐level theory, decision affect theory, temporal discounting, and Moore and Healy's model of overestimation. The model suggests that the source of differences in performance and in estimations of own performance is a construal of the feedback situation that modifies the expected utility of the task.  相似文献   
The hypothesized role of Broca’s area in sentence processing ranges from domain-general executive function to domain-specific computation that is specific to certain syntactic structures. We examined this issue by manipulating syntactic structure and conflict between syntactic and semantic cues in a sentence processing task. Functional neuroimaging revealed that activation within several Broca’s area regions of interest reflected the parametric variation in syntactic-semantic conflict. These results suggest that Broca’s area supports sentence processing by mediating between multiple incompatible constraints on sentence interpretation, consistent with this area’s well-known role in conflict resolution in other linguistic and non-linguistic tasks.  相似文献   
The word any may appear in some sentences, but not in others. For example, any is permitted in sentences that contain the word nobody, as in Nobody ate any fruit. However, in a minimally different context any seems strikingly anomalous: *Everybody ate any fruit. The aim of the present study was to investigate how the brain responds to the word any in such minimally different contexts - where it is permitted (licensed) and where it is not permitted (unlicensed). Brain responses were measured from adult readers using magnetoencephalography (MEG). The results showed significantly larger responses to permissible contexts in the left posterior temporal areas between 400-500 ms and 590-660 ms. These results clarify the anatomy and timing of brain processes that contribute to our judgment that a word such as any is or is not permitted in a given context.  相似文献   
The primary purpose of this study was to examine, using meta-analytical techniques, the differential effects of differing intensities of acute exercise on speed and accuracy of cognition. Overall, exercise demonstrated a small, significant mean effect size (g = 0.14, p < 0.01) on cognition. Examination of the comparison between speed and accuracy dependent variables showed that speed accounted for most of the effect. For speed, moderate intensity exercise demonstrated a significantly larger mean effect size than those for low and high intensities. For speed of processing during moderate intensity exercise, central executive tasks showed a larger effect size than recall and alertness/attention tasks; and mean effect size for counterbalanced or randomized studies was significantly greater than for studies in which a pre-exercise followed by during or post-exercise protocol was used. There was no significant difference between mean effect sizes when testing took place post-exercise compared to during exercise for speed but accuracy studies demonstrated a significantly larger mean effect size post-exercise. It was concluded that increased arousal during moderate intensity exercise resulted in faster speed of processing. The very limited effect on accuracy may be due to the failure to choose tests which are complex enough to measure exercise-induced changes in accuracy of performance.  相似文献   
Research suggests self-control relies on a limited set of resources that can be diminished by use. Recent theories posit that there are two stages of self-control: recognizing the need for control and implementing controlled responses. We conducted a functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment and an intervention experiment to investigate whether one or both stages were affected by the prior exercise of self-control. Results from both experiments indicated that only the implementation stage was affected. Further, we demonstrate that self-control can be increased by an intervention designed to boost implementation, as opposed to the recognition of the need to control one's responses.  相似文献   
Evidence from past studies indicates that children with traumatic brain injury experience difficulties with inhibitory control. Less is known about inhibitory control in children with frontal brain injury related to cerebral infarction. We compared the inhibitory performance of children with frontal infarcts related to sickle cell disease with that of a control group of children with sickle cell disease but no history of cerebral infarction. On a stimulus-response reversal task, children with frontal infarcts made significantly more accuracy errors in the inhibitory condition than controls. Findings from this study and from previous research suggest that impairments in inhibitory control are common following frontal injury in a range of pediatric populations.  相似文献   
Some aspects of executive function are thought to be dysfunctional in psychopathic individuals. We administered a small battery of neuropsychological tests (spatial alternation task, object alternation task, and Porteus Maze) to two samples of college students and obtained a measure of psychopathy via a self-report questionnaire. Psychopathic traits were related to the tests of object alternation and Porteus Maze but not to the spatial alternation task. Our results support the hypothesis of orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) dysfunction with sparing of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) in psychopathy and provide a downward extension of this theory to sub-clinical levels of psychopathy.  相似文献   
《Estudios de Psicología》2013,34(1):101-110

En los enfermos, las situaciones o estados asociados a una percepción de alargamiento del tiempo transcurrido, se pueden clasificar, de acuerdo con la siguiente taxonomía: a) Una situación presente desagradable; b) Un estado de ánimo angustiado o deprimido; y c) Los tiempos de espera. Cuanto más importante e incierta sea para el enfermo la información, la persona o el acontecimiento que espera, más probable será que se produzca sufrimiento. La percepción subjetiva del tiempo es diferente en pacientes y profesionales sanitarios. Para los primeros el tiempo se alarga; para los segundos, se acorta. Este desfase perceptivo puede dar lugar en los pacientes a un sufrimiento inútil que es necesario eliminar o paliar.  相似文献   

Se analizaron más de 19.000 locuciones de varios signos de un chimpancé de corta edad (Nim), en busca de regularidades sintácticas y de semánticas. Las regularidades léxicas se observaron en el caso de las combinaciones de dos signos: determinados signos (por ejemplo, más) tendían a aparecer en una posición concreta. Estas regularidades no podían atribuirse a la memorización o a los hábitos de poslción, lo que hace pensar en una restricción estructural. Esta conclusión, sin embargo, se rechazó al analizar la grabación video, que mostraba cómo la mayoría de las locuciones de Nim se apoyaban en la locución anterior de su maestro, y que Nim interrumpía a sus maestros mucho más que un niño el lenguaje del adulto. Las expresiones de signos de otros antropoides (como muestran las películas) revelaban pautas similares de diálogo no humano.  相似文献   
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