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我国人体器官捐赠移植立法问题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对我国人体器官捐赠移植立法的必要性和立法模式问题,以及我国人体器官捐赠移植法的体系和基本原则进行深入研究,指出我国人体器官捐赠移植立法宜采用统一立法模式,并遵循知情同意、人民健康第一、效用与公平、规范程序与便于操作、违法必究五项原则。  相似文献   
循证医学与靶向治疗均透露着哲学的智慧,体现着哲学思想。循证医学符合现代医学科学性、先进性、系统性要求,集中体现了科学的医学认识论和实践观:靶向冶疗理论认为疾病的产生有具体的原因,最好的治疗是从病因学的角度,从基因蛋白的水平找准靶点进行治疗,靶向治疗理论贯穿了唯物主义可知论的观点。在心血管病治疗的临床实践中我们应当将循证医学与靶向治疗两者有机地统一,通过优势互补,取长补短,弥补两种方法各自的不足,发扬其长处,共同促进心血管病治疗学的发展。  相似文献   
我国人体器官移植的社会支持系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
供体来源不足严重制约了我国器官移植事业的发展。有鉴于此,建立一个非技术的人体器官移植的社会支持系统对促进我国器官移植事业的发展将具有重要意义。通过对该系统各组成部分如法律法规系统、组织管理系统、宣传教育系统、补偿系统的研究,旨在对我国器官移植事业的发展有所裨益。  相似文献   
采用条文比较与法理分析方法,对我国大陆和台湾地区的《人体器官移植条例》进行比较,主要就立法目的、立法调整范围、人体器官自愿捐献、禁止人体器官商业交易、医疗机构与人员的准入和退出、违反人体器官移植之规定的法律责任等问题作了探讨与分析。本研究将为我国大陆地区的具体立法探索一些有价值的意见与建议。  相似文献   
非小细胞肺癌靶向药物治疗争论热点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非小细胞肺癌作为全球和我国发病率最高、死亡人数最多的恶性肿瘤,其药物治疗始终是临床肿瘤学界高度关注的焦点之一。肿瘤的药物治疗模式从单纯以细胞毒药物杀伤肿瘤逐步向调节信号传导通路转变,分子靶向药物日益成为治疗肿瘤的重要武器。回顾肺癌靶向治疗的进展,诸多问题需要解决。  相似文献   
A right-neglect patient with focal left-hemisphere damage to the posterior superior parietal lobe was assessed for numerical knowledge and tested on the bisection of numerical intervals and visual lines. The semantic and verbal knowledge of numbers was preserved, whereas the performance in numerical tasks that strongly emphasize the visuo-spatial layout of numbers (e.g. number bisection) was impaired. The behavioral pattern of error in the two bisection tasks mirrored the one previously described in left-neglect patients. In other words, our patient misplaced the subjective midpoint (numerical or visual) to the left as function of the interval size. These data, paired with the patient's lesion site are strictly consistent with the tripartite organization of number-related processes in the parietal lobes as proposed by Dehaene and colleagues. According to these authors, the posterior superior parietal lobe on both hemispheres underpins the attentional orientation on the putative mental number line, the horizontal segment of the intraparietal sulcus is bilaterally related to the semantic of the numerical domain, whereas the left angular gyrus subserves the verbal knowledge of numbers. In summary, our results suggest that the processes involved in the navigation along the mental number line, which are related to the parietal mechanisms for spatial attention, and the processes involved in the semantic and verbal knowledge of numbers, are dissociable.  相似文献   
本研究随机挑选了15名因外伤而造成的前额叶损害者和15名正常成人,采用韦氏成人智力量表和自编的图片分类作业,考查了他们在一般智力、认知策略与自我监控能力方面的差异,研究结果表明:(1)前额叶损害对个体的一般智力产生显著的影响,但是其智力仍然处于正常范围,可见智力的脑结构范围极为广泛,智力是一个具有多重性的系统。(2)前额叶损害者对无关刺激的抑制,对有效信息的提取与加工放大的心理活动受到极大影响,认知策略转换能力明显低于正常人,表现出了明显的认知不随意性,额叶可能更多的与个体的计划、认知策略选择、自我监控密切相关;(3)前额叶损害者对具体概念与抽象概念的自我监控能力表现出了不同的影响,对前者的损害显著大于后者,这表明个体依据具体概念进行的形象思维与凭借抽象概念进行的逻辑思维有不同的脑机制。  相似文献   
Semantic understanding of numbers and related concepts can be dissociated from rote knowledge of arithmetic facts. However, distinctions among different kinds of semantic representations related to numbers have not been fully explored. Working with numbers and arithmetic requires representing semantic information that is both analogue (e.g., the approximate magnitude of a number) and symbolic (e.g., what / means). In this article, the authors describe a patient (MC) who exhibits a dissociation between tasks that require symbolic number knowledge (e.g., knowledge of arithmetic symbols including numbers, knowledge of concepts related to numbers such as rounding) and tasks that require an analogue magnitude representation (e.g., comparing size or frequency). MC is impaired on a variety of tasks that require symbolic number knowledge, but her ability to represent and process analogue magnitude information is intact. Her deficit in symbolic number knowledge extends to a variety of concepts related to numbers (e.g., decimal points, Roman numerals, what a quartet is) but not to any other semantic categories that we have tested. These findings suggest that symbolic number knowledge is a functionally independent component of the number processing system, that it is category specific, and that it is anatomically and functionally distinct from magnitude representations.  相似文献   
归因过程“背景效应假设”的初步实验研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过两个实验考证了归因过程的“背景效应假设”:实验1表明,当要求活动者和观察者采用同样的背景事件时.他们之间的归因差异消失了;实验2表明,当有其它的背景信息可供参考时,被试就不再完全按照Kelley所假定的一致性和区别性信息进行归因推断。  相似文献   
以汉语单字词为材料,通过颜色来区分目标和分心物,采用过程分离程序,直接探讨了目标激活与分心物抑制和意识、无意识过程之间的关系。结果表明,(1)靶词充当分心物时,不仅意识过程存在的概率降低,无意识过程存在的概率也降低。这一结果说明,在选择性注意任务中,信息是有关还是无关,并不能分离意识和无意识过程;(2)靶词充当目标时,加工水平影响Pc,但不影响Pu,而靶词充当分心物时,加工水平既不影响Pc,也不影响Pu。因此,加工水平能否分离意识和无意识过程,依赖于靶词的作用或信息是否有关  相似文献   
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