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工作应激与个体归因特点关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏丽娜  刘永芳 《心理科学》2006,29(4):826-829
工作应激一直是组织行为中的热点问题,但综观前人研究,很少有研究者从归因的视角揭示其产生过程。本研究从个体的应激源感受性出发,探讨了个体归因特点与其工作应激的关系,建构了相应的模型,并结合压力管理问题,对研究进行了有益展望。  相似文献   
成功的新产品开发是企业获取竞争优势的重要因素,但创新产品并非总能得到市场的接受,大多数的新产品扩散往往以失败告终。因此,业界和学界对新产品采纳问题进行了诸多探索。新产品采纳过程是指创新产品从被设计制造出来,到最终被消费者或潜在消费者认识和采用的过程。对相关研究综述发现:以Rogers创新扩散模型为依据,按采纳时间和特征的不同,新产品采纳者可以系统分为早期采纳者和晚期采纳者,二者之间主要从创新性、产品理解和易感性三个维度进行区分。具体来说,早期采纳者具有高创新性、高产品理解和低易感性;晚期采纳者具有低创新性、低产品理解和高易感性。在此基础上,我们探究了各维度下影响消费者新产品采纳的具体因素。未来研究可以从这三个维度出发,结合已有研究的不足以及当前环境、消费特点等进行拓展。  相似文献   
Prior research indicates that early pubertal timing is associated with aggressive behavior, particularly in the context of adversity as postulated in the contextual amplification hypothesis. However, few studies have examined harsh parenting as the context for the effect of early pubertal timing. Even fewer studies have tested the interactive effect of early pubertal timing and positive parenting on aggressive behavior. In this study, we tested the proposition that early pubertal timing, contrary to the general conception of it as a vulnerability, indexed susceptibility, and thus early maturing individuals were affected more by their environment in a “for better and for worse” manner. The sample consisted of 411 community‐recruited youth aged 11–12 years (51% boys, 80% African Americans). Participants reported Tanner Stages of pubertal development, aggressive behavior and harsh parenting practice of their parents. Puberty scores were standardized with groups of the same age, sex, and ethnicity, and those that scored the top one‐third were defined as early maturing individuals. Parents reported youth's aggressive behavior and their parenting practices towards the youth, including harsh parenting and positive parenting. Early pubertal timing significantly moderated the relationship between harsh/positive parenting and aggressive behavior. Specifically, harsh parenting was positively associated with aggressive behavior to a larger degree among early maturing individuals than among on‐time/late‐maturing individuals. Positive parenting was inversely associated with aggressive behavior but only among early maturing individuals. This study is the first to document support for early pubertal timing as susceptibility to the environmental influences in relation to aggressive behavior. Theoretical and intervention implications are discussed.
本研究以226名学前儿童和其父母为研究对象,从儿童气质-家庭环境交互作用的视角,采用父母报告的方法收集数据,考察了父母心理控制及儿童消极情绪性对儿童问题行为的共同作用。结果发现:在预测外化问题时,父亲和母亲心理控制的主效应均显著,同时父亲心理控制与儿童消极情绪性的交互作用也显著。显著性区域分析发现,高消极情绪性的学前儿童更易受高父亲心理控制的不利影响,也更易受低父亲心理控制的有利影响,该结果支持差别易感性模型;在预测内化问题时,父亲和母亲心理控制的主效应及其与儿童消极情绪性的交互作用均不显著,说明无论是对高消极情绪性还是低消极情绪性儿童,父母心理控制对其内化问题的影响相对较弱。  相似文献   
The aim of the current study was to examine the antecedents of susceptibility to pseudoscientific information. Participants were asked to assess their perceived probability of and familiarity with statements containing popular science misconceptions and pseudoscientific claims, which were fabricated for the study. Measures of scientific literacy, moral inclinations, need for closure, and a set of additional variables were collected. Analysis of the results showed that susceptibility to known pseudoscientific theories predicted falling for novel unwarranted claims. Scientific literacy strongly predicted lower pseudoscience susceptibility of all types. Finally, participants' moral inclinations were found to be a strong predictor of different types of pseudoscientific statements.  相似文献   

