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有问卷调查表明,个体的学业成绩特别是数学成绩与前瞻记忆表现有一定的相关,学业不良生报告更多的前瞻记忆失败。也有实验研究显示,学业不良生在很多情况下前瞻记忆表现劣于学优生。但是,影响学业不良生前瞻记忆表现的因素却并不是很明确。本研究从目标显著性和任务重要性这两个可以着手于改善前瞻记忆的主要因素入手,考察其对数学学业不良生和学优生事件性前瞻记忆和前瞻干扰效应的影响,以期为提高学业不良生的前瞻记忆表现提供实证依据。 采用2学业成就(学业不良生、学优生)×2前瞻记忆任务重要性(强调重要、不强调)×2目标显著性(显著、不显著)混合实验设计,目标显著性为被试内变量,其他两个因素为被试间变量,在双任务实验范式(前瞻记忆任务镶嵌于进行中任务)中,考察三个因素对前瞻记忆正确率和反应时的影响。此外,被试还需完成基线条件,在基线条件下被试只有进行中任务,没有前瞻记忆任务,通过实验条件和基线条件的正确率和反应时差异,考察前瞻记忆任务对进行中任务的干扰效应,推测前瞻记忆的加工机制。结果表明,学业不良生在所有前瞻记忆任务表现均劣于学优生;目标显著性与前瞻记忆任务重要性对前瞻记忆正确率有显著的交互作用,强调任务重要性使目标不显著条件下的前瞻记忆正确率提高,对显著条件的前瞻记忆正确率没有影响。强调任务重要性使所有实验条件的前瞻记忆反应时下降,目标显著使所有实验条件的前瞻记忆正确率提高。所有实验条件进行中任务正确率低于基线条件,反应时也慢于基线条件,表明执行前瞻记忆任务对进行中任务产生了干扰,学业不良生和学优生在本实验条件下对前瞻记忆任务均采用监控的加工方式。结果说明,学业不良生前瞻记忆成绩较差,可以通过设置显著的目标提高其前瞻记忆成绩,当目标显著时无需强调其重要性,若无法设置显著的目标,则通过强调任务重要性提高前瞻记忆表现。  相似文献   
启动刺激含有多个靶子条件下的负启动效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王  李丽 《心理科学》2001,24(1):1-4
采用数字命名任务,在通常的负启动范式基础上增加启动刺激靶子数目.进行了两个实验。实验一发现,当启动刺激靶子个数为1个和2个时。出现负启动效应;当启动刺激靶子个数为3个和4个时。则不出现负启动效应。这提示靶子所获注意资源数量的作用。实验二发现.当启动刺激有2个和3个靶子时.如果未被选择来反应的靶子成为探测刺激的靶子,其反应时与控制组无显著差异。即不出现负启动。这表明在启动刺激中未被选择来反应的靶子与干扰项所受到的加工是有差别的。  相似文献   
Resurgence experiments sometimes include an operandum on which a history of reinforcement has not been experimentally established. The purpose of this control operandum is to rule out a generalized increase in responding when the alternative response is extinguished as being the cause of the resurgent target response. A review of the results of experiments conducted with both nonhumans and humans in which a control operandum was included shows that control- operandum responding is more common in the latter and almost nonexistent in the former. Both the presence and absence of responding on the control operandum, however, are subject to multiple interpretations thereby rendering it a compromised tool. Alternatives to using a control operandum to rule out extinction induction as the basis for resurgence include a preresurgence test control procedure and a differential resurgence procedure.  相似文献   
Although different types of prejudice tend to be highly correlated, target‐specific and more generalized components can nevertheless be distinguished. Here, we analyze whether indicators of the intergroup context—threat, contact, and neighborhood composition—predict the target‐specific and/or generalized components of prejudice. Using data from the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study (N = 4629), we build a multilevel model that captures the relationship between social dominance orientation, general levels of neighborhood heterogeneity, symbolic and realistic threat and cross‐group friendship (averaged across target groups), and generalized prejudice. Our model simultaneously estimates the relationship between target‐specific levels of these intergroup context indicators and target‐specific prejudice. Results indicated that social dominance orientation remained the strongest predictor of generalized prejudice when adjusting for other variables and that indicators of the intergroup context primarily explain differences between target group ratings. Aggregate levels of cross‐group friendship also had a small effect on generalized prejudice.  相似文献   
FOK产生机制的重新检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以中文低频字对为学习材料,采用被试内设计的方法对FOK产生机制,即靶项目强度、线索熟悉性以及两者之间联系强度对FOK的影响进行了重新检验。实验结果表明:单独的靶项目强度对FOK判断没有影响,而单独的线索熟悉性对FOK判断存在影响,线索与靶项目联结强度对FOK判断存在影响。线索熟悉性和联结强度对FOK的影响可能相互独立。  相似文献   
语词遮蔽效应(verbal overshadowing effect,VOE)是指语词化描述对非语言认知的阻碍效应。研究者发现影响语词遮蔽效应的因素有:时间因素、言语描述任务、分心任务、再认测验、个体差异等。现有的有关语词遮蔽效应的解释理论有三种:记录干扰理论、不合适的加工转换迁移理论和标准转换理论。未来的研究应着重探讨言语描述影响了知觉内容还是提取线索等内容  相似文献   
执行功能子成分与学业成就的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨执行功能三个子成分(抑制功能、转换功能和信息刷新功能)与学业成就的关系。方法:采用认知任务对85名大学生的执行功能子成分进行测量,并进行执行功能子成分的Stroop效应、转换任务效应及信息刷新任务效应对学业成就的逐步回归分析。结果:抑制子功能的Stroop效应及信息刷新子功能的任务效应对学业成就具有负向预测作用,两者共同解释学业成就变异的15.1%。其中,抑制子功能的Stroop效应预测作用最大,可解释学业成就变异的8.5%。结论:执行功能抑制子功能的Stroop效应及信息刷新子功能的任务效应可作为学业成就的预测因子。  相似文献   
The current study addressed the role of switch detection in cognitive flexibility by testing the effect of transition cues (i.e., cues that directly signal the need to switch or maintain a given task goal) in a cued set-shifting paradigm at 5 years of age. Children performed better, especially on switch trials, when transition cues were combined with traditional task cues (i.e., cues that directly signal the relevant task on a given trial) relative to conditions without transition cues. This effect was not influenced by explicit knowledge of transition cues or transition cue transparency, suggesting that transition cues did not need to be semantically processed to be beneficial. These findings reveal that young children’s difficulties in set-shifting situations stem partially from failures to monitor for the need to switch.  相似文献   
Executive functions and extraversion have been linked to similar neurological substrates. Participants were tested on a variety of tasks that assessed performance on three components of executive functioning (i.e., shifting, updating, and inhibition) and two measures of extraversion (Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised and Carver and White’s BIS/BAS scales). More extraverted participants showed different patterns of executive function performance than the more introverted participants. Extraverts performed best on more difficult tasks and on updating tasks. Conversely, introverts performed best on set shifting tasks. These results suggest that executive functioning strengths differ based on degree of extraversion.  相似文献   
EGFR抗肿瘤靶向治疗药物临床疗效存在明显个体差异,与其疗效敏感性相关的预测标志物能指导临床用药,成为临床关注的热点,本文从哲学的角度思考靶向治疗敏感性预测指标与恶性肿瘤的关系,试图以此为指导,更好地加强临床用药的预见性。  相似文献   
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