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The concept of 'object' whether internal or external, is a hold-over from the Enlightenment and from the positivistic certainty of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century science, Its use in current psychoanalytic theory and practice is now obsolete because of the contributions of post-modernism and their emphasis on subjectivity and relativity. In plate of the word 'object', the author favors a return to pre-Enlightenment psychology in order to address the presence and clinical manifestation of what the term 'object' screened, i.e., demons, monsters, chimerae, ghosts, spirits, etc. In terms of external 'objects', he favors such terms as 'persons' or 'subjects', which also reflects an adjustment to the post-modem emphasis on the ineffability of the Other.  相似文献   
本研究以自我调节理论为基础, 探讨团队领导的创新期望差距推进团队突破性创新的过程。根据实验结果以及一项多时点、多来源的问卷调查发现: 创新期望差距对领导创新投入产生U型影响; 领导创新投入中介创新期望差距与团队突破性创新之间的U型关系; 知觉资质过剩和组织晋升标准共同调节创新期望差距通过领导创新投入对团队突破性创新的影响, 具体地, 当领导知觉资质过剩高且组织实行相对晋升标准时, 创新期望差距通过领导创新投入对团队突破性创新施加更强影响。  相似文献   
虚拟团队共享心理模型与团队效能的关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对62个虚拟团队的调研,检验了虚拟团队认同式共享心理模型与分布式共享心理模型构思,并运用多层线性建模技术,对团队特征变量、共享心理模型与虚拟团队效能间的关系进行了分析。结果表明:两类共享心理模型与团队效能间存在显著正相关;团队时间会影响共享心理模型与虚拟团队任务效能间的关系,团队时间会削弱认同式共享心理模型对任务效能间的正向关系,但能加强分布式共享心理模型对任务效能的正面影响;团队规模则主要影响共享心理模型对合作效能的效应,团队规模增加会加强认同式共享心理模型与合作效能间的相关,却会削弱分布式共享心理模型与合作效能间的关系  相似文献   
The study examines how subordinates’ perceptions of justice in Chinese working teams are influenced by the person–team fit (or the misfit) of the supervisor–subordinate guanxi (SSG). We tested our hypotheses on a sample of 1,086 employees from 149 work groups in one state‐owned enterprise; using a combination of cross‐level polynomial regression and response surface analysis. The results showed that subordinates’ perceptions of justice, in terms of procedural, interactional, and distributive justice, were higher when individual SSG was congruent with the average SSG in the team (TSSG) at a high level than when an individual SSG was congruent with TSSG at a low level. Meanwhile, in the misfit situation, subordinates’ perceptions of the three dimensions of justice were higher when the individual SSG relative to TSSG (relative SSG, or RSSG) was surplus (individual SSG exceeded TSSG) versus RSSG deficient (TSSG exceeded individual SSG). Nevertheless, the subordinates’ perceptions of distributive justice were the highest when SSG and TSSG were almost equal in high level, as observed by integrating the fit with the misfit line. These findings highlight the important boundary cultural conditions of the psychological processes of justice and provide useful insights for international managers conducting their business in China.  相似文献   
团队领导行为对团队效能影响之研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对修订的团队领导行为量表和自编的团队效能量表进行了信效度检验,并在此基础上探讨了团队领导行为对团队效能的影响情况。结果表明修订的中文版团队领导行为量表具有良好的结构效度和信度,可分为动机激励、魅力领导、挑战陈规和个别关怀四个维度;团队效能量表同样具有良好的结构效度和信度,可分为任务绩效和周边绩效两个维度。路径分析和多元线性回归分析的结果表明,转换型团队领导行为对周边绩效的影响显著高于对任务绩效的影响;转换型团队领导行为中动机激励、魅力领导和个别关怀这三个维度对团队效能影响显著,而挑战陈规这一维度对团队效能的影响并不显著。  相似文献   
子团队是指在团队断裂带作用下而形成的一种集合体,它是对团队多样化深入探讨后所产生的结果,并已经逐渐成为团队研究的热点。从子团队的定义出发,对子团队的形成基础、类型、作用于绩效的过程变量、对团队结果的影响以及伴随这些环节的调节因素进行论述,并在此基础之上建构了子团队研究框架图。最后提出未来的研究应该对领导、情感、国家背景、社会网络和子团队测度在子团队研究中所扮演的角色做进一步的探索。  相似文献   
为了探讨急性创伤青年患者的心理健康水平及小组干预对策,采用三种国际通用量表(SCL-90、HAMA、HAMD)对160例急性创伤青年患者进行测评,在给予传统心理护理的同时,进行小组干预,然后比较患者干预前后心理健康水平;并以既往同种病例为对照,比较治疗效果。结果显示,86.25%的急性创伤青年患者存在有不同程度的心理障碍。通过小组干预后,患者心理健康水平明显提高;患者的临床疗效明显改善。因此小组干预可显著改善急性创伤青年患者的心理应激水平,提高临床疗效。  相似文献   
张涛 《周易研究》2007,(2):89-91
中华民族是一个富于创新精神的民族,而这种创新精神又与易学有着深深的不解之缘,二者形成了广泛的互动关系。易学中的忧患意识、自强不息精神、包容态度,科学思想及和谐理念等等,都对中华民族创新精神产生了巨大影响,成为中华民族生生不息的动力之源,成为我们建设创新型国家的重要历史资鉴。  相似文献   
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