The links between Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) and temperament received relatively little research attention, in spite of their clinical and social relevance. Children with RAD sustain disproportionate burdens of early adversity related to their caregiving environment. However, there seem to be important individual differences in susceptibility to adversity, since only a small number of children show signs of RAD. Based on the work of Zeanah and Fox, this review aims to bring new insights to this relevant clinical issue in light of recent research. A differential susceptibility hypothesis will be considered as a promising and innovative approach toward a further understanding of the links between temperament and RAD.  相似文献   
Objective: This study examines the effects of a mammography decision intervention on perceived susceptibility to breast cancer (PSBC) and emotion and investigates how these outcomes predict mammography intentions.

Design: Randomised between-subjects online experiment. Participants were stratified into two levels of risk. Within each stratum, conditions included a basic information condition and six decision intervention conditions that included personalised risk estimates and varied according to a 2 (amount of information: brief vs. extended) × 3 (format: expository vs. untailored exemplar vs. tailored exemplar) design. Participants included 2465 US women ages 35–49.

Main Outcome Measures: PSBC as a percentage, PSBC as a frequency, worry, fear and mammography intentions.

Results: The intervention resulted in significant reductions in PSBC as a percentage for women in both strata and significant increases in worry and fear for women in the upper risk stratum. Of the possible mediators examined, only PSBC as a percentage was a consistent mediator of the effect of the intervention on mammography intentions.

Conclusion: The results provide insight into the mechanism of action of the intervention by showing that PSBC mediated the effects of the intervention on mammography intentions.  相似文献   

该研究旨在编制情绪感染问卷并探讨问卷的信度与效度,问卷以Doherty编制的《情绪感染问卷》(the emotional contagion scale)作为蓝本,删除了不适合东方文化的项目,增加了符合中国人的情绪情境和展现情绪方式的项目,经过预测修订后,最终问卷包含5个维度25个项目,正式施测共回收747份有效问卷,并对数据进行了信效度检验。结果表明,探索性因素分析KMO为0.802,总问卷的标准化的Cronbach’sα系数为0.852,项目分析表明项目的鉴别指数D值在0.340~0.479之间,验证性因素分析具有较好的模型拟合度,问卷的重测信度与效标关联效度均达到显著水平。情绪感染问卷的信效度均达到了测量学的要求。  相似文献   
王美萍  纪林芹  张文新 《心理学报》2015,47(10):1260-1268
以683名男青少年为被试(初次测评时M = 13.35岁; SD = 0.51), 综合运用传统回归分析和新兴显著性区域检验, 考察了MAOA基因rs6323多态性与同伴关系对青少年早期抑郁的交互作用及其表现形式。结果表明:当同伴接纳水平较低时, G等位基因携带者的抑郁水平表现出高于T等位基因携带者的趋势, 当同伴接纳水平较高时, G型基因携带者的抑郁水平显著低于T等位基因携带者; 同伴接纳可以显著预测G等位基因携带者的抑郁, 但对T等位基因携带者的抑郁无显著预测作用; rs6323多态性与同伴拒绝的交互作用亦不显著。研究结果提示, 同伴关系对MAOA基因与男青少年早期抑郁的关联起调节作用, 且其作用形式部分支持不同易感性模型观点。  相似文献   
情绪易感性辨析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蒋重清  杨丽珠 《心理科学》2006,29(3):668-670
从个性视角看情绪-认知关系从而提出情绪易感性概念,专指人们在执行认知活动时受其情绪影响的程度特征,而区分于情绪敏感性、情绪性、情绪风格、情绪调节等概念。对涉及情绪易感性的情绪启动研究、情绪STROOP研究和神经心理学研究等进行了简要回顾。指出需要整合行为和生理水平,研究情绪易感性的发生发展机制及与其他心理现象的关系。  相似文献   
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