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The aim of this cohort study was to investigate factors that might cause a shift in morningness–eveningness personality. A large sample of Norwegian nurses (n = 1144) participated in a longitudinal survey study about life- and work factors, symptoms of anxiety and depression, and habits such as smoking, caffeine- and alcohol consumption. A hierarchical regression analysis was employed to determine if these variables had predictive value concerning changes in morningness assessed with the Diurnal Type Scale (DTS) over a 24-month interval. The results showed that percentage of full time equivalent, having children (or having children move in), and female gender all predicted higher scores on the morningness scale over time. Also, factors such as number of night shifts during the past two years, whether the subject had started smoking and higher alcohol consumption by the subject all predicted lower scores on the morningness scale over time.  相似文献   
Effects of d-amphetamine, chlorpromazine, and chlordiazepoxide on lever pressing under direct control of spaced-responding schedules were compared with effects on intercurrent drinking and wheel running in the rat. Drug effects on lever pressing were systematically related to dose and were consistent for all animals; drug effects on intercurrent behavior were generally different for each animal. In the case of lever presses, increasing doses of d-amphetamine first increased and then decreased response rate, increasing doses of chlorpromazine produced graded decreases in response rate, and doses of chlordiazepoxide up to 40 mg/kg produced no effect on response rate. These data are discussed in context with the concept of schedule control, and it is suggested that the behavioral pharmacology of intercurrent behavior be explored as a useful procedure in the experimental analysis of intercurrent behavior.  相似文献   
Pigeons acquired a different four-response chain each session by responding sequentially on three keys in the presence of a sequence of four colors. The response chain was maintained by food presentation under a fixed-ratio schedule. Errors produced a brief timeout but did not reset the chain. Each day there were four 15-minute sessions, with a 10-minute inter-session interval. Cumulative dose-effect curves for phencyclidine, pentobarbital, and d-amphetamine were obtained by giving an injection before each of the four sessions; successive injections increased the cumulative dose in equally spaced logarithmic steps. For comparison, non-cumulative doses of each drug (i.e., doses not preceded by other doses on the same day) were also tested. As the cumulative dose of each drug increased, the overall response rate decreased, the percent errors increased, and there was less within-session error reduction (acquisition). With phencyclidine and pentobarbital, the rate-decreasing and error-increasing effects tended to be greater with a non-cumulative dose than with the corresponding cumulative dose. In contrast, with d-amphetamine, the effects were considerably greater with the cumulative doses. The results indicate that although the cumulative-dosing procedure saved a substantial amount of time in determining dose-effect curves, there were quantitative differences in effects between cumulative and non-cumulative doses.  相似文献   
Pigeons were trained on a multiple schedule in which each component consisted of concurrent variable-interval (VI) 30-s VI 60-s schedules. The two components of the multiple schedule differed only in terms of the changeover delays (COD): For one component short CODs were employed, and in the second component long CODs were used. After approximate matching was obtained in each component, probe tests involving new combinations of stimuli were presented (e.g., the VI 30-s schedule from each component) to determine how the different CODs affected preference. Despite shorter CODs producing higher changeover rates, the COD value had no systematic effect on preference on the probe trials. However, differences in reinforcement rate always produced preference for the schedule with the higher reinforcement rate. The results thus show that the the pattern of changeover behavior per se is not a critical determinant of choice in the probe-trial procedure.  相似文献   
This experiment examined the relationship between reinforcer magnitude and quantitative measures of performance on progressive‐ratio schedules. Fifteen rats were trained under a progressive‐ratio schedule in seven phases of the experiment in which the volume of a 0.6‐M sucrose solution reinforcer was varied within the range 6–300 μl. Overall response rates in successive ratios conformed to a bitonic equation derived from Killeen's (1994) Mathematical Principles of Reinforcement. The “specific activation” parameter, a, which is presumed to reflect the incentive value of the reinforcer, was a monotonically increasing function of reinforcer volume; the “response time” parameter, δ, which defines the minimum response time, increased as a function of reinforcer volume; the “currency” parameter, b, which is presumed to reflect the coupling of responses to the reinforcer, declined as a function of volume. Running response rate (response rate calculated after exclusion of the postreinforcement pause) decayed monotonically as a function of ratio size; the index of curvature of this function increased as a function of reinforcer volume. Postreinforcement pause increased as a function of ratio size. Estimates of a derived from overall response rates and postreinforcement pauses showed a modest positive correlation across conditions and between animals. Implications of the results for the quantification of reinforcer value and for the use of progressive‐ratio schedules in behavioral neuroscience are discussed.  相似文献   
