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采用工作记忆—视觉搜索双任务范式,探讨在非目标工作记忆表征下,颜色关联和抽象关联干扰子的注意捕获和抑制现象。实验一结果发现,颜色关联干扰子在快速反应阶段捕获注意,随后被成功抑制;抽象关联干扰子仍能捕获注意。实验二消除知觉凸显后,结果发现颜色关联条件的抑制消失,干扰子重新捕获注意。结果表明,有效抑制策略受不同关联干扰子加工先后顺序的影响,选择性抑制颜色关联干扰子,而颜色特征的凸显有助于抑制策略形成。  相似文献   
为检验视觉搜索加工过程中目标驱动与刺激驱动的制约关系,本研究采用视觉搜索范式,操作靶目标颜色与样例颜色是否匹配,以及搜索刺激集的样例颜色比例两个搜索难度变量;并根据靶目标兴趣区注视点情况,把搜索策略划分为证实反应与策略反应。结果表明,在搜索难度增加时,证实反应的比例下降,而策略反应的比例上升,这表明搜索策略的转换优化了注意选择功能。  相似文献   
近年来,剖宫产率日益上升,严重影响母婴利益,作为教学医院,也影响产科的临床教学质量。为提高产科质量,确保母婴安全,我们通过回顾性分析发现,胎儿窘迫,胎位异常,巨大儿,社会因素是剖宫产率上升的主要原因。相应对策可以通过加强孕产期宣教,实行镇痛分娩,建立待产、分娩、恢复及产后为一体(labor-delivery-recovery,LDR)分娩模式,提高医护人员助产技术水平,健全法制建设等措施,旨在降低剖宫产率。  相似文献   
加强青年医师素质培养进一步提高临床教学水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨青年医师应具备的临床素质:优秀的道德品质、较高的文化素养、扎实的专业知识、较强的身心素质和不断的创新意识。分析目前存在的问题,高学历与实际能力不符、轻视临床思维分析、功利主义思想严重。指出如何强化青年医师的素质培养,规范化培训、注重学习和实践、制定合理政策。  相似文献   
关于我国临终关怀发展策略的思考   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
随着人口的老龄化,疾病谱和死因顺位的改变,恶性肿瘤等慢性疾病的患病过程和死亡过程明显延长,加上晚期恶性肿瘤患者昂贵的医疗费用与低质量的生存状态,这些都使得临终关怀成为一种迫切的需求.为此探讨我国临终关怀服务存在的主要问题和对策.  相似文献   
The use of an adult as a resource for help and instruction in a problem solving situation was examined in 9, 14, and 18‐month‐old infants. Infants were placed in various situations ranging from a simple means‐end task where a toy was placed beyond infants' prehensile space on a mat, to instances where an attractive toy was placed inside closed transparent boxes that were more or less difficult for the child to open. The experimenter gave hints and modelled the solution each time the infant made a request (pointing, reaching, or showing a box to the experimenter), or if the infant was unable to solve the problem. Infants' success on the problems, sensitivity to the experimenter's modelling, and communicative gestures (requests, co‐occurrence of looking behaviour and requests) were analysed. Results show that older infants had better success in solving problems although they exhibited difficulties in solving the simple means‐end task compared to the younger infants. Moreover, 14‐ and 18‐month‐olds were sensitive to the experimenter's modelling and used her demonstration cues to solve problems. By contrast, 9‐month‐olds did not show such sensitivity. Finally, 9‐month‐old infants displayed significantly fewer communicative gestures toward the adult compared to the other age groups, although in general, all infants tended to increase their frequency of requests as a function of problem difficulty. These observations support the idea that during the first half of the second year infants develop a new collaborative stance toward others. The stance is interpreted as foundational to teaching and instruction, two mechanisms of social learning that are sometime considered as specifically human. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
内隐学习是一种自动的、不易觉察的、对复杂规律敏感的学习,内隐学习与学科教学的结合是近年来内隐学习研究取得的新进展。结合大学英语教学的实际,对内隐学习在大学英语教学中的应用进行了思考并提出了几点认识。  相似文献   
赵婧  王璐  苏彦捷  陈楚侨 《心理学报》2010,42(7):754-767
为考察3~5岁儿童一级观点采择的行为表现与言语报告之间的潜在差异,本研究采用"单面镜"范式设计了两个实验。实验1中,54名儿童成对与实验者一起完成观点采择游戏,逻辑回归分析结果表明3-5岁儿童的行为表现不存在显著差异(B=?0.225,Wald=0.38,p=0.541)。方差分析也没有发现儿童的行为表现和言语报告存在差异。由于实验1中的编码系统存在一些局限,并且缺少对儿童偏好的控制,因此在实验2中进行了改进。实验2选择了另外60名3~5岁儿童完成藏玩具游戏。方差分析发现了实验范式类型(行为表现或言语报告)、年龄和性别的三因素交互作用(F(2,48)=3.55,p=0.037,η2=0.13)。结果表明随着年龄增加,男孩与女孩一级观点采择的行为表现都显著提高,而男孩言语报告的提高程度显著低于女孩。总体而言,考察儿童一级观点采择时,行为表现可能比言语报告提供更多信息。  相似文献   
Temporal discount rates are often poor predictors of behaviors that we expect will be motivated by the future. The current research suggests this may be because conventional discounting measures are poor measures of the motivational value of future rewards. In six studies, I develop motivation-based measures of the present value (PV) of future rewards and compare the PVs obtained with those obtained using conventional money-based discounting measures. Conventional money-based PVs consistently overestimate motivation-based PVs and are discriminable from them. I explore explanations for this mismatch, including timing of effort exertion (Study 2) and loss aversion (Study 3), both features of the motivation-based measures. In Study 5, I use self-reports of valuation strategies and a time pressure manipulation to demonstrate that participants use different valuation strategies in the conventional money-based and the motivation-based measures that, in part, determine the difference in PVs obtained and the relatively low correspondence between them.  相似文献   
Indecisiveness is a trait‐related general tendency to experience decision difficulties across a variety of situations, leading to decision delay, worry, and regret. Indecisiveness is proposed (Rassin, 2007) to be associated with an increase in desire for information acquisition and reliance on compensatory strategies—as evidenced by alternative‐based information search—during decision making. However existing studies provide conflicting findings. We conducted an information board study of indecisiveness, using eye tracking methodology, to test the hypotheses that the relationship between indecisiveness and choice strategy depends on being in the early stage of the decision making process, and that it depends on being in the presence of an opportunity to delay choice. We found strong evidence for the first hypothesis in that indecisive individuals changed shift behavior from the first to the second half of the task, consistent with a move from greater to lesser compensatory processing, while the shift behavior of decisive individuals suggested lesser compensatory processing over the whole task. Indecisiveness was also related to time spent viewing attributes of the selected course, and to time spent looking away from decision information. These findings resolve past discrepancies, suggest an interesting account of how the decision process unfolds for indecisive versus decisive individuals, and contribute to a better understanding of this tendency. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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