Choice typically is studied by exposing organisms to concurrent variable-interval schedules in which not only responses controlled by stimuli on the key are acquired but also switching responses and likely other operants as well. In the present research, discriminated key-pecking responses in pigeons were first acquired using a multiple schedule that minimized the reinforcement of switching operants. Then, choice was assessed during concurrent-probe periods in which pairs of discriminative stimuli were presented concurrently. Upon initial exposure to concurrently presented stimuli, choice approximated exclusive preference for the alternative associated with the higher reinforcement frequency. Concurrent schedules were then implemented that gave increasingly greater opportunities for switching operants to be conditioned. As these operants were acquired, the relation of relative response frequency to relative reinforcement frequency converged toward a matching relation. An account of matching with concurrent schedules is proposed in which responding exclusively to the discriminative stimulus associated with the higher reinforcement frequency declines as the concurrent stimuli become more similar and other operants-notably switching-are acquired and generalize to stimuli from both alternatives. The concerted effect of these processes fosters an approximate matching relation in commonly used concurrent procedures.  相似文献   
Five rats and 4 pigeons responded for food delivered by several concurrent variable-interval schedules. The sum of the rates of reinforcement programmed for the two components varied from 15 to 480 reinforcers per hour in different conditions. Rates of responding usually changed within the experimental session in a similar manner for the two components of each concurrent schedule. The within-session changes were similar to previously reported changes during simple schedules that provided rates of reinforcement equal to the sum of all reinforcers obtained from the concurrent schedules. The number of changeovers also changed within sessions in a manner similar to the changes in instrumental responding. These results suggest that changeovers are governed by the same variables that govern instrumental responding. They also suggest that the within-session change in responding during each component of a concurrent schedule is determined by approximately the sum of the reinforcers obtained from both components when both components provide the same type of reinforcer.  相似文献   
高湘萍 《心理科学》2000,23(2):184-188
2个实验对PDP的启动型实验程序与Richardson-Klavehn的修正模型进行了比较研究,通过对指示语的操纵,考察提取策略是否完全受意志控制,以及注意水平、刺激材料、测验类型、加工水平对被试作业的影响.结果发现刺激材料对有意识控制记忆的实验结果影响很大,对PDP的无意识自动加工参数无影响;启动型实验程序的结果与PDP理论相当一致;提取策略不一定是受意志精确控制的.  相似文献   
Lever pressing by 4 squirrel monkeys was maintained under a three-component multiple fixed-ratio schedule of food presentation; components differed with respect to ratio size. For each monkey, acute administration of cocaine (0.03 to 1.3 mg/kg, i.m.) produced dose-dependent decreases in overall response rate in each component. During repeated daily administration of 1.0 mg/kg of cocaine, tolerance developed to the rate-decreasing effects under each of the ratio contingencies, but developed to a greater extent and was evident in earlier parts of sessions for performance under the smaller ratios. Response rates of 2 monkeys increased above nondrug control levels despite the putative reinforcer not being consumed during the session. When saline or a smaller dose of cocaine was substituted for 1.0 mg/kg, response rates often were suppressed below nondrug control-level responding. This suppressive effect was observed in each monkey and was more likely to be observed and/or to be of greater magnitude in large-ratio components for 3 of the 4 monkeys. When saline was administered chronically at the end of the chronic-drug phase, response rates remained suppressed in the large-ratio component for 2 of the monkeys. There was, therefore, a schedule-dependent dissociation between behavioral tolerance and the residual effects: Tolerance was greater when small ratios were arranged, whereas the residual effects were more pronounced when larger ratios were arranged.  相似文献   
Pigeons chose between two alternatives that differed in the probability of reinforcement and the delay to reinforcement. A peck on the red key always produced a delay of 5 s and then a possible reinforcer. The probability of reinforcement for responding on this key varied from .05 to 1.0 in different conditions. A response on the green key produced a delay of adjustable duration and then a possible reinforcer, with the probability of reinforcement ranging from .25 to 1.0 in different conditions. The green-key delay was increased or decreased many times per session, depending on a subject's previous choices. The purpose of these adjustments was to estimate an indifference point, or a delay that resulted in a subject's choosing each alternative about equally often. In conditions where the probability of reinforcement was five times higher on the green key, the green-key delay averaged about 12 s at the indifference point. In conditions where the probability of reinforcement was twice as high on the green key, the green-key delay at the indifference point was about 8 s with high probabilities and about 6 s with low probabilities. An analysis based on these results and those from studies on delay of reinforcement suggests that pigeons' choices are relatively insensitive to variations in the probability of reinforcement between .2 and 1.0, but quite sensitive to variations in probability between .2 and 0.  相似文献   
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